5 August 2019

Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 5 August 2019 at the Ringmoor House, Ringmoor Close, Billinghay.

Present: Cllr. Locke (KL) in the Chair, Councillors Chatten (RC), Miller (RM), Kirk (CK), Cassidy (TC) & Clark (SC)

Parish Clerk & RFO Carol Willingham (CW)

Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)

4 members of the Public

Public Session

The four members of the public were residents interesting in filling the current vacancies on the Council. They briefly introduced themselves. As part of the co-opting process prospective Councillors need to attend a meeting to ascertain if they wish to become involved.

1. Acceptance of reasons for apologies for Absence

Apologies and reasons for absence had been received from Cllr Bell and it was proposed by RC, seconded by SC and carried unanimously that these be accepted.

Apologies had also been received from District Councillor Ogden & County Councillor Young.

2. To receive declarations of Interest in Agenda Items

None declared.

3. Notes of 3 June 2019 and 1 July 2019 to adopt by resolution as true record and minutes

It was proposed by TC, seconded by CK and carried unanimously that the notes for 3 June 2019 be accepted as minutes.

It was proposed by RM, seconded by RM and carried unanimously that the notes for 1 July 2019 be accepted as minutes.

4. To request/receive updates from the meeting held on Monday 1 July 2019

It was reported that a meeting had been arranged with a local Financial Advisor to discuss whether we could improve our return on cash held. The Chair and the Clerk will attend this meeting.


5. Council Vacancies – co-option process for applicants

Only one applicant had reached the stage where they could be co-opted and they could not arrive until later in the meeting. It was agreed to deal with all or any co-options at the next meeting.

6. Clerk’s Update

The Clerk had nothing new to report.

7. Planning Matters


19/0850/FUL Twenty Foot Farm, Tattershall Bridge – No comment

19/0882/FUL Garage on Tattershall Road – revised plans for access received – Council had no objections


19/0648/FUL 38 High Street – two dwellings

8. Highways and Police Matters

No report had been received from the Police, but the Clerk reported that the incidents below were reported in June (Police online information):

  • Violent behaviour
  • Theft from a car

Favourable reports have been received about the improved condition of King Street, but mention was made of the ongoing pothole problem elsewhere. Cllrs were reminded that these can reported online at “Fix my Street”.

9. Review of Policies, Acceptance of Code of Conduct and Training

It was proposed by TC, seconded by RC and carried unanimously that the NKDC recommended Code of Practice be adopted. This incorporated the Nolan Principles. It was agreed that Councillors would benefit from training in this topic and, it was suggested that the matter be incorporated in the next Cluster meeting.

It was also agreed that training needs for all Councillors (including the prospective ones) need identifying and addressing.

Rather than review all of the Policies in one exercise, it was agreed that the process should be ongoing with policies systematically reviewed.

10. Correspondence

The correspondence had already been circulated. Only comment received apart from this was to set up a convention for naming of new streets in the village.

11. To consider Fields in Trust – Protection of Green Spaces

Consideration was given as to whether the Council owned any land that would benefit from the above. The only candidate appeared to be the Playing Field but upon investigation, it appeared that this may already be protected.

12. Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony (to agree date, format & expenditure)

The date and format were fully discussed, and it was agreed that the event would take place on Wednesday 4 December 2019 commencing at 6.30pm. Other arrangements covered were:

  • Invitation to local choirs
  • Christmas Tree purchase (already arranged)
  • TC would investigate necessity for road closure and equipment necessary to achieve this 
  • Reimbursement of the Ship Inn if they are able to provide refreshments this year.
  • It was proposed by SC, seconded by KL and carried unanimously to allow expenditure up to a maximum of £1000.

It was also agreed that there would be no glow sticks provided for the children as they are no longer considered environmentally friendly. Other options are being actively investigated.

13. To consider changes to Office opening hours and consider moving Parish Council Meeting evening.

It was proposed by KL, seconded by TC and agreed unanimously that the current Office Opening Hours be changed as below:

Monday 9.15am to 3.00pm

Tuesday 9.15am to 3.00pm (Public by appointment only before 12.00)

Thursday 9.15am to 3.00pm

After considering current Councillors’ availability, it was proposed by KL, seconded by SC and agreed that meetings would continue to be on the first Monday of the month. The exception would be for Bank Holiday clashes of dates when the meeting would switch to the second Monday.

14. To consider changes to format for Agendas

There was a suggestion from a Councillor that for items they wanted on the Agenda, they advise the Clerk in good time giving in depth details of the main action points so Councillors were prepared for a discussion and could reach an agreement. They would also indicate the possible discussion time required. This was proposed by TC, seconded by KL and carried unanimously.

15. Finance

(a) Payments & Receipts for information – a list of financial transactions for July was circulated prior to meeting (see Appendix A). It was proposed that these be accepted by TC, seconded by CK and carried unanimously.

(b) To accept accounts for period ending 30 June 2019

Already done at a previous meeting

16. Burial Ground & Allotment Business

The tap in the Burial Ground needs replacing and the Clerk is organising.

An item to consider any changes in Allotment Rents and Terms is to be added to the September Agenda as any changes must be notified to Allotment holders before the October year end.

17. Councillors Reports

Councillors reported the following:

  • The right of Way at the top end of the Playing Field has not been made passable nor is it marked on some of the PROW documentation. The Clerk agreed to investigate.
  • There continues to be illegal parking on double yellow lines in Fitzwilliam Place. PCSO to be informed.
  • Residents using Facebook highlighted broken equipment on the Playpark. It was confirmed that the equipment was not broken but needed a replacement bolt which has now been ordered and the equipment will soon be back in use.
  • A problem was reported with the notice boards but the Clerk advised that action had already been instigated to remedy this.
  • A shrub just inside the cemetery had died and Council had been asked if this could be replaced. The Clerk had already acted on this.
  • Council wished to place on record their appreciation for all the hard work carried out on behalf of the village by former District Councillor Mick Powell who has recently passed away.
  • The Speedwatch project was progressing and two locations had been identified for use. These need checking and agreed by the Police. Training has been arranged for the volunteers at Ringmoor House on the 12 September. Once this has been completed the checks can be instigated.
  • The Bowls Club are looking for new members – agreed to add item to the next Newsletter.
  • A Community Market is being started in the Church Community Rooms.
  • Problems had been reported about an overflow of litter from the Litter Bins at Bramble Close. NKDC are investigating this and their Enforcement Officer is being involved.

At 8.01pm, the Council went into Closed Session to discuss the final item on the Agenda. Members of the Public left at this point.

18. To consider appointing a village caretaker. (Closed Session)

The Chair had circulated a list of possible tasks that could be undertaken by a village caretaker/handyman. Currently, Billinghay use local trades people to carry out the work and they can only do this as part of their normal work schedule. Other villages employ a caretaker/handyman for limited hours each month.

Councillors felt that the idea had merit but thought that we should use one of our current contractors and arrange for them to work a set number of hours each month. Work could be allocated and controlled on this basis. If we employed our own person, we would need to provide equipment and insurance, whereas using a contractor saved this.

It was proposed by KL, seconded by RM and agreed that the Clerk should contact the local tradesmen to see if they were prepared to work on this basis and report back to the next meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm

Appendix A

Financial Activity July 2019








Mrs C Willingham



LGA1972 S111


M Hird



LGA1972 S111


Mrs P Gilbert



LGA1972 S111


LCC Pension Fund



LGA1972 S111





LGA1972 S111


HMRC (prev Underpayment)



LGA1972 S111


Martin Rear Inv 37

Grass Cutting




McAfee (Antivirus Protection)

Laptop (2years)


LGA1972 S111


BT Broadband



LGA1972 S111


Wayfair (Key Safe)

Key Safe


LGA1972 S111





LGA1972 S111


Ben Secker

Ashes Burial




Pelican Trust



LGA1972 S142


Nic Barker

Grave Digging




BT Telephone



LGA1972 S111





LGA1972 S111


Mrs C Willingham



LGA1972 S111


M Hird



LGA1972 S111


Mrs P Gilbert



LGA1972 S111


LCC Pension Fund



LGA1972 S111





LGA1972 S111


T Stainsby

Cemetery Hedge







Bank Interest


Late receipt of advice


R Phillips re Watson






Bank Interest




Bank Interest

Bank Interest




Sharon Ward re S Ward

