8 January 2024


Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 8 January 2024 at 7.00pm.


Cllrs Liles – Chair (WL) Catlett (AC), Ball (LB), Cassidy (TC), Miller (RM), Greetham (RG) & Cottrell (SC)

Parish Clerk: Helen Key (HK)

Deputy Clerk: Lou Hird (LH)

County Cllr Andrew Key (AK)

1 member of the public present. - pending co-option Luke Mitchell

Minutes of the Council Meeting

1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

None Received

2.  To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or other registerable interests in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Registerable Interests' declaration.

None declared.  

3. Co-option

Proposed by RM, seconded by TC and agreed unanimously to co-opt Luke Mitchell.

4. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.

County Cllr AK reported on Devolution in Greater Lincolnshire advising of details of roadshows available and website access.

Resident had contacted AK requesting a speed limit on Tattershall Road this did not meet the criteria.

Following a previous wheelchair walk AK advised work should be completed by end of Feb 2024.

Advised Footpath repairs can be placed on Fix My Street.

5. To receive information from the NKDC Conservation Officer (Matthew Bentley) of future activity

MB has been in post since June 23 and is the point of contact for the Historic Area and is based within the planning team at NKDC.

Main objective at present is to review all Parish area lists of Listed and Buildings of Importance as this was last reviewed in 2007.

He advised that there is a grant scheme available to support repairs to listed buildings up to £3,000 and that it is a rolling fund of £25,000 per year. Details are available on the NKDC website.

WL asked if a list of buildings in our Parish be sent to the Parish Council.

MB stated he was happy to work alongside the Neighbourhood plan review whilst working on the Conservation Review.

6. To accept the notes from the Meeting of 4 December 2023 as minutes and a true record.

It was proposed by LB, seconded by SC, and agreed unanimously that they be accepted.

7. Matters arising and Clerk’s notes.

The documentation for these had been circulated for review prior to the meeting.

RM updated he had spoken to Blacksmith regarding notice boards, and these will be looked at ASAP.

8. Correspondence

Items forwarded: NALC Bulletins, Central Lincs Plan, NKDC & SKDC Police Engagement, Lincs Devolution Survey, Planning Applications/decisions, BT Phone Book Entry Notice.

BT Phone Book Notice – cancelled.

9. LCC Highways

See Cllr Andrew Key’s report.

10. Planning Applications to consider as Statutory consultee


23/1249/FUL                      Ruston’s Farm, Tattershall Bridge Road  Demolition of old house and erection of replacement dwelling. No Comments

WL Commented on Tranmar on Tattershall Road – possible no demolition permission.

11. Finance

a. To approve payments made during December 2023 (list circulated to Councillors) See Appendix A

It was proposed by TC, seconded by AC, and agreed unanimously to approve the payments.

b. To agree amendment to 2024 to 2025 budget figures in respect of Newsletter Expenditure

It was proposed by LB, seconded by TC, and agreed unanimously to approve the amendments.

c. To set the precept for 2024 to 2025.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously to set a precept of £44393.00.

d. To approve budget for maintenance of Notice Boards

It was proposed by TC and seconded by RM and agreed unanimously to approve an amount up to £60.00.

12. Policies

a. Approve new Cemetery Policy including an administration fee of £40 for changes to plot reservation details.

It was proposed by AC, seconded by TC, and agreed unanimously to accept the new policy. 

13. Report on Post-Parish Council Engagement Session (AC)

AC attended and reported on the matters discussed which included:

  • Rise in County Lines activities within our local areas.
  • Rural theft being looked at,
  • Shops now working together to reduce theft by sharing information.
  • Anti-social behaviour continues to be an issue and is increasing in the younger generation.

14. Elect a new member of the HR Committee

LM volunteered to join the Committee.

It was proposed by AC, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously that he be accepted.

15. To approve the specification for grass cutting tenders.

Moved to next meeting as being looked at by Andrew Everard.

16. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for next meeting.

TC mentioned he still had planning concern re extension at Church View and would contact the NKDC Planning department to clarify the position.

IPAD update from AD still being repaired, next step possible visit to AD and future loans to be in writing.

Ringmoor Office Rent - AC to email solicitors.

Trailer parked on Queen Street possible fire risk - AC to contact fire and/or police.

Sign repair needed on Tattershall Road - SC to place on Fix My Street.

RM/LB informed Village Hall may take up to 2 years for land registration due to covid backlog.

Emergency plan – almost ready.

The Council would like to formally express their thanks to Lou Hird for keeping everything operating over last 18 months and thanks from The New Clerk for support being given.


Meeting Closed at 8.32





Appendix A











Tom Brooks

Christmas Tree




SCIS 36069

Internet Provider


LGA1972 S111


Billinghay Methodist Chapel

Room Hire


LGA1972 S111


A Catlett

War Memorial Pots




M Hird - Diaries

Desk Diaries


LGA1972 S111


O2 Mobile

Office Mobile


LGA1972 S111


SCIS 8766

Internet Provider


LGA1972 S111


Sadlers Electrical

PAT Testing


LGA1972 S111



Water Rates




R Miller

Travel Expenses


LGA1972 S111


Staff Costs

Salaries Tax


LGA1972 S111


BT Mobile

Refund from Old Office Mob.


LGA1972 S111




















Bank Interest





W Kent re Goddard





Lincs Glass & Locks

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Tabbi Bannister

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Hudson Fitness

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