6 January 2025
Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 6 January 2025 at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllrs Catlett – Chair (AC) Liles (WL) Miller (RM) Cottrell (SC) Green (IG) Parish Clerk (HK)
Public Session 0 members of the public present Minutes of the Council Meeting
1.To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting. Apologies were received from Councillor Greetham.
It was proposed by AC, seconded by WL, and agreed unanimously to accept these apologies.
County Councillor Key sent his New Year Wishes and his apologies.
District Councillor Lawrence sent her New Year Wishes and her apologies.
District Councillor Whittle sent his New Year Wishes along with his apologies, and the offer of help with any matters, stating he can be contacted if required.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or other registerable interests in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Registerable Interests' declaration. None declared.
3. To receive reports from County and District Councillors. None present.
4. To accept the notes from the Meeting of 2 December 2024 as minutes and a true record. It was proposed by WL, seconded by IG, and agreed by majority that they be accepted with one abstention.
5. Matters arising and Clerk’s Report. (Details forwarded prior to the meeting). Points that arose: - .1 The matter of new Christmas Tree lights was mentioned and will be placed on an agenda later in the year to be considered. The matter of large remembrance poppies was also mentioned and again will be placed on a later agenda for consideration.
6. Correspondence Items forwarded: NALC Bulletins, LALC Bulletins, Town and Parish Newsletter, Citizens Advice email, NKDC Register of Electors forms, Kier Starmer vision for a stronger fairer Britain. No matters arose.
7. Finance a. To approve payments made during December 2024 (list circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting). It was proposed by WL, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously to approve the payments.
b. To approve the bank reconciliation for the quarter ending 31 December 2024. (Details forwarded prior to the meeting). It was proposed by AC, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously to approve the reconciliation.
c. To set the precept for 2025 to 2026. It was proposed by SC, seconded by RM, and resolved to approve the budgeted expenditure of £72,800.00, revenue of £24,757.00 and the precept of £48,043.00.
d. To consider the additional costs to cover broadband breakdown call outs. (Details forwarded prior to the meeting). It was proposed by AC, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously NOT to pay the additional costs. The Clerk was asked to op-out of this option with the broadband supplier.
e. To confirm the renewal of the Insurance policy. It was proposed by AC, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously to renew the Insurance policy taking the 3-year long term agreement option.
8. Planning Applications to consider as a Statutory Consultee (as detailed below and those received after publication of the agenda which require a decision before the next meeting). None received. Planning Other: 19/1761/REM Reserved matters regarding Land Off West Street Approved .2 24/1293/HOUS Demolish existing outbuilding & erect single storey rear extension 11King Street Approved
9. To report on risk assessments/safety checks. Report from Cllrs where applicable. Nothing to report. The removal of the Zoetrope is ongoing with a relocation place still to be found. It has been deemed to be an expensive option to move the Zoetrope to the riverbank. This will be placed on the next agenda for further consideration.
10. LCC Highways Updates. None received.
11. To consider the specification for the grass cutting tenders. (Details forwarded prior to the meeting). It was proposed by SC, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously to place the grass cutting out to tender using the specification circulated, with the addition of it being a 3 year sliding scale contract. The clerk was asked to advertise this on the website and noticeboards.
12. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for the next meeting. RM reported that the village hall roof replacement had been completed. The proposed works for the front of the hall will be completed as soon as possible. Bookings for parties appear to be on the increase. WL reported she had been asked by several residents about the ongoing problem of overflowing bins and rubbish at Bramble Close, and was this not considered fly tipping? The Clerk was asked to check with NKDC for contact details for this. AC reported that the office lease had been signed until April 2026, then there is no guarantee to extend so provision will need to be considered in the next budget figures, for this matter. The large trailer and attached items in Queen Street have been removed. A small trailer has reappeared, and the situation will be monitored. During the recent high winds a gravestone had fallen, this has been laid flat for safety, details will be given to the clerk to either trace the owners or place a notice in the newsletter with the details. The neighbourhood plan is due to be renewed in 2025. No members of the community have come forward to help with this, following the notice placed in the newsletter. The Clerk was asked to place this on the next agenda for discussion.
.4 Meeting Closed at 7.52pm Signed Date