9 October 2023

Notice of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council      

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Billinghay Parish Council which will be held at the schoolroom Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 9 October 2023 at 7pm. Public and press are welcome to attend for a short session prior to the meeting.


Andrew Everard


Acting Clerk


Oct 2023


1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.                                                                            

2.  To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

3. To receive reports from County and District Councillors.

4. To accept the notes from the Meeting held 4 September 2023 as Minutes and a true record.   

5.  Matters arising and Clerk’s reports

6. Correspondence

Items forwarded: NALC Bulletins, Newsletters & Event Info., Planning Applications, NKDC Newsletter, Litter Picking Grant, Letter from J Twells, NKDC Invitation to Parish Engagement Event, Grant Applications (Nov AFM), Litter Picking Voluntary Work, Lincs Air Ambulance.

7. LCC Highways updates            

a. 30 mph sign Location – Mill Lane/Causeway – see AC email.

b. SID – update

8. Planning Applications to consider as Statutory consultee


22/1631/DISCON          Park Lane, Billinghay.                 Amended Plans

23/0796/VARCON        92 Walcott Road                         Approval of amended plans

22/0503/OUT                 73 Fen Road                                 Appeal decision

9. Finance.

a. To approve payments made during September 2023 (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting).

b. Review signatories on Lloyds and PSDF accounts.

c. Review estimates for fitting of new defibrillator

d. Litter Picking Grant.

10. Conservation – discuss email from Conservation Officer with view to arranging a separate meeting or attendance at a Parish Council Meeting.

11. Clerk Recruitment – update

12. Office Lease – update – see AC email forwarded 2 October

13. Christmas Tree Blessing Update

14. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for next meeting.

15. To consider and resolve to exclude the press and public to discuss confidential matters relating to individuals in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

16. To approve the recommendations in the Acting Clerk’s report on the changes to the Settlement Agreement detailed in the minutes of the 3rd of July 2023.


Billinghay Parish Office ∙Ringmoor Close ∙Ringmoor House ∙Billinghay ∙Lincs ∙LN4 4EY

Email info@billinghay-pc.gov.uk        Mobile 07483 346143