2 November 2020
Councillors Bell, Cassidy, Catlett, Harvey, and Locke chairing the meeting. (Councillors Walters and Waters unable to join the meeting due to technical problems).
No members of the public present.
1.To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.
Cllr Ogden sent apologies.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.
3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the ordinary meeting held on 5 October 2020 as minutes.
Proposed Cllr Locke Seconded Cllr Cassidy Resolved (Cllr Bell was not present at last meeting and abstained from the vote).
4. To receive an update on the vacancies for Parish Councillors.
There are still 3 vacancies. No new enquiries since last meeting.
5. To review and rename the following Parish Council committees: -
a. Qiscom (Finance and Policy); b. Burials and Cemetery (Environment); c. Allotments (Environment); d. Planning (remain as planning); e. Human Resources; f. Emergency Planning
g. Events and Community; h. Neighbourhood Planning
Proposed Cllr Locke Seconded Cllr Cassidy Resolved
6. To agree councillor membership of the following Parish Council committees:
a. Policy and Finance: Cllrs Locke, Cassidy, and Catlett
b. Environment: Cllrs Locke, Cassidy, and A Walters
c. Planning: Cllrs Bell, Locke, Cassidy, and A Walters
d. HR: Cllrs Cassidy, Bell, Catlett
e. Events and Community: Cllrs Locke, Catlett, and T Waters
f. Emergency Planning: Cllrs Locke, Cassidy, Catlett, and T Waters
g. Neighbourhood Planning: Cllrs Locke, Cassidy, Catlett, T Waters and Bell.
7. To consider a review of the Billinghay Times Newsletter Review.
The Clerk was asked to get quotes for printing the newsletter in A5 size, with glossy cover and colour front page. Councillors had some ideas for new content to be included.
8. To consider a review of the Emergency Plan:
A Committee meeting would be held to elect a new chair and deputy for the Emergency Plan Group. Meetings could be scheduled, and people who had helped residents during the Covid-19 Pandemic asked to join. Councillor Locke asked for the plan to be submitted to Lincs Resilience Team.
9. To consider the arrangements for celebrating Christmas and agree any expenditure for installing battery lights on trees around the village.
It was Proposed by Councillor Locke, Seconded by Councillor Cassidy and Resolved to Allocate £500 for decorating the Market Place.
If the 2nd Lockdown continued beyond 2 December, then it was highly unlikely that the Christmas Tree could be put on the Market Place.
10. To consider the review of the Neighbourhood Plan due in 2021, and to agree next actions.
Guidance for the review had been circulated by the Clerk. The Committee would arrange to meet.
11. Finances
a. To approve payments made since the last meeting held on (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting) .
It was Proposed by Councillor Bell, Seconded by Councillor Harvey and Resolved that this was a true financial record.
b. To accept Accounts quarter ended 30 September as a true record of the Council’s finances.
It was Proposed Councillor Locke, Seconded Councillor Cassidy and Resolved.
c. To review the completion of Audit for year end 31 March 2020.
Audit was completed and in order. I
12. To receive an update on the Community Speed watch by Councillor Cassidy.
Councillor Cassidy advised that 3 new locations had been agreed as follows: Shire Close, Victoria St and Fitzwilliam Place. More Volunteers would be needed to operate the scheme. There would be no speed watch activity in line with Lockdown regulations until after 2 Dec at the earliest.
13. Clerk’s Report (Circulated prior to meeting.)
Report had not been circulated, however, Clerk was awaiting information following requests that had been made and would advise once details were available.
14. Planning Matters:
a. Planning Applications received:
20/1245/FUL Tegan Harrison Place Tattershall Bridge: Demolition of existing workshop/garage/office/store and erection of one dwelling and garage. Councillors had no objections.
Another application had been received after the agenda had been sent out. The Clerk asked Councillors to look at the application and forward any comments to her, so that they can be submitted to NKDC Planning Dept.
20/1490/VARCON 76 High Street Billinghay Lincs LN4 4ED Variation of condition 4 (approved plans) re permission to 20/0557/OUT
15. To receive Councillors’ Reports - For information only.
Any items for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors (if in attendance)
Councillor Harvey had suggestions for new material for the newsletter, that might be of interest to residents. Also concerns regarding safety outside the Co-op due to cars parking on Double yellow lines and causing obstruction.
Councillor Cassidy requested that the litter pickers wages be reviewed and acknowledged what a great job she did in keeping Billinghay streets clean of litter, and waste. Councillors were unanimous in agreement that her contribution, was valued and appreciated.
Councillor Catlett advised that he had taken delivery of the Parish Council wreath for Remembrance Day.
Councillor Locke advised of fly tipping on Bramble Close with waste left at the side of the bins.
Councillor Bell asked if Football Club were aware of the damage to the shelter on Playing Field and also to the shelter at the side of the Village Hall.
16. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the follow legal and staffing matters. (Should this resolution be passed, members of the press and public will be required to leave the meeting. The meeting will end, and a further meeting of the Council will be convened immediately). It was Proposed Councillor Locke, Seconded Councillor Bell and Resolved to go into closed session for the remainder of the meeting.
17. To receive and update on the farming allotments.
The Clerk advised that all rent payments had been received and that information would be circulated to allow Councillors to agree next action.
18. To receive an update on the Pinfold.
The clerk advised that the land had been with the same tenants for many years. Information from the local land agents had been circulated for Councillors.
19. To consider the Local Government Pay award for year 2020/2021 for the Clerk /RFO and office admin staff and approve the back pay to April 2020.
It was Proposed Councillor Locke, Seconded Cllr Harvey and Resolved.
Meeting Closed at 8.30pm