1 November 2021

Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held at Billinghay Village Hall, Ringmoor Close on Monday 1 November 2021 (7.00pm)


Cllr Locke (KL) in Chair, Cllr Catlett (AC), Cllr Dymoke (AD) and Cllr Ball (LB)

Clerk & RFO: C Willingham (CW)

Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)

County Councillor Andrew Key (AK)

District Councillor Ogden (GO)

Public Session

2 members of the public were in attendance. A resident applying for co-option introduced herself and gave details of her background and experience and her reasons for wanting to be a Councillor.


1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

No apologies had been received. The Clerk pointed out that Councillor Harvey had now missed six consecutive meetings and is now automatically disqualified.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

None declared

3. To approve as correct record and minutes notes of the PC meeting held on 4 October 2021.

Action: The Council resolved unanimously that the Notes for the 4 October 2021 be accepted as minutes.

4. Parish Council Vacancies

One resident had applied for co-option. All the necessary co-option procedures had been completed and it was resolved unanimously that Mrs Wendy Liles be co-opted.

5. Correspondence.

Where appropriate this had already been distributed by the Clerk. GO had prepared a report of District Council activities which is being circulated to all Councillors.

KL asked if we were receiving News from LALC and LCC and the Clerk agreed to check that we were being included in the distribution.

LALC Training for Councillors was mentioned and the Clerk is arranging or has arranged courses for LB & AD.

KL mentioned the Community Lottery, details of which had been circulated.

6.  Finances

a) To approve payments made since the last meeting (lists circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting)

Action: The Council resolved unanimously to approve the financial transactions.

b) To approve accounts for the quarter ended 30 September 2021

Action: The Council resolved unanimously to approve.

c) To consider purchase of new S.I.D approx. £2494 ex VAT

The existing S.I.D is not working properly and has been beset by problems for some time.

Action: The Council resolved unanimously to purchase a new device and the Clerk was instructed to proceed.

d) To approve forthcoming election costs expected to be approx. £2200

Details of the costings and reasons for this had been given.

Action: The Council resolved unanimously to approve the expenditure.

e) Audit Closure for year ended 31 March 2021

The Notice of Closure has been displayed on the Notice Boards and website.

It was agreed that when preparing budgets, consideration would be given to identifying the reasons for the large reserves held by the Council so these could be advised to the external auditors at the appropriate time.

f) To agree expenditure for Christmas Tree Lighting Event and prize for advent window

The following actions were agreed:

  • Christmas Tree Lighting – it was resolved unanimously to allow up to £500 (including payment to the Ship for refreshments) to cover this event
  • Provision of lights for other Council owned trees - it was resolved unanimously to allow up to £150. The Clerk will proceed with the purchase of the equipment.
  • Advent Window Event – it was resolved unanimously to give a prize of £100.The Clerk was passing information about entries to AD who had agreed to organise the event. She will eventually provide information to the Office so maps and lists can be prepared for the event.


g) To agree half year internal audit

The Clerk explained that in the past we have asked the Internal Auditor to carry out a half yearly review to ensure that everything was running correctly.

Action: It was resolved unanimously to allow up to £150 for a half yearly report.

7. Highways Matters

Update on parking outside the Co-op and King Street/Victoria Street Junction

Outside the Co-op: The Clerk had passed details of the suggested removable bollards to LCC Highways and was awaiting their response.

King Street/Victoria Street Junction: It was reported that the situation has not improved.

Action: The County Councillor said that similar problems elsewhere had been addressed by use of “yellow” lines. He agreed to take the matter up with Highways and report back. He will also try to arrange a visit to the village with Rowan Smith to meet Council representatives and consider any problem areas and possible action

AC reported that the road closure agreements for the Remembrance Day Parade had been received

8. Clerks Report

The Clerk reported:

  • that the S.I.D was not working – see 6c
  • The Old Cemetery now requires two cuts a year. KL suggested that a wildflower meadow might be created with paths provided.

    Action: The Clerk agreed to discuss with the PCC.

  • The Clerk was asked about the rebuilding of the wall at the Old Cemetery and she explained the delay due to procedures associated with obtaining a faculty.

    Action: In view of the dangerous condition of the wall, she was asked to try and       expedite the matter.

9. Planning Matters.

a) Applications Received

21/1553/FUL. Land south of Gravel Hill Drove. change of paddock to dog exercise field.

Action:            No comments to make

21/1314/OUT Land to the rear of 58 Walcott Road Billinghay outline for single storey dwelling

Action:         Other sources had already commented on this application and the Council                    agreed with their views and would advise Planning accordingly.

b) Applications Approved

21/0162/FULL Barn off Sprite Lane erection of 1 dwelling on site of demolished agricultural building.

16. To receive Councillors reports - For information only. Any items for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors (if in attendance)

  • District Councillors Report related to Highways matters and he had covered these under Paragraph 7 above.
  • AC reported the road closure signs required had been put out for the Remembrance Day Parade.
  • KL reported complaints about waste disposal on the High Street. Although the problem seems to have been resolved temporarily, it was agreed to monitor on the situation.
  • KL also reported an improvement on the Bramble Close waste problems. The site will be kept under review as “fly tipping” has been seen at the site.

17. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the following legal and financial matters

The Council resolved unanimously that the meeting go into closed session. Accordingly, the current meeting closed at 20.31. The closed meeting commenced at 20.31.    

  1. Allotments – to allocate vacant plots and review lease agreements

A list of the vacant plots had been supplied by the Clerk and details of the people on the waiting list given.

Action: It was resolved unanimously that the vacant plots be allocated between all eligible persons on the waiting list. To comply with legislation, it was also resolved unanimously to lease these plots to the new tenants and issue new agreements. The Clerk was asked to obtain suitably worded agreements for this purpose.

It was also resolved that a Policy for dealing with the Allotments be formulated, agreed and displayed on the website.

  1. To consider quotations for tree works circulated to Councillors.

Three quotations had been received for the work identified by the NKDC Tree Survey. All three had provided a breakdown between the work designated as essential and that designated as desirable. There was a wide variance in the quotations particularly those quoted for the desirable work.

Action: It was resolved unanimously that the Clerk instruct one of the Contractors to proceed with the essential work. She was also asked to check the figures quoted for the desirable work with the Contractors so that a decision could be made regarding this.

The meeting closed at 21.08