9 August 2021

Notes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held at Billinghay Village Hall, Ringmoor Close on Monday 9 2021 (7.00pm)


Cllr Locke (KL) in Chair, Cllr Catlett (AC), Cllr Waters (TW) & Cllr Bell (TB)

County Councillor Key (AK)

Parish Clerk & RFO Carol Willingham (CW)

Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)

1 Member of the Public

Public Session

A prospective Councillor had attended as part of the co-option procedures and gave details of his background and reasons for wanting to be a Councillor.

  1. Election of Vice Chair

AC was nominated by TB, seconded by TW and elected unanimously.

2. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies received from Cllr. Dymoke. It was proposed by TB, seconded by AC, and agreed unanimously that they be accepted.

Apologies were also received from District Councillor Ogden as a matter of courtesy.

3. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

 None declared.

4. To approve as correct record and minutes notes of the PC meeting held on 5 July 2021.

It was proposed by KL, seconded by AC, and agreed (with one abstention) that the Notes for the 5 July 2021 be accepted as minutes.   

5. Parish Council Co-option:

Applications have been received from 2 residents to be co-opted and circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting. The pre-Co-option procedures had been completed. Following the voting:

Margaret Reading was co-opted unanimously

The other resident was not co-opted following a split vote

An expression of Interest had been received from a resident on Walcott Road who attended the meeting and introduced himself in the Public Session.

6. Parish Council Policies Review and Adoption.

There were no new Policies that required adoption. AC advised that he was working on the Risk Assessment Policy and explained that he was adapting the recommended LALC wordings to fit Billinghay Parish Council requirements.

7. To consider and agree arrangement for Queens Platinum Jubilee weekend in June 2022

It was suggested that the village arrange celebrations around the Central Weekend program being developed nationally. Each day has a separate theme and it was thought that this could provide a basis for local activities to correspond with these. Councillors were asked for their ideas and it was agreed to ask village organisations if they were planning events and how the Council could help them.

Tree planting in line with the GSN Tree Planting Initiative was suggested for Council owned areas of the village.

It was agreed to place an article in the next Newsletter asking for ideas from residents and organisations and offering Council help where possible.

8. To consider and agree arrangements/expenditure for Christmas Event: Tree lighting etc.

It was felt that it was difficult to plan the event fully as the Covid situation might still impact on what is allowed.

It was agreed that the Christmas Tree in the Market Place would still be able to go ahead, and the Clerk was asked to arrange for a tree to be made available. The scale of this event will be determined by the regulations at the time but the “switch-on” has been set for Wednesday 1st December. It is hoped to arrange for refreshments to be available after the lighting ceremony.

There was also a suggestion that the Council illuminate other trees on the land they own in the village and the number and amount of lighting needs to be assessed.

A living advent calendar had been put forward as a possibility last year but it had been too late to implement. This would require 24 households or businesses to place a display in their window with one being opened each day. Volunteers to participate were to be requested in the next issue of the Newsletter.

To accommodate planning for these events, it was agreed to cancel the December Council Meeting and incorporate it into the November Annual Finance meeting prior to the planned event.

It was difficult to set a budget until the number of new sets of lights to illuminate the trees was known. The Clerk was asked to obtain estimates for suitable sets of lights. The item will then be re-considered at the September meeting.

9. Risk Assessment

To agree payment of fees to NKDC for tree inspections (expected cost to be approximately £135 ex VAT Information circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).

It was proposed by AC, seconded by TW and agreed unanimously to proceed with the Tree Inspection.

10.  Finances

a) To approve payments made since the last meeting (lists circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting) - it was proposed by KL, seconded by TB, and agreed unanimously.

b) To approve accounts for the quarter ending 30 June 2021 as a true record

This had already been done at the July Meeting.

11. Newsletter Review

Quotations for printing of the Newsletter had been requested from our current printer and were as below:

Current monochrome version                                £175 per issue

With full colour on back & front pages                  £298 per issue

Full colour version                                                £1165 per issue

It was, therefore, agreed to continue as at present and remind residents that they could access a full colour version on the Parish website.

12. Highways

a) Remembrance Parade Arrangements

AC advised that an application to have the parade had been submitted showing the Clerk as the organiser for the Parish Council on behalf of the Royal British Legion. (RBL). The RBL had held a meeting and agreed to revert to the original format. This would mean the parade meeting at the Ship and going on to the Market Place. There would be the usual service at the Memorial before proceeding to the Church.

After the parade the RBL are arranging a meal at the Ship.

The following actions are now necessary:

  • Approach the vicar to arrange the Services
  • Approach the usual groups to arrange the wreath laying (the Council will be laying a wreath)
  • Obtain another volunteer to deal with the road closures. They will need training to do this but training sessions have been set up for this purpose.

In addition, a storage place is required for the equipment for the above. AC agreed to check out the Walcott Road Cemetery shed for this purpose.

b) Highways Updates

  • A local resident continues to complain about speeding on Walcott Road. The Parish Council did request that the speed limit sign be moved nearer Walcott and the County Councillor is supporting this request. He also agreed to send details that he has of speed control measures. However, it was pointed out that the Parish Council has no control over these matters and LCC Highways have responded to the resident already.
  • The necessity to re-surface Sprite Lane was mentioned and explained.
  • Problems with parked vehicles at the junction of West Street and Victoria Street were raised and now several No Parking cones had appeared, although they were mostly ignored. The County Councillor agreed to raise the matter with Highways.
  • The provision of the Cycle Way between Billinghay & Walcott, whilst welcomed, had raised concerns due to the level of road closure necessary. The scheme has been put back to 23 August and the length of closure reduced to 8 weeks. The County Councillor has a meeting with LCC Highways to see if the matter can be improved for regular users of the road. Possible “unofficial” diversion routes on unsuitable back roads were predicted to cause chaos.
  • The Chair encouraged all Councillors to complete the Bus Improvement Plan Survey to try and improve services to and from Billinghay.
  • CW was asked to obtain the latest Speedwatch statistics

13. Clerk’s Report

The Clerk had circulated most of the items to the Councillors prior to the meeting. She confirmed that AC was now a payment signatory, and that TB is in the process of being added.

The report on the Council IT requirements will be received shortly and circulated to Councillors for consideration at the next meeting.

14. Planning Matters.

a) Applications Received

21/0961/OUT Tranmar, Tattershall Bridge Road Tattershall Bridge. Outline application for demolition of existing bungalow & erection of a replacement 4-bedroom house with double garage (all matters reserved). Councillors were asked to view the plans online and let the Clerk have any comments.

b) Applications Approved

21/0792/HOUS 5 York Terrace – annex

15. To consider and agree Parish Office arrangements regarding Office opening and agile working for Clerk & Office Assistant.

No news on when NKDC will be allowing use of the building. The position is due for review in September.  It was agreed to consider the matter when NKDC position is known. Item to be added to the September Agenda.

16. To receive Councillors reports - For information only. Any items for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors (if in attendance)

  • County Councillor Key had covered most of the items in his report during the meeting. He did mention that he had a meeting arranged with Rowan Smith of LCC Highways and said he would discuss Billinghay problems with him. He also suggested that he arrange a joint visit with Rowan Smith to Billinghay. A copy of his full report is attached as Appendix A.
  • TB asked if the checks that he was doing on Council equipment were still needed. AC explained they were as they would form a part of the full Risk Assessment policy.
  • KL raised the question of the waste disposal at Bramble Close and asked the Clerk to report to NKDC
  • KL also mentioned that training courses would be necessary for any new Councillors.
  • CW said she had asked a local handyman to take down the speed indicator device for the battery to be recharged. Help would be needed to put it back into use.

17. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss staffing matters.

It was proposed by KL, seconded by TB, and agreed unanimously that the meeting go into closed session. Accordingly, the current meeting closed at 20.34. The closed meeting commenced at 20.34.    

  1. Allotments: To consider advice circulated prior to the meeting and agree actions.

There was a full discussion about the advice received regarding the farming allotments owned by the Council. A need was established to confirm which holders had held their allotments prior to 12 July 1984 and the Clerk agreed to search back through the historical records. Such persons would have the right to pass these on to their descendants. Allotment holders acquiring their holdings after that date would not be able to do this. Some allotment holders had already indicated their willingness to relinquish their allotments, and this would also mean the farmers they were “using” would not be able to continue.

The Clerk advised that there was still a waiting list for allotments and those who had given them up could be replaced. The need to issue new agreements was agreed. The review of the charge for the allotments needs to take place at the September meeting as any change in rent must be given 12 months in advance. It was suggested that expert advice was obtained about rental fees to ensure that we were charging the correct market figure.

  1. To consider quotation for Office Equipment/IT provision and support

Already covered in the Clerk’s Report.

  1. September Meeting

The date of the ordinary September meeting was moved to 13th September 2021.


The meeting closed at 21.03.


Appendix A  County Councillors Report

Report to the Billinghay Parish Council for August 2021 from County Councillor, Andrew Key

Thank you for inviting me to your Parish Council meeting, as always, I will endeavour to attend as often as I can.

I have attended several Scrutiny meetings in recent weeks at County Hall, including Chairing the Adults Scrutiny meeting.

I continue to answer residents’ and Parish Councils’ queries as and when they arise.

Remembrance and other Parades

You may be aware that Lincolnshire County Council Highways and Lincolnshire Police have delivered awareness training for organisers of Remembrance / Constitutional Parades (e.g., St Georges Day) for the past few years.

These have been well attended and very well received.

At the training, advice is given regarding responsibilities as an event organiser, safety and legal advice, the required Traffic Order processes and signs and equipment are provided to allow organisers to deliver these important events in a legal and safe manner.

The training was unfortunately cancelled last year due to Covid-19, and it is therefore the intention to deliver training this Autumn – provisional date of 20th October 2021. This will cover refresher training for those who have attended in the past and also any new organisers who have not yet attended would be welcomed.

Further details and an invitation to book these courses will be sent out soon to organisers of such parades (who we are aware of). The courses will be approximately 3 hours long.

Bus Service Improvement Plan Survey

An engagement survey has now gone live asking for the views of individuals and organisations on Lincolnshire's bus network. This link will take you to the survey https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/engagement

 Since the Government launched the National Bus Strategy in March 2021, to secure a share of the £3BN funding announced, local transport authorities are asked to enter into an Enhanced Partnership with local operators and to produce a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) by the end of October 2021. This will be considered by the Department for Transport (DfT) to determine how much funding we will receive. As part of the evidence base, we are sending out this engagement survey to establish a baseline of views, what local people and organisations consider important and what may encourage them to use buses more.   Further consultation will be held in due course as potential schemes start to emerge for the BSIP.

 The survey is designed to be completed by individuals and representatives of organisations. The survey asks different questions depending on how you answer. We are encouraging as many people as possible to complete the survey on-line but if you have any constituents that cannot they can ring 0345 456 4474 Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and we will arrange a postal copy of the survey to be sent to them. The survey closes on Monday 30 August.

Highways Matters

Please ensure that all Highways matters requiring attention are reported via Fix My Street. I am happy of course to chase up things that haven’t been attended to, but do ensure you report them on Fix My Street in the first instance so that they are ‘in the system’. Highways can only attend to faults they are aware of.

I am meeting the Local Highways Manager on Friday this week for our regular catch up.

I have requested that Highways look into a parking restriction around the King Street/Victoria Street junction.

I have a meeting on line with Paul Little, Head of Highways Asset Management tomorrow regarding the new footpath/cycle way and can feed back to him any comments from the Parish Council.