11 January 2021

Minutes of Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held via Microsoft teams on 11 January 2021 at 7pm


Present. Councillors Bell, Cassidy, Catlett, Waters, Walters, and Locke.  Cllr Cassidy chaired the meeting.

Carol Willingham Clerk, Proper Officer, and minute taker.

No members of the public present.

1.To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

Cllr Harvey (personal reasons) Proposed Cllr Waters Seconded Cllr Locke and Resolved.  District Councillor Gill Ogden was unable to attend and gave apologies as a matter of courtesy.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.   


3. To approve as a correct record and minutes, notes of the meeting held on 7 December 2020      

It was Proposed by Cllr Cassidy, seconded by Cllr Bell and resolved.

4.  a. To receive an update on the vacancies for Parish Councillors: co-option of Councillor.         

The Clerk had contacted the resident who had previously expressed interest in being co-opted and had to date not received completed paperwork.  Cllrs asked the Clerk to check again, to see what the situation was.

4.  b. To agree actions to actively promote membership of Parish Council.

It was acknowledged that the pandemic had made it more difficult to hold events to allow residents to find out more about being a Parish Councillor. It was also noted that meetings currently being held by ‘teams’ and ‘zoom’ could make it easier for some residents to take part.  It was suggested that an article be included in the next newsletter and posters to be put on the noticeboard advertising the vacancies.

5. Broadband Infrastructure for Billinghay:

Update on findings regarding this scheme. Cllrs Cassidy and Catlett had researched this item. The scheme had started in 2018 and was due to finish in 2021.  The Clerk was asked to include an article on front page of next newsletter.

6. Finances

a. To approve payments made since the last meeting (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting.) It was Proposed Cllr Locke, seconded Cllr Bell and resolved.

b. To agree draft budget financial year 2021/2022 and agree Precept request from NKDC.                     A suggested budget had been circulated to Cllrs by the Clerk/RFO. It was agreed, following discussion, that the Precept request should be £45125.00 for the next financial year.

c.  Request from residents: to consider installing white village entrance gateways.                        Cllrs agreed to research the matter, and to understand if they did aid traffic calming as suggested. There was discussion about how many would be required and at which entrances. It was Proposed Cllr Locke, seconded Cllr Cassidy that the item should be included on next agenda once more information was available regarding costings and effectiveness.

d.  To agree renewing Insurance with Pen (via Came and Co brokers) for 3 years from Jan 2021 (information circulated) Came and Co compare Insurance policies from several companies and recommend the most cost effective, comprehensive cover for us.                                                          It was Proposed Cllr Cassidy seconded Cllr Bell and resolved to renew the policy with Pen.

6.  Highways: Any updates or information.                                                                                        

Concerns were raised about the condition of Mill Lane/ Causeway as the surface continued to deteriorate, and the undulations become worse. More traffic would be using the route during the development of the housing estate taking place on land off Mill Lane. Cllr Locke was aware that work was planned by LCC Highways and Cllrs asked the clerk to make LCC aware of the continuing deterioration.

7.  Clerk’s Report

No report had been circulated. The Clerk was dealing with outstanding matters and would report back to Council for next meeting.

8.  Planning Matters:                 

a. Planning Applications received: 20/1662/FUL Barn to the rear of Coach and Horses Tattershall Road Lincoln. Alteration of Barn to provide toilet facilities for village events on Coach field. Comments by 30 Jan 2021: Councillors had no objections.

9. To receive Councillors’ Reports 

For information only. Any items for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors (if in attendance)

10.  To resolve whether to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the follow legal and staffing matters. (Should this resolution be passed, members of the press and public will be required to leave the meeting. The meeting will end, and a further meeting of the Council will be convened immediately.)

a. To consider salary review for the Clerk/RFO and Office Assistant

It was agreed that this matter would be considered at another meeting date to be arranged.

Meeting Closed at 8.15pm    





Meeting Closed at 8.15pm