6 July 2020

Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Virtual Meeting held on Monday 6 July 2020 by zoom.


Cllr. Locke in the Chair, Councillors Cassidy (TC), Walters (AW) Harvey (FH) and Bell (AB)

Parish Clerk & RFO Carol Willingham (CW)

District Councillor Gill Ogden (GO)

Minutes Secretary (CW)

0 Members of the Public

Public Session


1.         Welcome from Chairman:

KL opened meeting and welcomed Councillors.

2.       To receive and Accept apologies, where valid reasons for absence have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting. (LGA1972 Sch. 12, Para 40)

            Apologies and reasons had been received from Cllr Jackson. It was proposed by AD, seconded by FH and carried unanimously that these be accepted.

3.         To receive Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011- being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPI’s.

TB declared an interest in item 12 and took no part in the discussion or vote.

4.        Reports from County Councillor and District Councillors (if in attendance)

            Cllr Young had sent details prior to the meeting regarding LCC Highways gangs, doing repairs in villages.

           GO reported that NKDC finances were ‘on track’ and that meetings and agile working would continue into 2021. She had also supplied details of a contact for potential funding for Billinghay Swimming Pool.

5.         Accept Notes of the Parish Council Meetings held 3 February 2020 and 22 June 2020 adopt by resolution as true record and minutes

It was proposed by KL, seconded by TC and carried unanimously that the notes for 3 February 2020 be accepted as minutes.

It was proposed by KL, seconded by TC and carried unanimously that the notes for 22 June 2020 be accepted as minutes.

6.         Finances

           a. To approve payments (list circulated to cllrs prior to meeting)

           Proposed TC and Seconded TB resolved to accept as true record.

           b.  To agree accounts for qtr ended 30 June 2020 (circulated).

           Proposed KL and seconded TC resolved to accept as true record.

           c. To consider purchase of bin for Mill Lane and repair/replacement of bin on Market Place.

           Proposed KL seconded TB and resolved to spend no more than £1000.          

          d. To consider organising purchase of bench to commemorate key and essential workers efforts during Covid 19 Pandemic.

          Proposed FH and seconded TB resolved that residents be consulted on this item. Parish Council would be able to organise once it was established that there was support for this project.    

          e. To consider purchase of improved lighting/electricity for Market Place. The clerk would contact electricians for information on options and costs.

          f.  Plaque for Market Place. Clerk would obtain information.  

          g. To agree tree works at Old Burial Ground Church St approx. £150

          It was Proposed TC seconded TB and resolved that work be done.

7.       LGA Code of Conduct: Cllrs to review and comment.

          It was generally agreed that the document was an improved version and clarified some areas of the code. Councillors were asked to let the Clerk have

          any comments by Friday 10 July to feed back to LALC.  

8.        To review staff and office arrangements.

           Staff were still working remotely following LALC guidance.

           It was agreed that TC would contact the people who had applied for the Deputy Clerk position and update the situation, that with the pandemic it had not been possible to proceed. We would update once the situation changed.        

9.        Bramble Close: Persistent issue with waste and fly tipping

           Waste was still being left at the side of the bins at this location. The Clerk and Chair had not been able to discuss the matter with the housing association, as they had not responded.

           GO would speak to officers at NKDC to ask what could be done.

10.      Clerks’ Report:             

              Grant Funding

Lincs Co-op had paid £587.15 as a grant for Community Speed watch. They would like publicity and photographs to let people know that they have supported the project.          

11.      Planning Matters          

             Tree Works  

Following a request from a resident in Old School Lane for an overhanging tree in Old Burial ground, Church Street to be trimmed as its causing problems with falling branches and leaves the Clerk has obtained a quotation (to carry out a 4m crown lift)

20/0826/TCA NKDC tree officers have asked for any comments to be submitted within 21 days.           

Planning Applications      

           20/0557/OUT 76 High Street demolition of redundant building/outline application for residential development. Comments 24 July

           20/0429/FUL Billinghay Village Hall: extension approved.             

     12.   Councillors Reports and items for next agenda.

        TB would report anything for LCC via Fix my street website.          

13.  Closed Session

  a. To consider what help can be given to Swimming Pool.

Swimming Pool needs repair work and needs to raise funds, the pool may not open for this season. Parish councillors realised how committed the volunteers were to run the pool, and appreciated how important the pool was for families in the area. It was suggested that the Pool Committee should be asked for an accurate idea of costs involved.

  b. Staff recruitment review: to agree next steps. It was agreed to contact the applicants to advise that the Parish Council had been unable to progress the process during lockdown but would contact them again later.           

  c. Co-option of Cllrs, to consider what action to take. 

           It was agreed to contact the 2 people that had applied to join the council and arrange a zoom meeting with the Chair and Clerk to allow more information to be shared.

14.    Risk Assessment of Billinghay Parish Council responsibilities: to agree any action required following inspections.

         Cllr Bell would carry out the assessment of Parish Council assets.

         Replacement pads would be due for the defibrillator at the end of July.

         A bench in the Cemetery needed attention, the clerk would arrange repair.      

         The wall at Old Burial Ground Church Street needed inspecting as it was in a poor state of repair. The clerk would arrange to get quotations.

15.   To agree arrangements for Christmas event: tree, lights, music etc.

         Members of Badass (drama group) had offered to help with the event.

         It was proposed TC and seconded KL and resolved that lighting be improved for the Market Place. The Clerk would obtain more information.

16.    To agree date of next virtual meeting.

         Next Parish Council meeting would be held on Monday Aug 3 at 7pm