4 July 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 4 July 2022 at 7pm.


Cllr Liles (WL), Cllrs Catlett (AC), Ball (LB), Dymoke (AD), and Fisher (DF)

Acting Clerk & RFO: Andrew Everard (AE)

District Cllr Ogden (GO)

County Cllr Key (AK)

Assistant to Clerk: Lou Hird (LH)

2 Members of the Public

Public Session

A resident reported that the garden at Ringmoor House had been left untended and weeds etc were encroaching on neighbouring properties. The Billinghay Community Group (BCG) were turning the area into a Community Garden following a grant from the         Co-operative Society, but Covid had brought the work to a halt.

Action: Contact the BCG to ascertain the timetable for completion of the work.

The resident also volunteered to organise the Xmas Tree Lighting event and mention was made of the cover for volunteers when carrying out work for the Council.

The standard of the work by the Contractors who cut the grass on the Playing Field was criticised. LH reported that he was trying to talk to the Contractors but was unable to get hold of their Lincoln Depot. An urgent email has now been sent to their Head Office.

Action: LH to follow up

1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

All Councillors were present as resignations had been received from Cllrs Willingham and Harper prior to the meeting.

2.  To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.


3. To accept notes from 13 June 2022 as Minutes and a true record.

It was proposed by AD, seconded by LB and agreed unanimously that the notes be accepted as minutes and a true record. It was also agreed that “Matters Arising” should be on each agenda to check that decisions had been actioned.

4. To receive reports from County and District Councillors.

GO reported that NKDC were:

  • Progressing their regeneration project
  • For some reason Council Tax was not being reclaimed by residents moving out of the District.
  • The Council were campaigning to stop fly tipping and there was now a section on their website to report this. Apparently, there had been some success resulting in approx. £11,500 being recovered.
  • State of the Art eco houses were being erected at Potterhanworth.

AK reported that:

  • LCC had underspent by about £5m last year and it was proposed to give this to Highways and requesting that they used it for maintenance of some of the smaller rural roads.
  • The white lining had now been finalised on the Cycle path between Walcott and Billinghay and it was agreed that this was an improvement.
  • The High Street parking problem is still under review and AK is meeting with Rowan Smith of the Highways Department next week and will keep the Parish Council updated.

At this stage Items 15 and 16 of the agenda were brought forward.

15. Office working and 16, Employing a locum and costs involved

Andrew Everard had been recommended to us by LALC as he was experienced in locum work and well versed in Parish Council requirements. He did not need the Council to set specific hours but would be on demand as and when required. LALC will invoice the Council with charges for his services and he will claim the standard travel expenses allowances. He stated that he would keep the hours of work for the Council as low as possible.

It was proposed by DF, seconded by AC and carried unanimously that he be appointed Interim Acting Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer.

5. LCC Highways updates

Potholes at the Fen Road/West Street junction have been repaired.

AK informed the meeting that work had been scheduled to repair the A153 between Billinghay and North Kyme.

Two hedges encroaching on footpaths had been reported on Fix My Street.

6. Correspondence

LH reported that all relevant correspondence had been circulated.

Training Needs were discussed as Councillors expressed the need for training.

Details of the planned events are awaited and when received Councillors will be given details. Two requests are already to be actioned when course timetable is produced, namely:

  • DF to do the Zoom training for new Councillors
  • AC for the Clerk and Chair Training

7. Planning

Applications received:

22/0874/HOUS                  4 Brunswick Square Billinghay – demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a two-storey extension.

                                                      Details have been circulated to all Councillors and, if any comments please forward to LH before 24 July for submission

22/0921/PMA                     First Hurn Drove – change of use of Office into private dwelling

The Council had no comments to put forward.

Other Applications:

22/0073/HOUS                  The Laurels Gravel Hills               Approved

22/0947/TPO                     Pruning of Copper Beech Tree          Withdrawn

22/0503/OUT                     73 Fen Road – erection of bungalow and garage Refused

8. Finances

a. To approve payments made since the last meeting.

Unable to progress as due to Clerk’s absence, we cannot provide accurate figures until Lloyds Bank arrange the necessary access to the Accounts

b. To approve accounts for the quarter ending 30 June 2022:

Unable to progress as due to Clerk’s absence, we cannot provide accurate figures until Lloyds Bank arrange the necessary access to the Accounts

c.  To review and allocate Reserves.

An up-to-date list of how reserves had been allocated for the audit return along with a copy of the Assets Register has now been to all Councillors. To give them time to study the figure this item has been deferred to the next agenda.

Action: Include on next agenda

d. To agree setting up Direct Debit payments for SCIS (£81.36 monthly for IT and Internet) and Glendale (£51.35 monthly for the season for grass cutting)

Queries were raised regarding lengths of contract and the Clerk agreed to investigate and report back. Matter deferred to the next agenda.

9, Christmas Tree Event

A local resident has volunteered to organise this event as he has experience of doing so in previous years. AD agreed to accompany him to select a tree and various suggestions made regarding musical accompaniment for the carol singing. The Ship Inn have agreed to provide catering as last year.

Action: LH to contact Tom Brooks re availability of a Christmas Tree.

10. Methodist Jubilee Update

The event had been a great success. Details of costs and supporting vouchers had been received and figures circulated prior to the meeting. Full use had been made of the Council Grants

11. Jubilee Committee feedback

LB advised a sum of £757 had been raised by donations and this was being divided equally and given to local youth organisations or organisations with a youth membership.

A letter thanking the Organiser, Carla Casement, for all her hard work resulting in such a successful event has been sent by the Council.

12. Possible sale of the strimmer

The Council own a strimmer which is no longer used as we have Contractor cutting the grass. A resident has approached the Council and asked if we wanted to sell the strimmer. After discussion, it was proposed by AC, seconded by AD and agreed unanimously to sell but to advertise the sale to allow bids. It was agreed that the strimmer be inspected, full details including images/photographs obtained, and research conducted as to the current value. The sale could then be advertised on the Parish Notice Boards.

Action: LH to commence the process.

13. Adopt latest Standing Orders

Our Standing Orders are based on the LALC model modified to show they relate to Billinghay Parish Council. AC will adapt the latest version and arrange for circulation. Following this we need to maintain a log of Planning items discussed at Council meetings. AC mentioned other policies and procedures that are due for review and he is looking at these.

Action: AC to produce new version of Standing Orders. LH to replace the current ones on the Parish website and create log for recording Planning applications discussed.

14. Reinstate HR Committee

The Committee had been suspended due to low Councillor numbers but it was now thought essential to reinstate. Copies of the relevant policies and procedures had been circulated to each Councillor.

It was proposed by WL, seconded by AC and agreed unanimously that the Committee be reinstated with AC, LB, AD & DF appointed as members.

Action: Arrange a meeting of the HR Committee on Tuesday 12 July (7.00 pm) in the Parish Office. WL will produce an agenda for LH to issue.

17, To adopt respect in the Code of Conduct

AE explained that a new Code of Conduct was being produced to apply to all of Lincolnshire and will be adopted.

Action: Defer Agenda item until new Code of Conduct received

18. Review/Update of Items where action was agreed at previous meetings.

  • Purchase of a new S.I.D – estimates had been received and purchase agreed at earlier meeting. No order has yet been placed. AK advised that Heckington Parish Council were purchasing two different style devices and it would be worth looking at these before proceeding with our purchase.                                                           Action: LH to obtain details from Heckington Parish Clerk
  • Rebuilding Old Wall at the Cemetery – investigation appears to have stalled although estimate on file and correspondence re need for faculty.                                  Action: AE will investigate and advise what we need to do.
  • Council Grants – proof of expenditure required from Village Hall and Football Club. Action: LH to write and ascertain the current position.
  • Update on printing costs of the Billinghay Times – LH gave details of the alternative quotes received and the impact of the increased costs of paper. The current printers continue to be competitive, and it was agreed not to change.
  • Emergency Plan Update – not much progress due to Jubilee activities. Put on the next agenda.

19. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for next meeting.

The following items were reported:

  • AC is looking at Policies and Procedures amendments and will circulate for approval.
  • The NW corner of the cemetery where there are old burial and monuments is looking an eyesore. AC will try and arrange a work party to tidy up.
  • Checks associated with Risk Assessment need actioning – LH will produce list for next meeting so volunteers can come forward.
  • AD will check current position of Speedwatch activity and report back at the next meeting.


Meeting closed at 8.40pm


Billinghay Parish Office ∙Ringmoor Close ∙Ringmoor House ∙Billinghay ∙Lincs ∙LN4 4EY Email info@billinghaypc.co.uk Mobile 07483 346143 Mondays Tuesdays and Thursdays