13 May 2019
Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 13 May 2019 at the Ringmoor House, Ringmoor Close, Billinghay.
Present: Cllr. Locke (KL) in the Chair, Councillors Chatten (RC), Miller (RM), Kirk (CK), Clark (SC) Cassidy (TC) & Bell (AB)
District Councillor Ogden (GO)
Parish Clerk & RFO Carol Willingham (CW)
Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)
0 Members of the Public
Public Session
No members of the public were present
1 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Chair: KL was the only nomination – proposed by RC, seconded by RM and carried unanimously.
Vice Chair: RM was the only nomination – proposed by RC, seconded by TC and carried unanimously.
Committees: To be included on Agenda for the next meeting.
2 Acceptance of reasons for apologies for Absence
Apologies had been received from County Councillor Young.
3 To receive declarations of Interest in Agenda Items
No declarations made
4 Notes of 2 April 2019 to adopt by resolution as true record and minutes
It was proposed by RC, seconded by CK and carried with one abstention that the notes for the 2 April 2019 meeting be accepted as a true record and minutes.
5 Clerk’s Update
The Clerk reported that:
- LCC had been contacted regarding the possible renting of land at the Lafford site and asked for a clear definition of “permanent structure”. A reply is still awaited.
- Waterloo Homes had been approached regarding the grass area on Mill Lane. Responsibility for its maintenance is yet to be established.
- A resident having read Council Minutes about the possible use of Traffic Wardens outside the Co-op, had asked for the matter of inconsiderate parking in Victoria Street to be addressed also.
6 Planning Matters
19/0557/HOUS 1 Orchard Close Erection of a single storey rear extension
No comments
19/0290/PNND Prior approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural buildings to dwelling house (C3) and for associated operational development. - Twenty Foot Farm, Tattershall Bridge, Road Tattershall Bridge, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN4 4JL
Awaiting further developments
19/0546/RESM Reserved matters application for the erection of 3 dwellings (Pursuant to outline application 16/0299/OUT) - Land Adjacent To 62 Skirth Road Billinghay LN4 4AZ
No comments
19/0537/HOUS Erection of a 2 storey rear extension. - Causeway House Causeway Road North Kyme Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 4DX
No comments
19/0433/PNAGR Erection of grain store - 1 & 2 Gravel Hill Drove Billinghay Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 4BG
Now approved
19/0471/RESM Reserved matters application for the erection of 10 dwellings (with details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline application 16/1269/OUT for a residential development of up to 10 dwellings. - Land West of Walcott Road Billinghay LN4 4EN
Councillors discussed this application at length and have put forward the following comments:
- It was thought that there are too many houses for the plot size
- Billinghay Neighbourhood Plan is now adopted – how have the developers proposed to adhere to this?
- Cutting edge technology, reduction of fuel poverty and enhancing the environment and wildlife.
- Concerns that the properties will be too near the busy garage/ workshop- noise/ fumes issues etc.
Billinghay would not want to lose the neighbouring well established business.
- Anglian water- flood and sewerage considerations. Adequate foul water disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.
- Entrance is on to a busy main road with 60 mph speed limit. What traffic calming measures are proposed?
- Concerns about one access road serving the properties.
19/0449/HOUS Extension – York Terrace
7. Highways and Police Matters
The PCSO has reported the following incidents in Billinghay for the period from the 1/4/19 – 12/5/19. No domestic related incidents are included.
- 22/4/19 – Youths trying to get onto the roof of the village hall.
- 2/5/19 - West Street – Fire alarm beeping and door has been damaged to derelict building.
- 26/4/19 Burglary - Tattershall Road – Window forced to house and shed entered and power tools taken.
- 7/4/19 Shire Close, 4 x males trying to break into Electricity substation. Males ran off and disturbed.
- 7/4/19 West Street – Derelict building near to the Mill, Youths entered through a window and smoking/ causing damage inside.
- 5/5/19 Queen Street- Suspicious male looking at houses
- It was mentioned that King Street and High Street would be resurfaced in the summer.
.8. Correspondence
The majority of the correspondence had already been circulated but the following items had arisen:
- A letter had been received from ex Councillor Greetham thanking the Council for allowing him to serve the village. The Clerk was asked to write to him thanking him for his efforts.
- Councillors were reminded that there was a LALC training Day on the 4 July.
9. Finance
(a) Payments & Receipts for information – a list of financial transaction for April was circulated prior to meeting (see Appendix A). It was proposed that these be accepted by RM, seconded by TB and carried unanimously.
(b) To accept Accounts and complete the Annual Return for the year ending 31 March 2019
The documents were discussed at length and the answers on the Annual Return inserted as required. It was agreed that these be accepted section 1
followed by section 2 (proposed by TS, seconded by CK and carried unanimously)
During discussions, the Clerk was asked to circulate the Internal Auditor’s report.
10. Burial Ground & Allotment Business
Redesign of the Cemetery was mentioned as a consideration to ensure that the available space was used as well as possible.
11. Councillors Reports
The undernoted items were raised:
- The proliferation of advertising signs was mentioned and KL agreed to obtain a draft advertising policy for consideration.
- Although the Council’s Policies had been recently overhauled, it was agreed that a review on a regular basis was necessary.
- It was suggested that the areas in the Market Place at the base of the trees be cleaned up and gravel placed to prevent the growth of weeds.
- Council were asked to consider the appointment of an Enforcement Officer to help control dog fouling. The Clerk was asked to add this to the agenda for the next meeting.
- Training for local residents to use a speed gun as in other villages was suggested.
- The Speed Indicator Device has been returned to the Village and will be brought back into use.
- The latest development off Mill Lane will be named Baker Street.
- The provision of Broadband at the Village Hall is under consideration.
- Work on the Community Garden will start on Saturday 18 May when a voluntary group from the British Legion will start clearing the site. The Billinghay Community Group were meeting to progress the plans already made.
- The replacement of the path in the Church Yard was discussed and the Clerk advised that a quote for the work was still awaited. Possible contractors to obtain alternate quotes were mentioned.
- The Community Infrastructure levy was discussed and Councillors asked whether such money will come to the Parish Council. At the moment such monies are being directed to the Lincoln By-pass Scheme.
- It was agreed the Council assets should have identification marks for reference in the Assets Register. Particular reference was made to Litter and Dog Bins and this would be considered when the Risk Assessment is received.
Meeting Closed at 9.05pm