1 February 2021

Minutes of Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held via Microsoft teams on 1 February 2021 at 7pm


Councillors Bell, Catlett, Waters, and Locke Cllr Cassidy chaired the meeting.

District Councillor Gill Ogden

Carol Willingham Clerk, RFO, and minute taker.

No members of the public present.

1.To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

Cllr Dymoke (personal reasons) and Cllr Harvey (personal reasons) Proposed Cllr Bell seconded Cllr Locke and Resolved. 

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests. 


3. To approve as a correct record and minutes, notes of the meeting held on 11 January 2021   

It was proposed by Cllr Cassidy, seconded by Cllr Bell and resolved.

4. To elect a Vice Chair for Billinghay Parish Council                                                                                  

It was Proposed Cllr Cassidy and seconded Cllr Bell and resolved that Cllr Locke should be vice chair.

5. To receive an update on the vacancies for Parish Councillors: co-option of Councillor.

The Clerk had sent an email to the resident who had expressed interest and had not received a reply. Posters advertising vacancies would be placed on noticeboards and in the next newsletter.

6. Update from meeting held 11 January:

This item covered in Clerks report.

7. To agree dates for Policy and Finance Committee meetings

Proposed Cllr Catlett seconded Cllr Locke and resolved that the committees should meet 4 times annually with published dates.

8. To adopt reviewed Standing Orders and Financial Regs.

The Policy and Finance Committee had met on 25 Jan and Cllr Catlett had been elected as chair of the Committee. Reviews were still being done on documents and would be included on March agenda for adoption.

9. Parish Council Website:

The website needed updating and Cllr Locke advised that help was available for websites, via a LALC volunteer and suggested that we approach him for some support whilst finalising the new site.

10. Finances

a. To approve payments made since the last meeting (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting). It was Proposed Cllr Locke, seconded Cllr Bell and Resolved.

b. Request from residents: to consider installing white village entrance gateways. Cllr Cassidy had contacted a local firm to ask for a financial donation towards provision of this item, should it be agreed to install gateways. He had also approached Walcott Parish Council to ask if they considered that they contributed towards ‘traffic calming’ and was awaiting a reply.

Cllr Waters had looked at the gateways in Walcott and could see no benefit with regards to slowing traffic.

The clerk had contacted LRSP (Lincs Road Safety Partnership) to ask if they could evidence any traffic calming impact, from gateways being installed, as part of researching the project.

The item would be considered once more information was available.

c. To purchase a laptop for Office Assistant:

It was agreed Cllr Cassidy would look at options for this item. I was proposed Cllr Bell seconded Cllr Catlett and resolved, to allocate expenditure of no more than £500 for a laptop.

11.  Highways: Any updates or information.

The A153 had been extremely dangerous with icy surfaces following snow fall. Cllrs considered that the Environment Agency signage was inadequate.

12.  Clerk’s Report (Circulated prior to meeting).

Old Burial Ground Wall Church Street: Quotation sent to Lincoln Diocesan office to obtain permission/planning for the work to proceed.

Allotments: Letters have been sent to all plot holders to ask if they would voluntarily give up plots. They have been asked to respond by 28 February 2021.

Walcott Road Cemetery: Jenny Bailey NKDC is supplying a new black bin for cemetery. There is no recycle bin or (brown) garden waste in use as people put plastic and paper in any bin, despite notices on the bins to advise what can go in each bin. Volunteers needed to do monthly water level readings and to help collect up wreaths from graves next week.

LCC Highways: clerk had contacted LCC to ask for the officer for Billinghay, to call and update on proposed works for Mill Lane/Causeway. Asked for details of when the work is scheduled and what is proposed.

Bramble Close NKDC had taken away fly tipped furniture and were aware of continuing problems with overflowing bins and waste left at the side of bins.

Defibrillator Children’s Centre Defib case has been delivered and due to be fitted on Monday 1 Feb. electrician quoted approx. £40 for fitting but could be a little more if it is different fittings to the existing cabinet.

S. I. D. Cllr Cassidy had charged and placed device on Walcott Road.

13.  Planning Matters – Cllr Bell

Applications Received:Nil

Applications Approved: 20/1489/Ful 69 Walcott Road: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 1 dormer and 1 single storey bungalow.

20/1115/RESM Sundown Tattershall Road: Permission granted for new dwelling.

Cllr Bell advised that plans for the West Street development had been updated and were available on NKDC planning website.

It was Resolved that the March 1 Parish Council should start at 6.30pm to allow for Planning to be discussed.

14. To receive Councillors’ Reports - For information only.

Any items for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors (if in attendance).

15. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the follow legal and staffing matters. (Should this resolution be passed, members of the press and public will be required to leave the meeting. The meeting will end, and a further meeting of the Council will be convened immediately.)

a. To consider salary review for the Clerk/RFO and Office Assistant.

The clerk left the meeting for this item, which was discussed in closed session.