5 July 2021



Minutes of the Billinghay Annual Parish Council Meeting held at Billinghay Village Hall, Ringmoor Close on Wednesday 5 July 2021 (7.00pm)


Cllr Locke (KL) in Chair, Cllr Catlett (AC), Cllr Dymoke (AD) & Cllr Waters (TW)

Parish Clerk & RFO Carol Willingham (CW)

Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)

3 Members of the Public

Public Session

Roger Miller who had been the Scout Leader confirmed that the Scout Group had now been discontinued and thanked the Parish Council for their help over the years in purchasing equipment. He advised that all their equipment and Money had been passed on to local organisations of a similar type.

KL thanked Mr Miller and the other Scout Leaders for providing such excellent opportunities for the local children.

  1. Election of Chair

Cllr Locke was nominated by AC, seconded by AD, and elected unanimously.

2. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies received from Cllr. Bell. It was proposed by AD seconded by TW and agreed unanimously that they be accepted.

Apologies were also received from District Councillor Ogden & County Councillor Key as a matter of courtesy.

3. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

 None declared.

4. To approve as correct record and minutes notes of the PC meeting held on 5 May 2021.

It was proposed by KL, seconded by AC, and agreed unanimously that the Notes for the 5 May 2021 be accepted as minutes.   

5. Parish Council Co-option:

Applications have been received from 2 residents to be co-opted and circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting. Both applicants attended the meeting as part of the co-option process.

6. Parish Council Policies Review and Adoption.

Prior to the meeting, various documents had been issued by AC to all Councillors. It was proposed by AC, seconded by KL, and agreed unanimously that the undernoted new policies be adopted.

PCD009 Safeguarding Policy

PCD012 Risk Management Policy

PCD018 Grievance Policy

PCD019 Dignity at Work Policy

PCD020 Communications Policy

PCD025 Environmental Policy (latest version)

PCD037 Training and Development Policy

PCD038 Equality and Diversity

PCD042 Advertising Policy     

AC will pass Word versions of the updated documents to LH so they can be added to the website.

He will continue to work on the rationalisation of other policies. Committee working policies will be looked at later when proper Committees have been established as will the Community Engagement Policy.

7. Risk Assessment

AC advised that he could not trace a register for Risk Assessment but it appeared that in the past we were just doing an inspection on property owned by the Council. In future it is intended to carry out rigorous periodic checks as mitigation and control measures to protect against risks. He agreed to look at the procedures recommended by LALC and circulate a list based on these. Councillors will then be able to agree on the items that need action and how the task can be done.

8. To consider and agree Parish Office arrangements regarding re-opening.

It was agreed that any action must consider:

  • the revised arrangements following the Covid review on 19 July.
  • NKDC who own the premises and have shared facilities – kitchen & toilets.

CW will liaise with NKDC on the latter.

This item is to be kept on the next agenda.

9.  Finances

a) To approve payments made since the last meeting (lists circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting)

it was proposed by AC, seconded by AD, and agreed unanimously.

b) To approve accounts for the quarter ending 30 June 2021 as a true record

It was proposed by KL, seconded by AD, and agreed unanimously.

c) To receive Internal Auditor’s Report and consider any recommendations.

KL stated that the report was good and showed that the Council was functioning correctly. There were three minor recommendations and these are being implemented.

d) To consider and agree purchase of hi viz vests and litter picking equipment

The May meeting had already approved an outlay of up to £300. CW agreed to obtain estimates for the next meeting to consider.

10. Highways

a) Remembrance Parade Arrangements

AC advised that the RBL were not allowed to organise the usual Remembrance Day Parade and it was now up to the Parish Council to decide if they wanted a parade and to accept responsibility. The Parish Council would need to organise the road closures necessary – Queen Street, Church Street, Victoria Street and Bridge Street and at least two police trained persons would be required to arrange this. Two volunteers (Non-RBL) need to be found and CW agreed to find out the date for the courses.

It was agreed to give full details in the next Newsletter and ask for suitable volunteers.

b) Highways Updates

KL advised that the Ruskington Fen Road had been improved considerably and asked the Clerk to send a letter of thanks to the Highways Department.

AD reported that Skirth Road was deteriorating.

11. Clerks Report

The Clerk had circulated her report prior to the meeting prior to the meeting.

Following this, it was agreed to put an item on the next agenda regarding the Tree Survey on Council owned trees.

12. Planning Matters.

a) Applications Received

21/0792/HOUS 5 York Terrace – annex

21/0854/RESM Land adjacent to Westholme 42 Fen Road

The Chair of the Planning Committee had looked at these applications and the meeting did not feel that any special comments were necessary.

KL asked that when we gave details of applications in the Newsletter, we give details of the link to the NKDC Planning System.

b) Applications Approved

None reported.

13. To receive Councillors reports - For information only. Any items for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors (if in attendance)

  • County Councillor Key had sent in a report which has been circulated to all Councillors just prior to the meeting.
  • KL felt that we must start the planning for Christmas and suggested trees around the village with Christmas lights. AD mentioned the advent window plan also. It was agreed to place an item on the August agenda to start discussions.
  • KL asked all Councillors to use “Fix My Street” to report problems to LCC. It is to be prominently displayed in the next Newsletter.
  • KL also advised that there may be items arising out of the Queen’s Jubilee and District Boundary review.
  • KL requested an item on the next agenda for the HR Committee.
  • Bramble Close continues to be an eyesore with the rubbish accumulation. CW was asked to approach NKDC again and see if the rubbish collection area could be fenced off to improve the “view”.
  • CW had received details relating to the West Street development from NKDC Planning. The green space area in the development is not considered suitable for a play area. To mitigate this, they are looking at providing play equipment for elsewhere in the village. An item is to be added to the August agenda.
  • CW advised that a revised Local Plan has been received and she will circulate this to Councillors.

14. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss staffing matters.

It was proposed by KL, seconded by AC, and agreed unanimously that the meeting go into closed session. Accordingly, the current meeting closed at 19.56. The closed meeting commenced at 19.57.

  1. To discuss and agree arrangements for staffing matters.

Item (b) forms the basis for most of this item. It was agreed that Staff Appraisals would be in September.

  1. To agree processing appointment of new staff members – Litter Picker & Assistant Clerk

The Assistant Clerk situation was discussed fully. It was felt that until Office working had become more normalised and Committee working could function properly, the amount of work could not be quantified. It was agreed to review the situation when Office functionality and working from home had been agreed. Hopefully when the number of Councillors allowed Committees to be established this will help establish the need.

The Litter Picker appointment was discussed and it emerged that other tasks could be built into this position to help keep the village tidy. It was agreed that the HR Committee would review the job description and identify the specific requirements.

  1. Complaint to Parish Council.

A written complaint had been received following an incident within the village. In accordance with laid-down procedures, a Committee was formed to consider this and the Complainant was invited to meet the Committee to discuss the complaint. A further incident was added to the complaint on acceptance of the meeting. After this initial acceptance of the meeting the complainant subsequently decided not to pursue the complaint. The complaint is considered closed.

The meeting closed at 20.27.