4 November 2024 Annual Finance Meeting
Minutes of the Annual Finance Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 04 November 2024 at 8.30pm.
Present: Cllrs Catlett Chair (AC), Liles (WL), Miller (RM) Cottrell (SC) Greetham (RG) Green (IG) Parish Clerk: Helen Key (HK) 0 members of the public present. Minutes of the Council Meeting
1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting. All Present.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or other registerable interests in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Registerable Interests' declaration. RM declared an interest re the Village Hall Grant Application.
3. Finance.
a. To consider the following Grant Requests (full details circulated prior to meeting) Reasons for request and details of finances were provided by members of the each applying committee: • Billinghay Village Hall Costs towards Roof Repairs £2000 It was proposed by SC, seconded by WL, and agreed by majority that the grant be paid in full. (RM abstained). • Billinghay Football Club Costs towards new Mower £500 It was proposed by WL, seconded by SC, and agreed unanimously to award a grant of £500. • Billinghay Bowls Club Materials to replace boundary fence £1821.60 There were two proposals regarding resolution of this grant application. It was proposed by WL, seconded by RG, that the Bowls Club be awarded a grant of £1000.00 and this proposal received three votes. It was counter proposed by RM, seconded by IG, that the Bowls Club be awarded a grant of £1467.84 and this proposal received three votes. Having equal number of votes, the Chair exercised his casting vote to award Billinghay Bowls Club a grant of £1000.00.
b. To review grant for War Memorial Flowers (current details already circulated) The current Annual Allowance is an amount not exceeding £450. The amount still seems adequate bearing in mind, the cost over the last two years. It was proposed by AC, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously that the £450 limit be retained.
c. To review Cemetery Fees (comparison figures already issued) Full consideration was given to our current fees in relation to those charged by similar sized parishes. The cost of maintenance of the cemetery has gradually increased and it was felt that a small increase was justified. It was proposed by AC, seconded by SC, and agreed unanimously, that with effective from 1 January 2025: Burial Fees single plot be increased to £430. Burial Fees single plot Under 18 £220 Double plot £860 Ashes Plot £300 Ashes Plot under 18 £155 Headstone no increase staying at £200 Additional Inscription £30 Reserve Plot Ashes £110 Reserve Burial £165.00 Transfer Fee £45.00 Drafting of Statutory Declaration £45 Non-Residents x 3
d. To review the Allotment Rents These were reviewed in August for the year from October 2025 to 2026. The review showed that the amount being charged was adequate. It was proposed by AC, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously that the rates remain unaltered for 2025 to 2026 unless there was a major change in circumstances before October 2025.
e. To consider the draft budget for 2025 to 2026 and any proposed project expenditure. Prior to the meeting a draft budget had been produced by LH, AC and HK the rationale for the figures suggested were discussed in detail. Some changes were agreed. .2 It was proposed by AC, seconded by WL, and agreed unanimously that the revised budget be accepted. HK to circulate the revised figures.
f. To review and allocate reserves. The reserves were discussed, the document will be finalised when the precept is set, and details are needed by the Auditors. Provisional reserves at this stage were: • Neighbourhood Plan Review • Children’s Play Equipment • Possible legal advice • Possible Clerk long-term Sick Leave • Special Parish Events • Outstanding Office Rent • Maintenance of Parish Property • CIL funds not yet allocated • Savings held to purchase a new cemetery £10,116 £20,000 £15,000 £12,500 £ 4, 000 £ 1,685 £12,601 £ 9,004 £52,000 g. To receive the NJC Pay Scales for 2024 to 2025 and apply from 1 April 2024. It was proposed by SC, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously that these be accepted and applied from 1 April 2024.
4. Report on the Community Infrastructure Levy Income and Expenditure – report issued prior to the meeting. The report was discussed.
Meeting Closed at 9.01pm Signed Date