7 February 2022

Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street, Billinghay on Monday 7 February 2022 7pm


Cllr Catlett (AC) in Chair, Cllr Dymoke (AD), Cllr Ball (LB), Cllr Liles (WL) & Cllr Harper (SJH)

Clerk & RFO: C Willingham (CW)

Public Session

2 Representatives from B.A.D.Ass attended to discuss their application for funding.

1 Representative from Billinghay Athletic Football Club attended to discuss their application.


1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Locke and M Willingham (personal reasons). It was proposed WL and sec AD and resolved to accept apologies.

Cllrs Ogden and Key were unable to attend and sent apologies.

2.To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

AD declared interest for agenda item 7 as a member of Village Hall Committee and B.A.D.Ass.

3. To approve as correct record and minutes notes of the PC AFM meeting held on 29 November 2021

AC told Cllrs that Public Session did not have to be minuted. The Clerk confirmed that this was correct.

Action: The clerk was asked to circulate the notes for 29 Nov 2021 with revised public session that stated facts.

4. To receive reports from County and District Councillors

Cllr Ogden had submitted a short report regarding matters at NKDC that had been circulated.

5. Clerk’s Update

There were still vacancies for Parish Councillors.

Queens Jubilee June 2022: It was suggested that a committee should be formed involving all of the Parish Groups to agree what should be done for the Queens Jubilee. There would be an item in the newsletter.

Lincs Co-operative had opened another round of grants, information was circulated to Cllrs and the clerk had asked for suggestions for an application.

A resident had complained about growth overhanging the public right of way at the back of The Whyche, and asked for it to be cut back to allow people to use the path, and not to have to walk on the field. The clerk was trying to find out who was responsible, and would contact housing at NKDC.

Some residents in Shire Close had asked for overhanging trees in the cemetery to be cut back.

The Clerk arranged for a contractor to inspect the issue and to report back.

6. Parish Council Vacancies and Declaration of Councillor Harvey’s Disqualification

It was proposed and resolved that the following declaration was made by the Council

Under LGA 1972, S.86: Billinghay Parish Council Declare to NKDC that  Cllr F Harvey ceases to be a member of Parish Council by reason of failure to attend meetings of the authority, and forthwith declare the office to be vacant. The Clerk would notify NKDC Electoral Services.

7.  Finances

a) Parish Council Grant requests

£5000.00 had been budgeted for grant funding, and applications exceeded this amount which made it more difficult for Councillors to decide how to distribute the funds. It was noted that Parish Council Members appreciate the hard work, of all of the village groups and provision of leisure, sport and entertainment opportunities for residents and visitors to the local area.

  • BADAss – Storage container £3410 (A.D. declared an interest and took no part in the discussion or vote). Councillors understood the difficulty that the group were experiencing with storage issues. It was resolved not to award a grant as there was doubt about the cost, suitability and availability of the container for storing clothing and scenery items.
  • Village Hall committee – Curtains for stage £420 It was resolved to award the grant with the proviso that written confirmation was given prior to purchase, that the fabric was fire retardant.
  • Billinghay Athletic Football Club – New Pavilion Roof £4000 It was resolved to award the grant in full. The Club would be asked to keep the Council informed on progress on a regular basis.
  • Billinghay & District Swimming Pool – Benches £2800 It was resolved not to award grant funding for Swimming Pool. The Groups appeared to have funds available to cover the proposed purchase.

b) To approve payments made since the last meeting (lists circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting).

Including renewal of Insurance with Gallagher under a 3 year agreement to Feb 2023.

Action: The Council resolved.

c) To approve accounts for the quarter ended 31 December 2021. Appendix

Action: The Council resolved to accept the figures as a true record.

d) To agree draft Budget and Precept Request to NKDC for 2022/23.

Action: Dispensations were granted to allow Cllrs to manage financial matters until Parish Council elections in 2023.

It was proposed by AC seconded by AD and resolved for the Precept to remain the same as the previous 2 years and to request £45125.00.

e) To review and allocate reserves.

Action: The Council resolved to finalise reserve allocations at March meeting.

f) To review Cemetery Fees

Action: It was agreed to leave fees unchanged for the following year, as there were fee increases in recent years.

g) To agree/consider membership of the LALC and the Annual Training Scheme at a cost of £636.42

Action: It was resolved to continue membership and to authorise payment for April.

8. To review and agree councillor membership of the following Parish Council Committees as councillor numbers have increased:

  • Policy & Finance
  • Environment
  • Planning
  • HR
  • Events & Community
  • Emergency Planning
  • Neighbourhood Planning

Action: Councillors were asked to let the clerk know which committees they wanted join so that this item could be agreed next meeting.

WL mentioned that all Councillors used to deal with planning, and as numbers of cllrs were still low it made sense to include everyone.

9. Emergency Plan Update

WL had attended recent training and was willing to work towards updating the plan with residents and Cllrs. The newsletter would give more information.

10. To review/update Cemetery Regulations

AC agreed to work with the Clerk to create a draft document, for Cllrs to approve.

11. To receive Councillors reports - For information only. Any items for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors (if in attendance)

Cllrs agreed that as Ringmoor Lounge was still not available for meetings, they would be happy to continue to meet at the Methodist Chapel. The Clerk would book the 7 March for the next PC meeting.

A request had been made for double yellow lines outside Shapes as many customers with mobility difficulties, are dropped of nearby. Parked cars at this location make it congested for vehicles to drop passengers. The Clerk would contact Cllr A Key and ask him to contact LCC Highways in regard to this request.

The meeting closed at 9.39pm