13 June 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 13 June 2022 at 7pm.


Cllr Liles (WL), Cllrs Catlett(AC), Willingham (MW), Ball (LB), Dymoke (AD), Fisher (DF) and Harper (SJH)

Clerk & RFO: C Willingham (CW)

Assistant to Clerk: M Hird

1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

All Councillors were present, but apologies had been received from County Councillor Key and District Councillor Ogden.

2. To elect a Vice Chair.

There had been two nominations at the May meeting, but MW withdrew his nomination. As no one else was prepared to stand, AC  retained his nomination and was appointed Vice Chair by a majority vote (1 against and 1 abstention)

3.  To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

LB declared an interest in Jubilee feedback. AC declared an interest in Jubilee feedback and correspondence relating to Remembrance Day parade.

4. To accept notes from 9 May 2022 as Minutes and a true record.

Cllrs agreed that item 2B should be changed and CW was asked to rewrite the item. Subject to this change, it was proposed by AD, seconded by LB and agreed unanimously that the notes be accepted as minutes and a true record.

Arising from the notes, WL asked if Risk Assessments had been done. The Clerk advised that the process had started, and the Office assessment was in progress. AC had done one for the Office in the last year and agreed to pass this to CW.

The Clerk asked for volunteers for the other outstanding Risk assessment tasks and AC, LB and AD agreed to help.

5. Parish Council Vacancies Update

There are still 4 vacancies, and it was agreed to advertise these in the Newsletter. WL agreed to see if she could find a more appealing “advert” to emphasise the contribution younger members could make.

6. To receive reports from County and District Councillors.

None in attendance.

7. LCC Highways updates

Cllrs reported that the A153 where the three yellow lines are near the village signwas very uneven. CW to report on Fix My Street.

Mr Twells had asked whether any decision had been made regarding his request for double yellow lines outside his premises. The Clerk was asked to request County Cllr Keys to contact him.

8. Clerks Update

CW reported that the gravedigger’s increase in fees was reasonable bearing in mind fees charged elsewhere. She had reached an agreement whereby the fees will be paid direct to the gravedigger by the funeral director. The Council will no longer be involved in the arrangements for a gravedigger.

The ongoing discussions regarding the trees in Shire Close/Cemetery was raised. The position is that the NKDC Tree Officer has inspected the trees and found no problem. The residents had a report from a tree expert that stated they were diseased and needed to be removed. The Council have a subsequent report from an Arborealist who contended that there was no work needed. CW to advise resident that the Council will not be arranging fr any work to be done and consider the matter closed.

9. Correspondence

The Clerk had already circulated relevant correspondence to the Councillors.

A request had been received from the RBL regarding the Remembrance Day Parade, specifically the event organiser and road closures. This now needs to be arranged by the Parish Council. AC agreed to put forward a suggested draft for insertion in the Newsletter asking for volunteers to enable the parade to continue.

10. Planning

Applications received:

A new application for 14 Walcott Road had been received too late for discussion at the last meeting. The dates for response were unclear as two dates had been quoted. WL had composed an email outlining certain comment, but this had not been sent as they had not been ratified by the whole Council prior to the closing date for comments. Due to the confusion over the closing dates, the Clerk had sent in comments which were added to the Application but erroneously attributed to the Council . These were subsequently withdrawn as they had not been agreed by the Council.

 NKDC Planning will still consider any comments, but they will not be displayed on their planning website. MW suggested that we send in CW’s comments again as being from the Council, but it was agreed that the Clerk submit comments relating only to parking difficulties at the location and make corresponding reference to the adopted Billinghay Neigbourhood plan which has clear guidelines relating to this aspect.

Applications approved:  

22/0261/FUL Lowes Dwelling, Tattershall Road, Billinghay  Change of use of land from agriculture to domestic together with extensions to existing dwelling, construction of garage, new vehicular access and driveway

11. Finances

a. To approve payments made since the last meeting. (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting) It was proposed by MW, seconded by AD and agreed unanimously that these be accepted. It was also agreed that a separate sheet detailing the CIL payments be set up and the figure included on the Balance Sheet.

b. To complete AGAR for 2021 to 2022:

The Clerk went through each of the relevant sections of the form with the Councillors.

Section 1: Approved: proposed by MW, seconded by AD and agreed unanimously

Section 2: Approved: proposed by AC, seconded by MW and agreed unanimously

The Chair duly signed both forms

c.  To review and allocate Reserves.

Whilst the Internal Auditor had accepted those sent to her, there was some confusion as to those presented to the meeting. It was agreed that CW would send an up-to-date list along with a copy of the Assets Register to all Councillors.

d. To agree setting up Direct Debit payments for SCIS (£81.36 monthly for IT and Internet) and Glendale (£51.35 monthly for the season for grass cutting)

Queries were raised regarding lengths of contract and the Clerk agreed to investigate and report back. Matter deferred to the next agenda.

12. Jubilee Committee feedback

AC reported that the organisation by Carla Casement and her committee was excellent with good feedback from the stallholders and residents alike. CW was asked to send a letter of thanks.

LB advised that the final figures for the event had not been completed. However, a sum of £757 had been raised by donations had been made and this would be donated to local youth organisations, specific amounts to which organisations to be decided at an upcoming Committee meeting. Approximately £100 remains from the Council grant but it had been agreed that any such monies left should go to the Village Hall.

CW was asked to obtain feedback from the Methodist Church relating to their grant.

13. Christmas Tree Event

The Chair asked the Councillors to bring their ideas to the next meeting so that a program of events can be arranged. The first Wednesday in December is the preferred date.

WL suggested that we ask Dr Leeper to switch on the lights

14. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for next meeting.

The following items were reported:

  • The hedge outside 66 High Street was again impeding the path. CW to report to Fix My Street
  • Pothole at Digby Fen turn on Mill Lane
  • Horse chestnut tree overhanging and impeding pavement
  • A query was made regarding the speed camera at the Walcott end of the village. It was explained that there was now a hardstanding for use of a police mobile speed camera van to monitor speeding.


Meeting closed at 8.38pm


Billinghay Parish Office ∙Ringmoor Close ∙Ringmoor House ∙Billinghay ∙Lincs ∙LN4 4EY Ema