4 October 2021

Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held at Billinghay Village Hall, Ringmoor Close on Monday 4 October 2021 (7.00pm)


Cllr Locke (KL) in Chair, Cllr Catlett (AC), Cllr Dymoke (AD) and Cllr Ball (LB)

Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)

Public Session

No members of the public were in attendance.

1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

No apologies were received other than from County Councillor Key and District Councillor Ogden which were sent as a matter of courtesy.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

None declared

3. To approve as correct record and minutes notes of the PC meeting held on 13 September 2021.

Action: The Council resolved unanimously that the Notes for the 13 September 2021 be accepted as minutes.

4. Parish Council Vacancies

Currently there are six vacancies.

Action: Councillors will launch a PR campaign to recruit further members.

5. Training for Councillors

Availability of LALC training was discussed and interest was shown by all present.

Action: The Clerk is to circulate details of the Training available and dates so that the appropriate sessions can be booked.

6. Correspondence.

Where appropriate this had already been distributed by the Clerk.

7. To consider applying for foundation status due in 2022

The Chair explained the relevance of the status.

Action: The Council resolved unanimously that, in principle, we would apply and agreed to include an item on future agendas to develop a program to ensure that the Council achieve the necessary criteria.

8.  Finances

a) To approve payments made since the last meeting (lists circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting)

Action: The Council resolved unanimously to approve the financial transactions.

9. HR Committee & Appraisals

Councillor numbers necessitated the HR Committee be augmented and it was resolved unanimously that LB be added to the Committee.

Action: HR Committee meeting to be arranged soon.

10. Minutes and Agenda - To agree a best practice format with clear actions and resolutions

It was agreed to try a new version emphasising any resolutions and actions required

Action: Minutes for this month to be prepared on a revised basis (LH)

11. Fly Tipping and Fly Posting

There is still a problem with Mill Close but it is understood that the Clerk is awaiting a response from NKDC. Possible use of a camera to cover the area was mentioned as a future deterrent if the situation does not improve.

There is a lot of fly posting on the banks of the Skirth and NKDC are liaising with LCC Highways to deal with the problem.

12. Highways Matters

Update on parking outside the Co-op and King Street/Victoria Street Junction

This is still considered to be a problem. Particularly people parking on the Market Place or using it as a short cut.


The Council resolved unanimously to

a) Request attendance of a traffic warden occasionally to monitor the situation

b) Consider erecting a removable bollard on the Market Place to prevent vehicular access

Clerk to request traffic Warden and investigate the cost of and permissions required for the bollard.

13. Arrangements for Office re-opening

As it appeared that the community areas at Ringmoor House were being opened again.

Action: The Council resolved that the Parish Office would open one day a week with other days still being covered by “home” working. The Clerk to arrange opening days and times to fit best with work schedules.

14. Clerks Report

The Clerk had circulated the report prior to the meeting and it forms Appendix A of these minutes

15. Planning Matters.

a) Applications Received


b) Applications Approved

Planning Application Reference: 21/1237HOUS

Four Winds, Gravel Hills/Parsons Drove - Erection of single storey extension – approved with conditions

16. To receive Councillors reports - For information only. Any items for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors (if in attendance)

a) It was reported that there were now white lines defining the bridge on Mill Lane

b) It was agreed that an EGM was necessary for quick resolution of the following:

  • Allotment procedures
  • Tree Survey – work allocation
  • Christmas Event – planning

Action: Clerk to arrange an EGM for a suitable date next week

c) The RBL were not able to plant a tree on Lincolnshire Day (1 Oct) but still wish to proceed with the tree planting later.

d) Planning for Christmas will need to be finalized at the next meeting.

Action: Clerk to add item on Agenda

17. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the following legal and financial matters

The Council resolved unanimously that the meeting go into closed session. Accordingly, the current meeting closed at 20.11. The closed meeting commenced at 20.11.    

  1. To consider the quotation for Office Equipment/IT Provision and Support

(Circulated prior to the meeting)

Action: The Council resolved unanimously to accept the full quotation that had been received. The Clerk to contact the Company and agree a suitable commencement date for the work to be implemented.

  1. To consider quotations for tree works circulated to Councillors.

Two quotations for the work have been received but Councillors could only trace they had received details of one – three quotations have to be requested.

Action: The Clerk is to ensure that the second received quotation is circulated. The Clerk is also to check with the third company to expedite their estimate.

The meeting closed at 20.20.

Appendix A

Clerks Update: October 2021

Apologies: Cllr G Ogden unable to attend.

Parish Councillor Vacancies

No applicants for vacancies

Office IT and equipment review - Simon Carter had supplied quotation which had been circulated to Cllrs.

Speed Indicator Device Has been recharged ready to go back up on Walcott Road site.

Planning Applications

Planning Application Reference: 21/1317/FUL

Proposal:  Proposed replacement dwelling

Location:   27 Skirth Road Billinghay Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 4AY

Christmas Tree Event

The Ship are willing to do catering and provide drinks (mulled cider/wine) for after the tree lighting. We will need to let them know estimated numbers.

Football Club Development

The Clerk had spoken to Adam Thurston of Lincolnshire Football Association Head of Development and he advised that Billinghay Football Club would need at least a 10-year lease agreement and preferably 21 years to secure funding for the club. It was a barrier to getting funding grants as they did not own their own building/land.

The Football Association do not provide funding but help to get match funding for projects once fundraising from all sources has been obtained.

Billinghay was identified as an area of rural deprivation, NKDC had suggested that the village would benefit from the improvement of facilities.

The clerk had spoken to Roger Miller the chair of Village Hall Committee, who said that Football Club had been asked many times to attend meetings and work together for the benefit of both groups.

The Football Club did not attend.

The Clerk was advised by Adam Thurston that a meeting could be arranged in future, first steps would need funding to be secured and projects identifying from consultation with residents.

Litter Bin Stickers

The clerk had sent for stickers to show that bins are for litter and dog fouling.

Community Speed Watch

The group were looking at the possibility of a new site along Fen Road to address speeding     concerns. Figures had been circulated to Councillors from all the sessions carried out on Walcott Road. Volunteers are still badly needed to allow the group to function.

Cemetery Shed

Martin Rear has been asked to repair the internal shed door as it is in poor condition and difficult to open.