2 December 2024
Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 2 December 2024 at 7.00pm.
Present: Liles (WL) Miller (RM) Cottrell (SC) Greetham (RG) Green (IG)
Deputy Clerk (LH)
Public Session
0 members of the public present
Minutes of the Council Meeting
1.To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies had been received from Cllr Catlett.
It was proposed by RM and seconded by SC and agreed unanimously that these be accepted.
Apologies were also received from County Cllr Key.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or other registerable interests in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Registerable Interests' declaration.
None Declared.
3. To receive reports from County and District Councillors.
None in attendance.
4. To accept the notes from the Meeting of 4 November 2024 as minutes and a true record.
It was proposed by RM, seconded by RG and agreed by unanimously that they be accepted.
4a. To accept the notes from the Annual Finance Meeting of 4 November 2024 as minutes and a true record.
It was proposed by IG, seconded by SC and agreed unanimously that they be accepted.
5. Matters arising and Clerk’s Report. (Details forwarded prior to the meeting).
The only point arising was a discussion regarding the re-siting of the zoetrope currently in the Old Cemetery. It was felt that the procedure and cost of doing this was excessive. It was agreed to consider alternative sites and, for Councillors to carry out the work of re-erection.
6. Correspondence
Items forwarded: NALC Bulletins, LALC Bulletins, Town and Parish Newsletter, Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance Billinghay school letter, NKDC Active Travel Strategy consultation.
7. Finance
a. To approve payments made during November 2024 (list circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting).
It was proposed by RM, seconded by SC, and agreed unanimously to approve the payments.
8. Planning Applications to consider as a Statutory Consultee (as detailed below and those received after publication of the agenda which require a decision before the next meeting).
24/1293/HOUS Demolish existing outbuilding & erect single storey rear extension 11 King Street
Councillors had no comments to make except for RG who made a general comment regarding on street parking.
Planning Other:
Street Numbering The Pigeon Shed 92a Walcott Road
24/1093/PMA Change of use from commercial to main dwelling 40 High Street Hair by Robert - Approved
9. To report on risk assessments/safety checks. Report from Cllrs where applicable.
WL completed the section on Defibrillators.
10. LCC Highways Updates. None Received.
11. To approve the changes to the Cemetery Policy PCD006 V6. The update incorporates the increases to the cemetery fees agreed at the AFM on 4 Nov 24. These will become effective as of 1 Jan 25. (AC forwarded the amended policy prior to the meeting).
It was proposed by IG, seconded by SC, and agreed unanimously to adopt the circulated policy.
12. To consider the specification for the grass cutting tenders.
After discussion, it was agreed to specify on the contract being placed out for tender:
- the strimming requirements for the non-LCC work.
- A frequency for the LCC activity – current contractor usually does it fortnightly to monthly depending on growth.
A new specification is to be prepared and agreed at the next meeting along with the length of the contract.
13. Christmas Tree blessing update.
RM confirmed that the tree erection had gone smoothly. WL advised that the activities on the night were sorted. Refreshments at the Ship have been organised. Carol Sheets and Glowsticks will be available on the night.
WL is compiling a newsletter item for the next issue to thank all those involved in the organisation of the event and mentioning that the tree was donated in memory of the Late Tom Brooks.
14. To consider the renewal of the membership to the Society of Local Council Clerks. (Details forwarded prior to the meeting).
Consideration was given to the cost/benefit analysis provided by the Clerk prior to the meeting. As the Clerk was happy that she could obtain the necessary training and qualification using LALC facilities.
It was proposed by WL, seconded by RM, and agreed unanimously not to renew the membership.
15. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for the next meeting.
The following reports were made:
- LH advised that the Bernard Gilbert Project is progressing and is scheduled for June 2025.
- RM advised that new Christmas tree lights would be required for next year.
- WL confirmed that a new source for the Xmas tree will be required for next year.
- SC asked for an item to discuss the purchase of the large Remembrance Day poppies for the next year’s commemoration.
Meeting Closed at 7.48pm