13 January 2020

Minutes of Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 13 January 2020 at Ringmoor House, Ringmoor Close, Billinghay.


Cllr. Locke (KL) in the Chair, Councillors Cassidy (TC), Chatten (RC), Clark (SC), Jackson (JJ), Walters (AW), Harvey (FH) and Bell (AB)

Parish Clerk & RFO Carol Willingham (CW)

County Councillor Young (BY)

Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)

0 Members of the Public

Public Session

There was no Public Session but a representative of NK Community Sport & Health Team (formerly Outreach UK) attended by invitation and she gave the Councillors comprehensive details of the current range of activities available. These seemed eminently suitable for a community such as Billinghay and Cllrs agreed that they should consider the options fully. Details of the activities were left with Cllrs to consider.

Also, County Cllr Young gave a brief report of LCC activities at this stage.

He indicated that the LCC portion of the Council Tax was likely to increase but the percentage had not yet been finalised.

Indications had been received that Central Government may be allocating more finance to deal with the nationwide problem with “potholes” and the like.

The campaign for Fairer Funding for Lincolnshire is continuing.

He also asked whether LCC Updates were being received and provided a copy of the latest one. The Clerk will check that we are in receipt of these.

1. Acceptance of apologies for Absence and reasons given (LGA1972 Sch. 12, Para 40)

All Councillors were present. Apologies had been received from District Cllr Ogden.

2. Receive Declarations of interest and consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPI’s.


3. Accept Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held 2 December 2019 to adopt by resolution as true record and minutes

It was proposed by RC, seconded by TS and carried unanimously that the notes for 2 December 2019 be accepted as minutes.

4. To consider request from resident re land off Ballon Walk

A resident had asked to purchase a small plot of Land off Ballon Walk to incorporate this into their property. The Council could not agree to this as there was a restrictive covenant preventing the sale. They had now requested permission to have access to their property over the land which is currently grassed. To prevent damage to the surface, they offered to take the grass up and put hardcore down. Consideration needed to be given to access to the services that were underneath the area of grass. The resident said they were prepared to:

  • Ensure that such access was not inhibited
  • To reinstate the grass surface if they left the property or no longer needed the access.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by SC and carried unanimously that subject to these conditions the resident could proceed. Clerk was asked to arrange accordingly.

5. Parish Council Vacancies – to consider application for co-option

Nothing had been heard from the prospective Councillor and so the process could not continue. It was agreed to advertise on the front page of the Newsletter (next issue) for suitable persons to fill the two vacancies.

6. Former Lafford Site Update:

AB had contacted both NKDC Planning and the LCC representative regarding the Parish Council’s plans for the use of the Lafford land that has been offered for lease to the Council. He gave full details of these discussions including provision of services, size and type of building allowed. The conclusion was that the plans that the Parish Council were considering did not seem feasible.

The Council at this stage did not feel that they should lease the land as on the terms laid down as it was not suitable for the purpose for which they wanted it.

7. To request/receive an update on Highways and Police Matters

a. Community Speed watch update – TC reported that the checks were continuing but that they needed more volunteers so that the frequency of checks could be maintained.

b. Nothing received from the PCSO.

8. To request/receive a report from the Planning Committee (AB)

As nothing had been received in the past month, there had been no Planning Committee meeting. The Clerk had two recent items to report, these being:

Application 15/0022/FUL Bridge Street – an amendment to the initial plan had been received as the latest building was not located as indicated on the original submission. As there were special conditions in the original approval, this amendment had now been referred by the Planning Dept. to the NKDC Planning Committee for a decision at their next meeting.

Application 19/1397/FUL New Bungalow Rear of 59 High Street - Approved

9. To request/receive report from the Environment Committee

The Enforcement Warden report had been received and circulated to Councillors.

The Risk Assessment report for the Walcott Road cemetery had been received and circulated. The measuring, recording and reporting of water levels has not yet been started and it was agreed that this commence and be done on a fortnightly basis. As the process could involve contaminated water, the Clerk was asked to check whether protective clothing was required.

The report also specified that any water found when a grave was being dug, should be collected and saved for analysis. There have been no such occurrences per our Grave digger but he does have the necessary equipment to remove such water.

Other Burial Matters raised were:

  • A new padlock is required for the Storage shed at the cemetery – it was agreed that this could be purchased out of Petty Cash
  • A need has been established for a small Notice Board at the Cemetery and it was agreed to use the one outside the Parish Office. The Committee will select a suitable location at the Cemetery and arrange via the Clerk for the work to be completed.
  • In view of problems last year, it was agreed that all Christmas Wreaths should be removed by 31 January 2020. On that date, the Committee will arrange for the removal of any remaining ones.

10. To request/receive an update from the Emergency Community Plan Committee

A training meeting for Co-ordinators has been arranged for 22 January 2020 from 12.00 to 2.00pm at Ringmoor House.

11. Burial and Allotment matters

Burial matters already discussed under Item 9 above. No allotment matters were raised.

12. Finance

a. To agree approved payments for items detailed in Appendix A

Cllrs agreed that these were in order- proposed by TC, seconded by RC and carried unanimously that they be accepted.

b. To accept accounts for the quarter ending 31 December 2019 as a true financial record.

It was proposed by KL, seconded by TC and carried unanimously that they be accepted.

c. To review and accept insurance from Came & Co

It was proposed by RC, seconded by AB and carried unanimously that they be accepted.

d. Update on opening of Investment Account

Final documents have now been received and the Clerk will now process the opening of the Account.

e. To agree costs of purchase and erection of a notice board for the cemetery.

Already agreed under Item 9 above to re-locate the existing one from outside the office.

f. To agree costs/next steps for recruiting new member of Office Staff

The suggested application form had been sent to LALC for comments and they had responded. The position will now be advertised with a closing date of 29 February for applications. TC agreed to initially vet the responses and the HR Committee will make the final selection.

g. To agree budget and set precept for 2020

The Clerk was asked to get an extension for the submission to NKDC so that the full impact of the new staff member and other proposed projects could be gauged. A decision would then be made as to whether any extra costs would be met by increasing the precept, using reserves or balancing the two to cover them.

h. To agree pension contributions for next three years for Lincolnshire CC Scheme

It was proposed by SC, seconded by JJ and agreed unanimously that these be accepted.

13. Policy – to agree and publish Pension Discretion Statement

This was agreed as part of 12(h) above.

14. Christmas Event: Review and changes for future events.

Councillors agreed that the organisation of the above event could be improved as it relied heavily on the actions of volunteers. It was felt that the organisation should commence earlier and the Council should purchase some essential equipment.

The Clerk was asked to include an item on the February agenda, so action could be initiated.

15. Correspondence

The correspondence had been circulated prior to the meeting

16. Clerks report

No specific report as details had been given under the relevant items on the agenda.

17. Members reports

TC requested an item on HR on the next agenda

AB mentioned the large NALC Protocol document recently distributed and asked if he needed to keep a copy. The Clerk responded that it was up to him but an electronic copy would be available at the Office.

TC reported that no action had yet been taken in respect of the blocked drain in Sprite Lane.

The Meeting closed at 9.20pm

Appendix A

Financial Activity December 2019








P Orme

Enforcement Officer


CN&EA 2005


Wave (Anglian Water)

Water Cemetery (Sept)




Ben Secker

Xmas Event




Ship Inn

Xmas Event




Tom Stainsby

Xmas Event & Maintenance


S137 & OSA1906


Jim Jackson

Travel Expenses


LGA1972 S111


Thomas Cassidy

Travel Expenses


LGA1972 S111


Petty Cash Reimbursement

Petty Cash Reimbursement


LGA1972 S111





LGA1972 S111





LGA1972 S111



Market Place Elec







LGA1972 S111


LCC Pension Fund



LGA1972 S111





LGA1972 S111


Wave (Anglian Water)

Water Cemetery (Dec)




BT - Mobile

Ofice Mobile


LGA1972 S111





M Sivill re B S Allen





W Kent re N Gilbert





Bank Interest





Daisy Chain (C Farrow)

News Ad




Rick Lonsdale

News Ad




W Liles

News Ad




M & T Brommell

News Ad




Chip off the old block

News Ad




Mayfield Guest House

News Ad
