16 November 2020 Annual Finance Meeting
Councillors Catlett, Harvey, Waters and Walters and Cassidy chairing the meeting.
No members of the public present.
1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.
Cllr Locke sent apologies Proposed Cllr Harvey Seconded Cllr Walters
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests. To consider any requests for dispensation in relation to DPI’s
3. To consider the following Requests for donations.
a. Billinghay Athletic Junior Football Club £497.45 (LGA 1972 s145)
Equipment including white line marker paint, footballs, grass seed, flags, and poles.
Proposed Cllr Cassidy Seconded, Cllr Walters and resolved.
b. 1st Billinghay Scout Group £459 (LGA1972 s111)
Equipment for camping including rucksacks, tents, stoves, and gas.
Proposed Cllr Walters, Seconded Cllr Waters and resolved.
c. Billinghay Village Hall & Playing Field Committee £1000 (LGA 1972 s111)
To contribute towards cost of Building regulations which are expected to be around £1500.
Proposed Cllr Cassidy, Seconded Cllr Catlett and resolved.
d. Billinghay & District Community Pool £3886 (LGA 1972 s145)
Purchase of flooring materials for reception building and towards preparation of sub floor.
Proposed Cllr Cassidy, Seconded Cllr Waters and resolved.
e. Billinghay Bowls Club £650
Contribution towards preparation of the green for next season and towards Insurance.
Proposed Cllr Catlett Seconded Cllr Cassidy and resolved. to await paperwork that has been requested and consider this application next meeting.
4. Donation for Memorial Flowers for the year. To agree amount of expenditure for the flowers.
It was Proposed Cllr Cassidy, Seconded Cllr Catlett and resolved not to exceed £400 for the year 2021 to 2022.
5. Burial Fee Review
Figures showing comparison of fees with other parishes in the area had been distributed before the meeting. It was Proposed Cllr Walters, Seconded Cllr Harvey that the clerk should circulate more information to allow decision to be made at December Meeting.
6. Budget Proposals – to agree planned expenditure for 2021 to 2022
7. General Finance:
a) Authorisation of Payments - None
8. To resolve to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the follow legal and staffing matters.
(Should this resolution be passed, members of the press and public will be required to leave the meeting. The meeting will end, and a further meeting of the Council will be convened immediately)
Proposed by Cllr Cassidy and Seconded by Cllr Harvey. I
Staff Salary reviews (in Closed Session)
It was Proposed by Cllr Cassidy seconded by Cllr Walters and Resolved that the Litter Picker’s pay should be increased from the November 2020 payday to per hour. Councillors agreed that her work was consistently of a high standard over many years, and that she was a valued member of staff.
Meeting ended at 8.10pm