2 March 2020

Date: 20 February 2020          




I hereby give you notice of a meeting of Billinghay Parish Council will be held at Ringmoor Lounge on Monday 2 March 2020 at 7pm. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend and may ask questions or make short statements at this time. All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend to consider and resolve the business transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder. C Willingham Clerk/RFO

There will be a 15 minute Public Session to allow members of the public to speak


1. Receive apologies for absence and reasons given i.a.w. LGA 1972.Sch12,para 40


2. Receive Declarations of interest and consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPI’s. Disclosure of Pecuniary and non-Pecuniary interests is to be based upon agenda items or at any suitable time during the meeting when it be-comes apparent to a member.


3. To accept notes of PC meeting held 3 February as Minutes and a true record.


4. To discuss/agree arrangements for Annual Parish Meeting


5. To request/receive an update on Highway and Police Matters


6. To request/receive a report from Planning Committee: Cllr Bell

a. Received Applications: 20/0173/ VARCON Land Adjacent To Bridge Farm

b. Approved Applications: 19/1675/HOUS 30 Field Road


7. To request/receive update from the Environment Committee including Burial and Allotment matters

a. To agree meeting date for Environment Committee


8. To consider any VE Day Commemoration


9. Billinghay Village Hall Update


10. To request /receive an update from the Emergency Community Plan Commit-tee

a. Emergency Plan update


11. To agree meeting date and policies for HR Committee.


12. Finance

a. To agree payments for approval

b. To agree expenditure for APM on 18 May Refreshments, room hire etc

c. To agree any costs should VE Day event be agreed

d. To consider/ agree any contribution for planning application for Village Hall.


13. Correspondence Received


14. Clerks Report


15. Members Reports


16. Closed Session:

a HR matters to consider/agree Employment Matters

b Land Off Ballon Walk

c Environmental Officer