5 February 2024

Notice of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council      

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Billinghay Parish Council which will be held at the schoolroom Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 5 February  2024 at 7pm. Public and press are welcome to attend for a short session prior to the meeting.


Helen Key


Parish Clerk/RFO


31 January 2024


1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.                                                                            

2.  To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

3.  To receive reports from County and District Councillors.

4.  To accept the notes from the Meeting held 8 January 2024 as Minutes and a true record.   

5.  Matters arising and Clerk’s reports

6. Correspondence

Items forwarded: NALC Bulletins, NKDC Lottery Fund, Central Lincs Plan, NKDC & SKDC Police Engagement, Planning Applications/decisions.

7.  LCC Highways

Skirth Bridge Road Closure

8. Planning

a) Consider from RPS Group (representing Current applicant) for confirmation BPC are no longer pursuing any plans or proposals of the site (Old Lafford School site). Case officer for Planning application 22/0629/FUL requires this in writing.

b) review position re extension to dwelling on Walcott Road – TC investigating.  

9. Finance.

a. To approve payments made during January 2024 (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting).

b. To approve quarter ending December 2023 Accounts (circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting).

c. To approve purchase of litter bin liner.

10. Review cemetery policy on Ashes Burials

11. Conservation

Consider possibility of aligning conservation review with Neighbourhood Plan refresh

12. To approve the specification for grass-cutting tenders.

13. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for next meeting.

Billinghay Parish Office ∙Ringmoor Close ∙Ringmoor House ∙Billinghay ∙Lincs ∙LN4 4EYEmail info@billinghay-pc.gov.uk         Mobile 07483 346143