2 November 2020

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Billinghay Parish Council which will be held remotely via MS 365 Teams on Monday 2 November at 7pm. Public and press are welcome to attend. Please click on the link below to join meeting.



Carol Willingham

Clerk /RFP to Council


Carol Willingham


26 October 2020



1.  To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

2.  To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

3.  To approve as a correct record the notes of the ordinary meeting held on 5 October 2020 minutes.

4. To receive an update on the vacancies for Parish Councillors

5. To review and rename the following Parish Council committees: -

a. Qiscom (Finance and Policy); b. Burials and Cemetery (Environment); c. Allotments (Environment); d. Planning (remain as planning); e. Human Resources; f. Emergency Planning

g. Events and Community; h. Neighbourhood Planning

6. To agree councillor membership of the following Parish Council committees:

      a. Policy and Finance

      b. Environment 

      c. Planning

      d. HR

      e. Events and Community.

      f. Emergency Planning

      g. Neighbourhood Planning

7.  To consider a review of the Billinghay Times Newsletter 

8. To consider a review of the Emergency Plan: 

9. To consider the arrangements for celebrating Christmas and agree any expenditure for installing battery lights on trees around the village.

10. To consider the review of the Neighbourhood Plan due in 2021. To agree next actions.

11. Finances

a. To approve payments made since the last meeting held on (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting)5 October 2020.

b. To accept Accounts quarter ended 30 September a true record of the Council’s finances.

c.  To review the completion of Audit for year end 31 March 2020

12. To receive an update on the Community Speed watch by Councillor Cassidy  

14. Clerk’s Report (Circulated prior to meeting.)

15. Planning Matters:                    

a. Planning Applications received:

20/1245/FUL Tegan Harrison Place Tattershall Bridge: Demolition of existing workshop/garage/office/store and erection of one dwelling and garage.

16. To receive Councillors’ Reports - For information only. Any items for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Reports from County 16 Councillor & District Councillors (if in attendance)

17. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the follow legal and staffing matters. (Should this resolution be passed, members of the press and public will be required to leave the meeting. The meeting will end and a further meeting of the Council will be convened immediately.)

18. To receive and update on the farming allotments.

19. To receive an update on The Pinfold.

20. To consider the Local Government Pay award for year 2020/2021 for the Clerk /RFO and office admin staff and approve the back pay to April 2020.

End of agenda.