9 January 2023

Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 9 January 2023 at 7pm.


Cllrs Liles (WL) - Chair, Catlett (AC), Dymoke (AD),  & Cassidy (TC) 

Assistant to Clerk: Lou Hird (LH)

County Councillor Key (AK)

0 Members of the Public


Public Session

None present

Minutes of the Council Meeting

1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllrs LB, SC & RM. It was proposed by AD, seconded by WL, and agreed unanimously that these be accepted.

Apologies had been received also from District Cllr Ogden.

2To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or other registerable interests in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Registerable Interests' declaration.


3. To receive reports from County and District Councillors.

AK updated the Council regarding the outstanding Traffic Restriction Orders for the High Street and Queen Street/Bridge Street Junction. Following objections, these had been reviewed and a change suggested to the latter. If this was accepted by the Objectors, this would go ahead. In not accepted, it would go to the Planning Committee along with the High Street Order.

He also commented on the Highways aspect pertaining to Park Lane and advised that a new Traffic Survey will be carried out in the near future.

4. To accept the notes from Meeting held on 30 November 2022 as Minutes and a true record.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by AD, and unanimously agreed that these be accepted as minutes with the proviso that the header made clear that this was the Annual Finance Meeting.

To accept the notes from Meeting held on 5 December 2022 as Minutes and a true record.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by AD, and unanimously agreed that these be accepted as minutes.

To accept the notes from Meeting held on 4 January 2023 as Minutes and a true record.

As not all of the Councillors had received the Notes, it was agreed to defer approval until the next meeting.

5.  Matters arising and Clerk’s reports

LH confirmed that actions that all issues requiring action had been or were being progressed – see report issued prior to the meeting. Specific items mentioned were:

  • New SID – posts have now been erected. LH to check if SID can be used with these immediately
  • Damaged Dog Litter Bib – AC reported that this was still functional so no action required.
  • Verges - damage caused by vehicles was the main cause of the problem. Wrong time of year fo re-seeding. LH to ask Highways if the will be taking remedial action in the future. LH to investigate.
  • Reinstatement of Coffee Mornings at the Community Rooms. WL reported that two residents had the matter under consideration and hoped to reinstate for next winter.

6. Correspondence/Communications  

Correspondence received had already been distributed and included:

  • NALC Pay Scales
  • Funding for Communities – the Village Hall Committee are already investigating the possibility of applying but may need Parish Council Assistance.
  • Insurance Renewal
  • Waste Plant – Metheringham Airfield
  • LIVES letter

7. LCC Highways updates

Items had already discussed in the County Councillor’s Report and matters arising. Items reported for Fix My Street were potholes and road deterioration  in St Michaels Close and Victoria Street/West Street Junction.

It was also requested that we check whether the signs at the end of Causeway Road needed moving back as they obstructed driver’s vision.  TC agreed to inspect and we will then report to Highways, if necessary.

8.  Planning Applications to consider as Statutory consultee

Applications received:  

22/1694/PNTEL      Village Hall – erection of Street works Pole Council had no comments to make on this application.

9. Finance

a. Bank Mandate / Payment authority/ Online Authority & signing

It was reported that LB/WL/AC were still awaiting the finalisation of their online access. AC has spoken to the bank and the problem should be resolved shortly.

b. To approve payments made during December 2022 (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting). See Appendix A

It was proposed by TC, seconded by AD, and unanimously agreed that the payments be approved.

c. Confirm renewal of the Insurance Policy

It was proposed by TC, seconded by AC, and unanimously agreed that the payment be approved.

d. Consider possible donation to LIVES

A letter from LIVES to all Parish Councils requesting assistance to provide all their responders with Defibrillator Units was discussed. It was proposed by TC, seconded by AD and agreed unanimously to make a donation of £80.

e. Purchase further defibrillator

Correspondence had just been received indicating that we may be able to obtain a further defibrillator, free of charge.  It was agreed to investigate further. Initially, the location for the extra unit needs to be established. The Fire Station was suggested. LH to check that this is acceptable to the local voluntary brigade.

f. Review Allotment Rents

As there is a substantial amount of time before any increase needs to be notified to the allotment holders, it was agreed that LH would investigate the current market rates before any decision is taken.

g. Setting Precept

Item not on agenda. It was agreed that because of the importance of the matter, Councillors need to study the budget figures circulated along with the example calculation before making a final decision. As the figure has to be advised to NKDC by 28 January, it was agreed to have an EGM on Monday 23 January. LH to book the room.

10. Risk Assessment – report from Cllrs where applicable

  • Councillors reports where applicable

AC reported that there was a litter bin in the cemetery which was used but not emptied. He will check the bin for a number so that we can take the matter further.

AD advised that the bench near the Golden Cross car park had part of the seat missing. TC agreed to inspect and arrange remedial action, if necessary.

Consideration was given to a budget to cover problems uncovered by these inspections. It was agreed to consider on a case-by-case basis and include in general maintenance costs.

11. Emergency Plan Update

WL reported that action is now awaited from the Project Manager.

12. Application for a Memorial bench in the cemetery

AC has inspected the cemetery for suitable locations but found that these would be limited. It was agreed to contact the person wishing to instal a bench with a view to possible agreement on a location. LH to arrange a meeting

13. Consider an Event to celebrate the Coronation

It was agreed that after the success of the Jubilee event, a joint venture with the Village Hall would be the way forward.

14. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for next meeting.

AC agreed to circulate the critical dates and provisos for the forthcoming elections. The details would be discussed at the EGM on the 23 January. LH was asked to check with Ruskington Parish Council that the Ballot boxes had been returned.




Meeting closed at 8.40pm

Billinghay Parish Office ∙Ringmoor Close ∙Ringmoor House ∙Billinghay ∙Lincs ∙LN4 4EY Email info@billinghay-pc.gov.uk Mobile 07483 346143 Mondays Tuesdays and Thursdays                   

Minutes Approved.

























Appendix A












Eon Market Place

Electricity Market Place





Refund of Internet charges


LGA1972 S111


M Hird

Glowsticks Xmas Event




R Miller

Travel Expenses


LGA1972 S111


Billinghay Village Hall

Grant and CIL


Grant & CIL


Tom Brooks

Xmas Tree




Billinghay Methodist Chapel

Room Hire


LGA1972 S111


The Ship Inn

Refreshments Xmas Event





Grass cutting





Water Rates Cemetery




LALC 13020 Locum

Locum Clerk


LGA1972 S111


LALC 13049

Training Course


LGA1972 S111


Staff Costs



LGA1972 S111






















BT Mobile

Office Mobile


LGA1972 S111


Personnel Advice & Solutions

Employment advice


LGA1972 S111


R Miller

Travel Expenses


LGA1972 S111


Andy Catlett

Travel Expenses


LGA1972 S111


SCIS 6772 & 6907



LGA1972 S111





Bank Interest

Bank Interest




Tabbi Bannister

Newsletter Advert




RSH Building & Landscape

Newsletter Advert




Lincs Glass

Newsletter Advert





Newsletter Advert




Hudson Gym

Newsletter Advert




M Brommell

Newsletter Advert





Interest - info received in Dec
