3 June 2019

Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 3 June 2019 at the Ringmoor House, Ringmoor Close, Billinghay.

Present: Cllr. Locke (KL) in the Chair, Councillors Chatten (RC), Miller (RM), Kirk (CK), Clark (SC) Cassidy (TC) & Bell (AB)

District Councillor Ogden (GO)

Parish Clerk & RFO Carol Willingham (CW)

1 Member of the Public

Public Session

A resident had come to answer any questions regarding planning app 19/0618 White House Skirth Road. With Cllrs agreement this planning item was moved up on the agenda.

1 Acceptance of reasons for apologies for Absence

Apologies had been received from District Councillor Ogden

2 To receive declarations of Interest in Agenda Items

No declarations made

3 Notes of 13 May 2019 Annual Meeting to adopt by resolution as true record and minutes

It was proposed by SC, seconded by TC and carried with one abstention that the notes for the 13 May 2019 meeting be accepted as a true record and minutes.

4. Committees

a. To Agree Parish Council Committees

It was Pro CK and Sec AB to agree Committees as follows:

Planning: TC, KL, CK

Finance /Policies/Risk: SC, KL, TB, CK


Burials/Allotments: CK, RM, RC, TB

b. Cllrs to sign dispensation forms

Cllrs signed dispensation forms to allow them to agree budgets and

precept requests for term of service (up to 2023).

5 Councillor Training

Councillors SC, and TC were attending LALC networking with CW on 4 July at Bentley Hotel.

6 Clerk’s Update

The Clerk gave updates.

Weed growth complaint from neighbour next to Ringmoor Entrance from High Street reported to NKDC who would arrange to clear.

No update from LCC regarding possible buildings at Lafford site.

Noticeboards have now been renovated.

Small Dog bin repair had been done.

7 Planning Matters

Applications 19/0618/White House Skirth Road Billinghay Proposed Change of use of agricultural to paddock land, erection of stables and extension to dwelling. Cllrs had no objections and supported the application.

38 High St amended plans for 2 Dwellings


19/0449/HOUS Extension – York Terrace

8 Billinghay Emergency Plan Review and Update

The plan needed to be updated and Cllrs would arrange to meet to progress the review.

9 Highways and Police Matters

King Street due to be resurfaced on 13 June.

10 Review of Policies, Standing Orders and Financial Regs

Policies Standing Orders and Financial Regs were available on the Parish Council Website. The Clerk would circulate ones that needed reviewing for next meeting and include on the agenda.

11 Correspondence

Correspondence had already been circulated prior to the meeting.

12 Finance

a Payments & Receipts for information a list of financial transaction for May had not been circulated prior to meeting, and would be included for the next meeting.

b To agree expenditure for Mkt Place refurbishment pro KL sec TC to

purchase chippings and weed suppressing matting for area around trees.

c To agree purchase 2 litter bins (near shop Walcott Road and Ballon Walk) approx £300 pro CK and sec RC unanimous vote.

d To consider trial employing environmental enforcement@ £16.50

per hour to address litter and dog fouling issues. It was pro KL and sec RC with unanimous vote to do this for a 6 monthly trial.

13 Burial Ground & Allotment Business No issues

14 Councillors Reports

Meeting Closed at 9.30pm