8 August 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 8 August 2022 at 7pm.


Cllr Liles (WL), Cllrs Catlett (AC), Dymoke (AD) & Fisher (DF)

Assistant to Clerk: Lou Hird (LH)

0 Members of the Public

Public Session

No members of the public present.


1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies had been received from Cllr Ball and it was proposed by AC, seconded by AD and unanimously agreed that these be accepted. Apologies were also received from District Cllr Ogden and County Cllr Key as a matter of courtesy.

2.  To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

None declared.

3. To receive reports from County and District Councillors.

Not present

4a. To accept the notes from Meeting held on 04 July 2022 as Minutes and a true record.

It was proposed by AD, seconded by AC, and unanimously agreed that these be accepted as minutes.

4b. To accept the notes from the EGM held on 27 June 2022 as Minutes and a true record

It was proposed by WL, seconded by AC, and unanimously agreed that these be accepted as minutes.

5.  Matters arising and Clerk’s reports

The following matters arising were discussed:

  • The Billinghay Community Group advised that the Community Garden project would commence again shortly, and they were in contact with the RBL to clear the site where necessary.
  • Christmas Tree Lighting Event preparation has proceeded, and agreement had been reached regarding the tree sourcing, blessing, music, refreshments and switching on of the lights.
  • LH reported that he was still awaiting a response from Glendale regarding the unsatisfactory grass cutting on the Playing Field.                                            Action: It was agreed that Council would consider other Contractors when the Contract was due for renewal.
  • Sale of the Strimmer – LH & AC had put together details of the strimmer and LH suggested that offers over £150 would be appropriate. However, the work currently being carried out to clean up the older areas of the cemetery had demonstrated the need for a strimmer/brush cutter. Therefore, it was proposed by AC, seconded by AD, and unanimously agreed that the sale be postponed, and the strimmer used on the current project to test its suitability.
  • Speed Indicator Device (SID) – it had already been agreed that a new SID would be purchased at an earlier meeting.  LH had circulated details of a model being introduced in other parishes.                                                                               Action: It was agreed that LH would contact the manufacturers to arrange a meeting to look at options for the new SID.
  • Grants - LH had contacted recipients of Grants for confirmation that the work had been done and details of costs etc. Both the Football Club and the Village Hall advised that work was in progress, and they would advise full details when completed.
  • Speed Watch – AD reported that she was still trying to contact the Group to check the current position.
  • Risk Assessment – AC & LH are working on this, but it will take some time to finalise.

6. To receive and adopt 18th July 2022 HR Committee draft Minutes

It was proposed by AC, seconded by DF, and unanimously agreed that these be accepted as minutes.

7. To approve the reviewed:

  • HR Committee Terms of Reference
  • PCD002 Standing Orders - Changes in line with revised LALC template. 
  • PCD003 Financial Regulations. No changes.
  • PCD010 Data Protection. No changes.
  • PCD011 Health and Safety. Two minor changes.
  • PCD016 Complaints policy. No changes
  • PCD020. Communications policy (incorporating media policy). One minor change.
  • PCD031 Freedom of Information. No Changes
  • PCD039 Data Breach. No Changes
  • PCD014 Whistleblowing. No changes.
  • PCD017. Disciplinary. No changes.
  • PCD018. Grievance. No changes.
  • PDC019 Dignity at Work. No changes.
  • PCD021 Sickness. No changes.
  • PCD026. Maternity and paternity leave. No changes.
  • PCD029 Lone Working. No changes.
  • PCD037 Training and Development. No changes
  • PCD038. Equality and diversity. No changes.

It was proposed by AC, seconded by AD, and unanimously agreed that the reviewed documents be accepted.

Action: AC will carry out final check and pass the documents to LH to amend the website.

8. To approve the new Code of Conduct (based on National LGA and NKDC model)

It was proposed by AD, seconded by AC, and unanimously agreed to adopt the new Code of Conduct.

Action: LH to update the website

9. Correspondence

Correspondence received had already been distributed where appropriate.

10. LCC Highways updates

No updates received.

11. To consider and approve cemetery issues.

AC reported that the clear up of the old areas of the cemetery was going well and would be finished soon.

12. To consider and co-opt new Parish Councillors.

A new applicant for co-option had complied with all of the procedures and it was proposed by AD, seconded by AC, and unanimously agreed that Roger Miller be co-opted.

13. Planning Applications to consider as Statutory consultee

Applications received:

22/0629/FUL Site of Lafford School – 24 Residential Homes – This item had been considered by Councillors prior to the meeting and a summary of their comments distributed. Detailed discussion took place reconsidering all of the comments

Action: It was agreed that LH would compile all the comments. They would be emailed to all Councillors for comment within 24 hours so the final document could go to NKDC Planning.

22/1035/FUL 121 High Street – erection of Bungalow

Action: LH to send comment to NKDC Planning regarding suitable access to the site for Constructors.

22/0946/TPO Pruning of Copper Beech Tree – no comments, work done

14. Finance

a. To approve amendments to the Bank Mandate / Payment authority & signing

The Acting Clerk had left bank mandates etc. to be signed by relevant Councillors and staff.  LH is ensuring completion and will return the forms to the Acting Clerk when completed.  The council agreed to remove two Full Signatories, upgrade two Limited Signatories to Full Signatories and added two new Full Signatories to the bank mandate. A board resolution will be completed by a current Full Signatory and the Acting Clerk will provide a letter of explanation to the bank.

b. To approve payments made during June 2022 (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting).

It was proposed by AD, seconded by AC, and unanimously agreed that the payments be approved.

c. To approve accounts for quarter ending 30 June 2022 (circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting)

It was proposed by AD, seconded by AC, and unanimously agreed that the accounts be approved.

d.  To review and allocate Reserves.

As the accounts had been audited and the reserves stated had been accepted, it was agreed that the Reserves would be reviewed fully at the Finance Meeting. To help keep a note of specific costs, it was agreed to itemise the locum costs.

e. To agree setting up direct debit payments for SCIS UK £81.36 monthly for IT and Glendale grass cutting £51.36 monthly for the season.

In view of the variables involved, it was not considered that Direct Debits would be suitable for these items.

15. Emergency Plan Update

WL is supplying an item for the next Newsletter and will be setting up a meeting shortly.

16. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for next meeting.

  • AC felt that the decision to scrap most of the Committees should be reconsidered, particularly Finance, and asked that this be put on the next agenda for review.
  • AD had identified a person interested in co-option. LH will supply her with a Application Form.
  • AD reported an uneven footpath near the cemetery. AC agreed to inspect and report to Fix My Street, if necessary.

Meeting closed at 8.35pm

Billinghay Parish Office ∙Ringmoor Close ∙Ringmoor House ∙Billinghay ∙Lincs ∙LN4 4EY Email info@billinghay-pc.gov.uk Mobile 07483 346143 Mondays Tuesdays and Thursdays