5 September 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 5 September 2022 at 7pm.

Present: Cllr Liles (WL), Cllrs Catlett (AC), Dymoke (AD), Fisher (DF), Ball (LB) & Miller (RM)

District Councillor Ogden (GO)

Assistant to Clerk: Lou Hird (LH)

2 Members of the Public

Public Session

No public session was required.


1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

All Councillors were present but apologies were received from County Cllr Key as a matter of courtesy.

2.  To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

None declared.

3. To receive reports from County and District Councillors.

County Councillor was not present.

GO gave details of what was happening at NKDC, salient points being:

  • NKDC were revamping their Emergency Plan
  • The Council Tax rebates were starting to be processed
  • Rural Economy Grants are a possibility which may help local businesses

4. To accept the notes from Meeting held on 8 August 2022 as Minutes and a true record.

It was proposed by AD, seconded by AC, and unanimously agreed that these be accepted as minutes.

5.  Matters arising and Clerk’s reports

LH had issued a note prior to the meeting detailing actions taken on specific issues. In addition, more specific details were given on the planned work in the Community Gardens.

6. Correspondence/Communications  

Correspondence received had already been distributed where appropriate. Two residents had asked about how the proceeds from the Jubilee celebration had been distributed. Whilst this is not a concern of the Council ( our grant having been fully accounted for), it was agreed that we would publish details in the Newsletter when available.

7. LCC Highways updates

a.       New Speed Indicator Device update – New mounting posts were necessary for the new SID. AC & LB were meeting with a Road Safety Partnership representative on 6 September to agree suitable locations bearing in mind planned Highways work. They will report back to the Council.

b,       Proposed extension to the 30mph limit on the Walcott Road – details of the extension to the 30mph limit on Walcott Road had been received. It was proposed by WL, seconded by AC and agreed unanimously to approve the change. LH to confirm to LCC.

c.        Meeting with Highways Report – LB had met with the County Councillor and LCC Highways to look at areas of concern within the village. He had already sent a report to Councillors. New areas for restricted parking had been identified and would be implemented following the lengthy consultations that are required. Councillors were asked to advise any other problem areas where they felt attention was required.

8. To consider and approve cemetery issues.

AC gave details of the work that was being done in the cemetery to tidy up the any unsightly areas. This was almost complete. Possible future problems had been identified relating to strimming around some of the plots and the maintenance of the boundary hedges and shrubs. The latter has been dealt with in the past on a “needs must” basis using local contractors.

The grass cutting needs to be re-considered and it was agreed to review the current grass cutting contract to ensure it clearly defined what is required. LH to pass contract details to AE to review.

9. Planning Applications to consider as Statutory consultee

Applications received:

22/0951/HOUS        20 Park Lane – erection of Conservatory                                                           This was circulated to Councillors for comments due to submission date. No comments were received to pass to Planning.

Updates on Current Applications

22/0629/FUL   Site of Lafford School – 24 Residential Homes

WL gave details of the PPG position regarding the development. A question had been  raised by PPG regarding how the proposed site met the regulations regarding affordable housing and had been passed to NKDC.

22/1035/FUL 121 High Street – erection of Bungalow (revised application – comments required by 8 September 2022. Councillors had no further comments to add to their previous submission.

10. Finance

a. To approve amendments to the Bank Mandate / Payment authority & signing

All documentation had been provided to the Bank and was being processed although this may take some time. Bank Cards that had been issued by the Bank in error had been destroyed.

b. To approve payments made during July 2022 (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting).

It was proposed by AC, seconded by LB, and unanimously agreed that the payments be approved.

c. To approve application for litter picking grant from NKDC

It was proposed by AD, seconded by LB, and unanimously agreed that the application be submitted. LH to process.

d.  To approve defibrillator maintenance.

It was proposed by LB, seconded by AC, and unanimously agreed that the necessary replacement parts be ordered. LH to confirm to supplier.

e. To consider options for External Audit requirements

Possible savings had been identified if the Council opted out of the National External Audit system and appointed their own external auditor. LALC had investigated and felt the savings were likely to be minimal and extra work involved.

It was proposed by AC, seconded by LB, and unanimously agreed not to opt out of the National Scheme.

f. To consider and, if appropriate, approve appointment of the Internal Auditor 2022-2023

LALC had set up a scheme for the internal audit of local authorities with fees based on the total electorate plus amenities owned. Our current internal auditor was efficient and helpful. Current fee was £150 compared to LALC charge of £225. After discussion, it was proposed by AD, seconded by AC, and unanimously agreed that the current internal auditor be retained. LH to confirm.

g. To consider the purchase of a wreath for the Remembrance Day Ceremony.

It was proposed by LB, seconded by RM, and unanimously agreed that the recommended £18.50 donation for a wreath be approved.

11. To consider adoption of the Civility and Respect Pledge and the impact on PCD019 Dignity at Work Policy circulated to Councillors.

Although the adoption of the Pledge did not make any major changes to Council policies, there would some items that needed to be in place before it could be adopted.

It was proposed by AC, seconded by AD, and unanimously agreed that action be taken to conform with the Pledge requirements and the Dignity at Work Policy be changed appropriately. It was agreed that this would be done before the end of the year.

12. To consider the re-introduction of certain committees particularly Finance.

A review of the decisions made regarding the use of Committees had been requested as the situation had changed since the last review in March 2022. The following were considered:

Policy & Finance – there was agreement that Councillors needed to be more involved in agreeing budget and other financial requirements. It was proposed by LB, seconded by AC, and unanimously agreed that Finance Committee be reinstated with Policy remaining a full Council remit.

Planning – it was agreed to leave this committee suspended and only reinstate when circumstances made it necessary e.g., large controversial development

Events - it was resolved proposed by AC, seconded by AD, and agreed unanimously to reinstate this Committee as and when necessary.

Emergency Plan and Neighbourhood Plan - position remains unaltered.

13. Emergency Plan Update

WL advised that there was a meeting in the Ship Inn next week (7.00pm on 13 September) and asked Councillors to support this.

14. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for next meeting.

  • WL advised that she could not attend the LALC AGM and AC agreed to represent the Council.
  • WL reported that a resident had queried the disappearance of the planter on Walcott Road that was situated near the Billinghay village sign. It disappeared when the cycle path was under construction and has not been replaced since. LH to contact LCC Highways.
  • RM asked whether the strimmer had been sold. It was agreed to retain same at the last meeting as the clear-up in the cemetery might entail its use. He also enquired if there was a “push” mower there that could still be used.

Meeting closed at 8.29 pm

Billinghay Parish Office ∙Ringmoor Close ∙Ringmoor House ∙Billinghay ∙Lincs ∙LN4 4EY Email info@billinghay-pc.gov.uk Mobile 07483 346143 Mondays Tuesdays and Thursdays                   

Minutes Approved.



