7 August 2023

Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 7 August 2023 at 7.00pm.


Cllrs Liles (WL, Catlett (AC), Ball (LB), Miller (RM), Cassidy (TC) & Greetham (RG)

Acting Clerk: Andrew Everard (AE)

Deputy Clerk: Lou Hird (LH)

0 members of the public present.

Minutes of the Council Meeting

1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received from Cllr SC. It was proposed by TC, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously that these be accepted. Also, Cllr Dymoke had texted apologies, but this had not been viewed prior to the meeting.

Apologies had also been received from District Cllr Ogden.

2To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or other registerable interests in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Registerable Interests' declaration.

None declared.  

3. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.

None present.

4. To accept the notes from the Meeting of 3 July 2023 as minutes and a true record.

It was proposed by LB, seconded by AC, and agreed unanimously that they be accepted.

5. Matters arising and Clerk’s notes.

The documentation for these had been circulated for review prior to the meeting. No further matters arose.

6. Correspondence

Items forwarded:  LALC & NALC Newsletters and Bulletins, Central Lincs Plan Consultation, Billinghay FC Completion of work, NKDC Guide re vacancies, Funding for Young People, Drainage Survey, E-on Contract Renewal, Neighbourhood Plan Letter. Arising from this Councillors requested further info be obtained regarding the Drainage Survey, in particular, the maps showing Billinghay. LH to request.

7. LCC Highways

a. Update on Park Lane – Cllr Dymoke was not present, but LB reported that further work had been carried out.

b. SID

  • New SID – received and ready for erecting. AC plus volunteers expect to do this next week.
  • Agree disposal of non-working SID. It was proposed by TC, seconded by RG, and agreed unanimously to do this.
  • AC also advised that he had extracted the stats from the SID for the period from 30 May to 7 August. It was agreed to report these in the next Newsletter.

c.  Highways survey on local roads – AC offered to carry out the survey but requested that all Cllrs check the village and let him have any relevant information.

8. Planning Applications to consider as Statutory consultee


23/0796/VAR           92 Walcott Road     Variation to 22/0796/FUL – Council had no                                                                   comments on this.

23/0443/HOU          115 Walcott Road    Amendment to plan re Garage/Carport. Since                                                                    publication of the Agenda, this application had                                                               been refused by NKDC Planning.

Consultation – update re bio-diversity plants etc.

Following the meeting on the 17th of July 2023 with representatives of the developers, more details are awaited. Until received, future actions cannot be planned.

9. Finance

a. To approve payments made during July 2023 (list circulated to Councillors) See Appendix A

It was proposed by LB, seconded by TC, and agreed unanimously to approve the payments.

b. To decide on future E-on Plan for Market Place Electricity supply

It was proposed by TC, seconded by RG, and agreed unanimously to accept the one-year fixed plan.   

c. to review signatories for Lloyds and PSDF accounts.

Lloyds Bank – it was agreed that we needed a further signatory to cater for holiday situations. RM was nominated for this.

PSDF – the current signatories are totally out of date. It was agreed that the correspondent be changed to LH and the signatories be the same as the Lloyds Accounts – AC, RM, LB & WL.

These changes were proposed by LB, seconded by TC, and agreed unanimously. LH to arrange.

10. Allotments – to review current charges for Allotments.

Details of average rental costs for arable land had been circulated prior to the meeting. These indicated that the current rate per acre being levied was adequate.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by RG, and agreed unanimously that the charge remain unaltered for the year ending October 2024.

11. Policy Review – to approve any amendments circulated by AC prior to the meeting.

Policies already approved – changes were date issues for website display only.

12. To note re-scheduled LALC AGM

Nothing to report as meeting was to elect Management Committee members.

13. First Aid Training Requirements (SC)

Unfortunately, SC was not present at the meeting but he wanted to establish the exact training requirements so this could be arranged. It was agreed that basic training only was needed for those Cllrs who had not been n a course previously. LH will pass information to SC so arrangements can be made.

14. Defibrillator – current position re new defibrillator at Fire Station

Equipment is in the Office and permission has been received for it to be attached to the exterior of the Fire Station. AC is currently arranging for estimates to acrry out the installation.

15. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for next meeting.

AC reported that he had cleaned up the Market Square

TC asked for an item on the next meeting agenda regarding the grass verges in the village.

RM reported a problem with the visibility of certain road signs due to vegetation growth. He will report these on “Fix My Street”.

LB/RM advised that the Playpark will require closure for approximately one month for installation of new equipment. When exact details are known LH will display these on the Notice Boards and in the Newsletter.

WL asked that the Xmas Event arrangements be set in motion. LH to ensure that tree available from the usual source and that the Ship are happy to provide refreshments

16. To consider and resolve to exclude the press and public to discuss confidential matters relating to individuals in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

It was proposed by AC, seconded by RG, and agreed unanimously.

17. Clerk Recruitment

Agreement of revised Clerks contract, incorporating agreement on pay levels and sick leave.

The draft document was discussed at length and the following points were covered.

      a. A salary scale SC18-23 was approved with a Salary starting point of SC18, but this        would be negotiable according to experience

b. Sick Pay rates would be amended to:

  • Year 1                         SSP only
  • Years 2 & 3                 1-month full pay, 1-month half pay, then SSP
  • Years 4 onwards         2-month full pay, 2-month half pay, then SSP

    Proposed by AC, Seconded by TC, and carried by majority decision.

c. Period of Notice set at:

  • 1 week in probationary period
  • 4 weeks after probationary period, increasing by on year for each year of service with a maximum of 12 weeks.

    Proposed by AC, Seconded by LB and carried unanimously.

d. Pension – NEST to be made available.

    Proposed by LB, seconded by TC, and carried unanimously.

It was proposed by AC, seconded by TC, and carried unanimously to accept the Clerk’s contract wording with the alterations detailed above.

Agreement of person specification for clerk recruitment

It was proposed by AC, seconded by LB, and carried unanimously to accept the proposed specification.

Agreement of advertising budget for Clerk recruitment

A budget of up to £300 was proposed by AC, seconded by TC, and carried unanimously.

Agreement of advertising timetable.

The following dates were put forward:

  • Start Date for applications                 1 September 2023
  • Closing date for applications             15 September 2023
  • Sifting process and interviews etc     Thereafter
  • Proposed Start Date                         9 October 2023

Proposed by AC, seconded by LB, and agreed unanimously.    

Formation of HR Sub-committee for sifting and interviewing for Clerk recruitment.

It was agreed that AC would oversee the process and the sifting and interview process would be carried out by LB, WL and TC.




Meeting Closed at 8.54pm


Appendix A











Billinghay Methodist Chapel

Room Hire


LGA1972 S111


R Miller

Travel expenses


LGA1972 S111





LGA1972 S142


Elan City



LG & Rating Act 1997


Personnel Advice & Solutions

Employment Advice


LGA1972 S111


BT Broadband



LGA1972 S111


Staff Costs



LGA1972 S111


BT Office Phone

Office Phone


LGA1972 S111


SCIS 8011

Internet Provider


LGA1972 S111


LALC 13864

Locum Clerk


LGA1972 S111


BT Mobile

Office Phone


LGA1972 S111


Staff Costs

Salaries, Tax&NI


LGA1972 S111





E Gill & Sons - G Marshall





Colin Ward - Mrs B Dickinsn





Colin Ward - WE South





Dignity Funerals





Odd Job Todd

News Ad




PSDF (rec'd 10/7/23)

Bank Interest




The Ship Inn

News Ad




W Kent - W E South





Peritum Interiors

News Ad




Bank Interest

Bank Interest
