4 November 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 4 November 2024 at 7.00pm. Present: Cllrs Catlett – Chair (AC) Liles (WL) Miller (RM) Cottrell (SC) Greetham (RG) Green (IG) Parish Clerk: Helen Key (HK) District Councillor Whittle (AW) Public Session 0 members of the public present

Minutes of the Council Meeting

1.To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting. None received all Parish Councillors present. Apologies were received from County Councillor Andrew Key. It was noted that Councillor Cassidy had tendered his resignation.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or other registerable interests in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Registerable Interests' declaration. None Declared.

3. To receive reports from County and District Councillors. District Councillor Whittle reported that he was pursuing concerns raised by several residents regarding the trailers parked in Queen Street. He reported this matter has now been passed to the Highways legal department. Cllr Whittle reported that Kath Marriott will take over from Ian Fytche when he steps down as Chief Executive of North Kesteven District Council and Russell Stone will take over as deputy Chief Executive from Phil Roberts. During discussions regarding speeding traffic in the village, Cllr Whittle reported that this is a problem throughout the district. He explained about traffic bots that record times and speeds of passing traffic that had been used in another county. However, this information is very similar to that recorded by the Billinghay Speed Indicator Device which Lincolnshire County Council have already stated they do not act upon this data.

4. To accept the notes from the Meeting of 7 October 2024 as minutes and a true record. It was proposed by SC, seconded by RM, and agreed by unanimously that they be accepted. 

5. Matters arising and Clerk’s Report. (Details forwarded prior to the meeting). Additional points that arose: The Office Lease Statutory Declaration was signed on 1 November 2024. Following further concerns raised by a resident, regarding speeding traffic on Walcott Road, a further request for an Archers survey with supporting data from the speed indictor device was submitted to the StayingAlive team. Reply received stating No survey will take place and that the area will be monitored using the surveillance camera van as was previously stated. No reply had been received to the letter sent regarding the ongoing garden waste deposited near to the cemetery boundary fence.

6. Correspondence Items forwarded: NALC Bulletins, LALC Bulletins, Woodland Trust “Free Trees”, Defibrillator Fund London Hearts, Central Lincolnshire Design Code response reminder.

7. Finance a. To approve payments made during October 2024 (list circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting). It was proposed by WL, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously to approve the payments.

8. Planning Applications to consider as a Statutory Consultee (as detailed below and those received after publication of the agenda which require a decision before the next meeting). 24/1200/TCA St Michael’s Churchyard required tree works No comments. Planning Other: Land at Sprite Lane Details of amendments to plans Raising building 225mm, a smaller flue, and repositioning of windows.

9. To report on risk assessments/safety checks. Report from Cllrs where applicable. The Clerk reported that due to the resignation of a councillor, the Bus Shelters now need assigning to someone for checking. SC agreed to check the bus shelters.

10. LCC Highways Updates. Drainage Investigation works Tattershall Road Commencing 4 November 2024 for 5 days

11. To consider the purchase of business cards from Pelican Trust (Details forwarded to councillors prior to the meeting). .2 It was proposed by AC, seconded by SC, and agreed unanimously to approve the purchase. The Clerk will order the business cards and arrange to collect with the next issue of the Newsletter to avoid postage costs.

12. To review and approve the undernoted policies and procedures: (AC forwarded prior to the meeting). • PCD006 Sexual & General Harassment • PCD018 Grievance Policy • PCD026 Maternity and Paternity Leave • PCD027 Carers and Compassionate Leave • PCD030 Flexible Working It was proposed by AC, seconded by WL, and agreed unanimously to adopt these circulated policies.

13. To consider a resident’s email received regarding speeding traffic on High Street (Email forwarded prior to the meeting), During discussions it was found that the Council agree and share residents’ concerns, the same concerns have been raised in other areas in the village. Our response has been to provide speed indictor device data to the stayingAlive team, an Archers survey has been conducted on Mill Lane following our requests, an area in the High Street has been monitored by Highways following concerns raised by the council. Each reply has come back the same these are low risk areas; surveillance speed camera van visits and no additional double yellow lines will be placed in the village. The only additional comments were that dash cam evidence needs reporting, to show the dangers of poor driving and of drivers not giving way. We did have a community speed watch team but unfortunately there were not enough people to continue this scheme. The Clerk was asked to reply to the resident.

14. To consider a request from NKDC to remove streetlighting from a resident’s property on Bridge Street. (Email forwarded prior to the meeting). During discussions it was reported that the light in question is not working, the area is lit by the ‘no entry’ signs at the end of Church Lane. It was suggested that a new light could possibly be relocated onto the pole outside 14 Bridge Street, but if this is not possible then the Council have no comments to make. The Clerk was asked to forward these comments to North Kesteven District Council.

15. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for the next meeting. SC reported that he had completed the link forwarded to him by the Clerk following the concerns raised about unsafe parking in the Carr Gate area. The findings were that there was nothing to follow up. RM advised that the Christmas Tree would be erected on 2 December 2024, anyone willing to help would be welcome at the marketplace at 9am. .3 RM reported that the Village Hall roof work was imminent.IG reported he had been approached by a resident regarding vehicles cutting the junction at Mill Lane/Walcott Road and they had suggested an island. It was explained that this had been looked at previously and that the junction was not wide enough for this. IG reported that concerns had been raised about the dangers for children being dropped off at the school bus stops, one accident has already happened earlier in the year, and this will only increase once the new houses are built down Mill Lane, with possibly more children in the area. It was suggested that evidence of times, places etc be collected, then this information can be taken to the correct authority. AC reported that a Government Consultation regarding remote council meetings and proxy voting was open until 19 December 2024 for comment. Following discussion, it was considered that the Parish Council could benefit from the ability to hold remote meetings in exceptional circumstances and remote attendance in exceptional circumstances to physical meetings, could help maintain quorum numbers at meetings. Overall, it was considered that physical meetings best suited the council, with remote meetings having advantages and disadvantages but a good option to have available. Proxy voting was also considered to be a good option to have available. AC will complete the survey to represent this. AC reported that the mosaic area work has been completed but may well in time need redoing as the tree roots grow and the blocks move. AC reported that the street cleaner was struggling to find new PPE under the £50 budget approved, so the Chair and the Clerk will use the powers of Financial Regulations to approve the further costs.

16. To consider and resolve to exclude the press and public to discuss confidential matters relating to individuals in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960. It was proposed by RG, seconded by WL, and agreed unanimously.

17. To update on the Probation Review for an employee. It was proposed by AC, and seconded by SC, and agreed unanimously approved RESOVLED that the Street Cleaner has satisfactorily completed his probation period.

Meeting Closed at 7.58pm Signed Date