4 April 2022
Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held at the Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 4 April 2022 (7.00pm)
Cllr Liles (WL), Cllr M Willingham (MW), Cllr L Ball (LB), Cllr A Dymoke (AD) & Cllr S Harper (SJH)
Clerk & RFO: C Willingham (CW)
County Cllr A Key (AK)
District Cllrs Ogden (GO)
Public Session
A representative of Village Hall Committee, who is taking the lead with organising the Queens Platinum Jubilee fun day event, to be held on Saturday 4 June at Hall at the Playing Field from 1pm to 5pm.
Councillors were given details of estimated expenditure for the event and were asked to make financial contribution for the event.
To elect a Chair It was pro by MLW, sec AD and resolved that Wendy Liles be elected as Chair.
To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies and reasons for absence had been received from Cllrs Catlett. Also, apologies had been sent by as a matter of courtesy by Cllr Key who had another meeting to attend.
Action: It was resolved unanimously that the apologies be accepted.
3. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests. LB and AD declared Interest in item.
4. To accept Notes for the Meeting held 7 March 2022 as minutes and a true record.
It was pro S H sec WL and resolved to accept the minutes.
5. To receive reports from County & District Councillors
District Cllr GO advised that The Committee organising the Jubilee event at Village Hall should apply in good time for a licence to have a bar, as there would be many applications and without a licence there could be no bar.
She also advised that NKDC have a climbing wall, and other equipment that might be available for the event.
Cllr GO also advised Councillors that at an NKDC meeting recently it was confirmed that members could approve minutes of a meeting they had not attended.
6. Clerk’s Update
The clerk advised that she and WL had booked to attend LALC training for Chair and Clerks on 27 April at Dunholme.
7. LCC Highways: Update following meeting with Highways Officer and County Cllr Key.
WL attended, and the clerk and MW were able to attend for part of the meeting. See appendix for matters discussed.
8. Correspondence
The Old Vicarage Cottage Asset of Community Value had expired and there was very little time to relist if Councillors wished to do so. A consensus of opinion was not to apply to relist, as it was thought that Parish Council would not be able to afford to purchase the property should it ever come on the market in future.
9. To agree lease for the Parish Office for two years
The Clerk had been in discussion with NKDC regarding the renewal of the office lease.
NKDC were offering a shorter term lease which was acceptable. It was pro SH sec AD and resolved to renew the lease until April 2024.
10. To agree actions for request for overhanging trees to be cut back from cemetery
SH and WL had visited the cemetery and concluded that the trees did not need to be pruned, or reduced in height. Councillors agreed after discussion that the residents should be advised that they are completely within their legal rights to trim any overhanging branches but the Council would be taking no action at this time.
MW had declared an interest and took no part in discussion.
11. Planning
a) Applications received
22/0261/FUL Proposal: Change of use of land from agricultural to domestic, together with extensions to the existing dwelling, construction of garage, new vehicular access and driveway. Location: Lowe's Dwelling, Tattershall Road Billinghay Lincoln. Any comments by April 21st, 2022 No Objections or Comments.
b) Applications Approved:
22/0036/FUL Proposal: Construction of new vehicular access and erection of bungalow Location: Land to The Rear Of 92 Walcott Road Billinghay Lincoln
21/1998/FUL Proposal: Erection of a canopy to create a covered car storage area adjoining existing workshop Location: 49 High Street Billinghay Lincoln
12. Finances
a) To approve payments made since the last meeting (lists circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting)
Pro MW Sec SH and resolved as approved.
b) To accept accounts for the year ending the 31st March 2022 as a true record of finances
Pro LB sec SH and resolved.
c) To consider and agree any expenditure for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
The matter was discussed and it was Pro WL Sec SH and resolved to give a donation of £850 for the event. Accounts for the event would be requested, and any surplus should be paid to Village Hall and Playing Field Committee.
d) To appoint an Internal Auditor
Cllrs asked the clerk to ask whom neighbouring parishes used to carry out their Internal Audits.
Action: The clerk would enquire.
e) To review and allocate reserves
The Clerk presented details of allocation of reserve funds held by the Parish Council and would circulate prior to the next meeting for approval. WL explained that reserves were able to be allocated to different headings in the accounts, and reviewed at least annually.
Action: Clerk to include item next agenda.
f) To agree arrangements/expenditure for Annual Parish Meeting
It was agreed by Cllrs to hold the Annual Parish Meeting at 6pm prior to the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Monday 9 May at the Methodist Chapel Schoolroom.
Residents would be invited to attend to meet the Councillors, find out about becoming Councillor.
13. Emergency Plan Update (WL)
WL would arrange an informal meeting after the Jubilee celebrations to see how much interest there was from residents to work together to update an Emergency Plan for Billinghay.
14. Councillors Reports and any agenda items for the next meeting
It was suggested that the vice-chair role should be dropped, whilst councillor numbers are low, this would give councillors the chance to chair occasional meetings which would give experience to everyone.
Action: The clerk was asked to include this item next agenda.
To resolve whether to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the following legal and financial matters. (Should this resolution be passed, members of the press and public will be required to leave the meeting. The meeting will end, and a further meeting of the Council will be convened immediately.)
Closed Session
- To consider litter pickers pay and agree any changes.
The National Living wage was being increased to £9.50 effective from April 22. It was agreed to pay the litter picker this amount.
Meeting Closed at 8.45pm