2 September 2019

Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 2 September 2019 at the Ringmoor House, Ringmoor Close, Billinghay.

Present: Cllr. Locke (KL) in the Chair, Councillors Chatten (RC), Miller (RM), Kirk (CK), Cassidy (TC) Clark (SC) and Bell (AB)

Parish Clerk & RFO Carol Willingham (CW)

Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)

3 members of public attending to be co-opted.

Public Session

1. Acceptance of reasons for apologies for Absence

Apologies had been received from County Councillor Young.

2. To receive declarations of Interest in Agenda Items

None declared.

3. Notes of 5 Aug 2019 to adopt by resolution as true record and minutes

It was proposed by RC, seconded by RM and carried unanimously that the notes for 5 Aug 2019 be accepted as minutes.

4. Co-option of New Cllrs to fill vacancies

Councillors voted by signed ballot for each applicant. It was unanimous that Frankie Harvey, Jim Jackson and Ali Walters be co-opted to join the Council.

They completed Acceptance of Office forms and joined the meeting, but could not vote.

5. Highways and Police Matters

A Cllr had been informed that LCC intended to remove lamp posts along the A153 as you leave Billinghay, to save on the cost of maintenance. The Clerk was asked to contact LCC for clarification.

The clerk had contacted residents on High St regarding an overgrown hedge at their property and had been told it would be cut back later in the week.

6. Clerks Update

The clerk had progressed gaining advice regarding the Council Allotments to establish options for the future. Information would be supplied to LCC legal Dept to enable them to look into the matter on our behalf.

7. Correspondence

A resident had written regarding grass cutting in the village, and some thoughts on improving the entrances of the village. The Clerk would reply.

8. Lafford Site – Cllr Cassidy

TC and KL had started compiling a business plan for the Lafford Site. The Clerk was asked to contact County Councillor Young to ask him to chase up Information that would help the Council to progress

9. I Play – Cllr Clarke

Cllrs were told that the I Play was not working when booked for a session recently. The clerk was asked to establish what the situation was, and it was suggested that the equipment be decommissioned or sold.

10. Community Speedwatch Update

Equipment had been delivered and room hired ready for the training session on 12 September. 9 volunteers had come forward.

11. To Accept Enforcement Officers Report for August

Report was not available for the meeting, but would be circulated in the near future. The officer had introduced himself to residents and explained what he was doing to improve issues of concern in Billinghay.

12. Arrangements for Remembrance Day – Cllr Locke

Royal British Legion arrange the event, and cllrs are invited to join the march from The Ship to the Mkt Place. It was pro TC and sec RC with unanimous vote, that donation for the Parish Council Wreath should be £50.

13. Newsletter: To consider changes (to include an update rather than minutes)

KL suggested that there should be a change to include updates from minutes, and positive news from Parish Council. FH (a new Cllr) offered to proof read the draft newsletter.

14. Finance

(a) Payments & Receipts for information – a list of financial transactions for July was circulated prior to meeting (see Appendix A). It was proposed that these be accepted by KL, seconded by RC and carried unanimously.

(b) To agree expenditure for Clerks CiLCA Training @£350

It was proposed SC and sec TC unanimous to fund the training course. Study time would be considered once it was known what time would need to be allocated.

15. Burial Ground & Allotment Business

a. Review of allotment Rent Charges effective from 2020 It was pro SC sec KL and agreed with one abstention that charges would be increased per plot to £125.00 with effect from 2020.

b. To agree expenditure for cemetery mapping/grey water inspection

Costs for this item were no known at this time. KL explained that risk assessment for grey water was a specialist procedure and that if any problems were identified then remedial work could be undertaken.

c. To consider joining ICCM approx £95.00 per annum It was pro SC and sec TC that the council should join.

16. LALC county Nominations

It was pro SC and sec TC that KL should remain on County Committee. The clerk would send the signed form to LALC.

17. Planning Update from meeting held prior to this meeting

3 Shire Close single storey extension – no objections

Bedford House Fen Road – extension to cattery – no objections

18. Councillors Reports

Councillors reported the following:

  • Grass cutting had been missed around play equipment at playing Field
  • TC would look into cost of a new S I D
  • Cllr Ogden advised that NKDC were trialling paper and food recycling schemes. Also that there was an electoral review for wards under consultation.
  • CK had asked for help to be able to receive council emails on his new phone. The clerk had asked former chair MP for the password for CK.
  • The PC had queried signage at the Co-op as it is in the conservation area of the village. NKDC had advised that the signage was permitted and did not need to go through the planning process.

The meeting closed at 9.00pm


Appendix A








M Rear

Grass Cutting





Room Hire


LGA1972 S111


TeleTraffic Uk

Speed Watch


LG & Rating Act 1997



Speed Watch


LG & Rating Act 1997


Protect Signs

Speed Watch


LG & Rating Act 1997



Grass Cutting




Ben Secker

Grave digging




BNP Paribas



LGA1972 S111





LGA1972 S111


LCC Pension Fund



LGA1972 S111



Tax & NI


LGA1972 S111





Bank Interest


Late receipt of advice


R Phillips re Watson






Bank Interest




Bank Interest

Bank Interest




Sharon Ward re S Ward

