29 November 2021 AFM
Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Annual Finance Meeting held at the Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 29 November 2021 (7.00pm)
Cllr Locke (KL) in Chair, Cllr Catlett (AC), Cllr Dymoke (AD), Cllr Ball (LB), Cllr Liles (WL) and Cllr Willingham (MW)
Clerk & RFO: C Willingham (CW)
Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)
Public Session
2 members of the public were in attendance.
One person explained that he was attending to give any required details regarding two of the Grant Applications.
Having been asked by residents about the recent by election, Cllr Liles asked Parish Councillors why it had been called when there are so many vacancies available for Co-option.
Cllr Locke explained that every time there is a vacancy created by a Councillor leaving, the opportunity arises for 10 residents on the electoral roll to call an election, as a democratic process.
Cllr Willingham asked for public session to be minuted and went on to say that he had applied to be co-opted to join the Parish Council and his application had been unsuccessful.
Reasons included a complaint received from a resident, which left Cllrs questioning his character and suitability as a Councillor. The complaint was subsequently withdrawn and so a full investigation of the facts was not deemed necessary.
Cllr Willingham was surprised to learn that his considerable experience working
in local authority legal teams, did not seem to count. He was also deeply upset and considered he had been treated very badly.
Further, with so many vacancies it made no sense to him for co-option to be refused, having come forward to serve the local community.
There was heated discussion, with eventually everyone agreeing to move forward, and work together on behalf of the people of Billinghay and local area.
1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.
No apologies
2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.
AD declared an interest in Billinghay Village Hall Grant Application.
3. Parish Council Vacancies
One resident had applied for co-option and had completed the pre-co-option procedures.
Action: It was resolved unanimously that Mr S J Harper be co-opted.
4. Finances
a) Parish Grants.
Each of the applications was examined in detail bearing in mind the Council had budgeted £5000 in total for grants. Applications had been received from:
(i) BADAss £3410 for storage container. Doubts were expressed on the suitability of a container for the purpose specified. Also, it was felt that if the Village Hall’s planned extension was completed quickly then the container would not be a requirement for very long. More details of the specification of the Container would be useful to ensure that it was fit for purpose.
(ii) Village Hall Committee £420 for curtains and tracking for the stage. A member of the Village Hall Committee attended and supplied details of the items in question. It was confirmed that the curtain material met the legal requirements. It was commented that the bank balance of the applicant seemed healthy but it was realised that finance was required for the extension.
(iii) Rainbows £90 Room Rental for Group
After a short discussion, it was resolved unanimously that the grant be awarded
(iv) Billinghay Athletic Football Club £4000 New Pavilion Roof
The damage to the roof necessitating the costly repair was explained. It was decided that a representative of the Football Club should attend a meeting to give full details. It was also suggested that the Football Club should liaise with the Village Hall Committee as the new extension project was likely to benefit them.
(v) Billinghay & District Swimming Pool £2800 Benches
It was commented that the Pool had a healthy bank balance but recognised that costly maintenance may be required. Also, the Council wanted to ensure that the proposed benches would be accessible for people with disabilities. For those reasons, it was felt that a representative from the Pool should attend a meeting with the Council.
Action: In view of the queries raised at the meeting and the need to consider the budget constraints that may apply, it was resolved unanimously to defer the final decisions until the Council meeting in January 2022 and request representatives from the applicants to attend to provide essential information.
b) To approve payments made since the last meeting (lists circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting)
Action: It was resolved unanimously to approve the payments.
c) To consider draft Budget for 2022/23 and proposed projects expenditure
Prior to the meeting a detailed breakdown of budget considerations had been compiled and issued to Councillors along with latest Balance Sheet showing relevant figures for the last two years and the budget for 2020 to 2021. Items discussed were:
- Review of the Grass cutting contract – CW will discuss with current contractor
- The need for new and an increased number of litter bins due to increased housing being erected.
- Allotments split Income between Rents and Drainage Rate Charge in future.
- Staff Costs – base this on the current staffing levels.
- Meeting Room Rental – the latest Covid developments may affect this and it was agreed to alter to £260.
- Reserves – in the past we have been asked by the External Auditors to account for our excess of reserves. This has often meant that final approval of our accounts has been delayed while information is supplied. Whilst we have various future expenses we can account for; we must show that these are being reviewed constantly and not just an end of year explanation with no supporting action having taken place.
- A budget for Events of £4000 was suggested
- Possible legal fees
- Additional Projects for the coming year have been identified.
Remembrance Day (contribution to suitable displays in the village (including possible Business Sponsorship)
Full Annual Parish Meeting
Action: Councillors were asked to consider the budget requirements and identify any additional items in time for the next meeting in January when the precept will be set
d) To review and allocate reserves.
This was covered in the budget review above
e) To review cemetery fees
Details of current fees and those for other Parish Councils in the area had been distributed prior to the meeting.
Action: Councillors will consider Income and Expenditure for the relevant items and decide at the January meeting.
f) To review Allotment Fees
MW declared an interest in this item.
Action: It was resolved unanimously that the fees remain unaltered in view of the recent large increase.
g) War Memorial Flowers
The current grant of £450 a year still appears adequate.
Action: It was resolved unanimously to maintain the current grant and to make payments by BACS and record as a specific item on Expenditure so the budget adequacy could be assessed regularly.
5. To review and agree Councillor membership of the following Parish Council Committees
The Clerk had distributed the last list of members for each Committee and this was considerably out of date. After a brief discussion, it was resolved unanimously that the number, scope composition of each Committee be decided at the January meeting. In the interim period, Councillors were asked to put forward details of any Committee on which they wished to serve. The current Committees are listed below
- Policy & Finance
- Environment
- Planning
- HR
- Events & Community
- Cemetery and Allotments
- Emergency Planning
- Neighbourhood Planning
6. Two additional items (as below) were discussed as these had a bearing on the smooth running of the Council:
- Training – the Clerk is to distribute details of the training courses currently available to all Councillors so relevant training can be received.
- Bank Transaction Authorisation – For all expenditure, two Councillors must authorise payment. As there are currently only two authorisers, it was felt that this could cause a problem in the future. It was agreed that the Clerk arrange for two further Councillors to become authorisers, namely LB and WL.
Meeting Closed at 9.29pm