5 October 2020

Dear Councillor NOTICE OF an Online COUNCIL MEETING via Teams

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the above-named Council which will be held via remote contact on Monday 5 October at 7pm. Public and press welcome to attend.

Due to time restrictions the Public forum will be reduced to 5 mins. 

Carol Willingham    Clerk/RFO to Council


1.  To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

2.  To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members Register of Interests and any written requests   for dispensation.

3.  Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors (if in attendance)

4. To agree notes for meetings held 14 September as a true record and minutes.

5.  Parish Council Vacancies: Mr. Burke attending this meeting to observe, as he is interested in being co-opted to join the council.

6.  To review and adopt the grant application and policy and closing date (usually 31 Oct) and consider if PC should ask for safeguarding policies from applicants?

7.  To agree a rolling programme of reviewing policies and to agree committee meeting dates.  

8.  To agree a date for QISCOM meeting prior to finance meeting on 16 November

9.  To consider ideas for projects for financial year 2021and the best way to consult with residents. 

10. To consider ways to celebrate Christmas 2020 following the cancellation of the Christmas tree lighting ceremony and agree any expenditure.

11.  To agree wreath laying for Remembrance Sunday.     

12.  Emergency Plan Review: To agree to defer, during Pandemic with review end March 2021    

13.  Neighbourhood Plan Review due in 2021. To consider deferring action during Pandemic and to review end March 2021.    

14.  Finances

a. To approve payments (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting)

b. To agree any expenditure arising from agenda items this meeting 

15.  Community Speed watch: Cllr Cassidy    

16.  Clerks’ Report circulated prior to meeting.

17. Speed Indicator Device: To agree committee to operate S.I.D.

18.  Planning Matters:                    

       i)  Planning Applications received:

                20/1097/HOUS 10 Princess Square extensions and garden room part retrospective. Comments by 24 October.

                20/1115/RESM Sundown Tattershall Road Reserved Matters application for Erection of replacement dwelling. Comments by 11 October.

       ii) Planning Applications approved:

                  20/0142/OUT 69 Walcott Road Billinghay

                  Proposal:  Outline application for the demolition of the existing bungalow and the Erection of 2no. new dormer bungalows with means of access, and layout to be considered

19. Cllrs Reports and items for next agenda.