13 September 2021

Notes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held at Billinghay Village Hall, Ringmoor Close on Monday 13 September 2021 (7.00pm)


Cllr Locke (KL) in Chair, Cllr Catlett (AC), Cllr Waters (TW) & Cllr Dymoke (AD)

County Councillor Key (AK)

Parish Clerk & RFO Carol Willingham (CW)

Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)

1 Member of the Public

Public Session

Resident who attended to complete co-option procedures gave details of his background, interests and reasons for wanting to become a Councillor.

1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

No apologies were received other than from District Councillor Ogden as a matter of courtesy.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Register of Interests.

None declared other than possible interest by AC in one of the Planning Applications

3. To approve as correct record and minutes notes of the PC meeting held on 9 August 2021.

It was proposed by KL, seconded by AC, and agreed unanimously that the Notes for the 9 August 2021 be accepted as minutes subject to a minor spelling alteration.

4. Parish Council Co-option:

An application had been received from a resident to be co-opted and circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting. The pre-Co-option procedures had been completed. Mr Leslie Ball was co-opted unanimously.

5. Risk Assessment – NKDC Tree Inspections

To approve payment of £174.90. Report circulated to Councillors and quotations for the work requested. It was proposed by KL, seconded by AC, and agreed unanimously that the fee be paid.

6.  Finances

a) To approve payments made since the last meeting (lists circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting) - it was proposed by KL, seconded by AC, and agreed unanimously.

It was also agreed to show the budget figures on the accompanying Balance Sheet so Councillors can review latest position.

b) To consider purchase Speed Indicator Device (Solar Powered) (SID)

There was a discussion regarding residents who had expressed concern about speeding in the village and the anticipated problems relating to the temporary closure(s) to Walcott Road. The Parish Council has limited powers on Highways matters and it was agreed that their position be clearly stated in the next Newsletter.

The Clerk, after consultation with the Road Safety Partnership, had circulated details of costs and requirements to set up a solar powered SID. The costs plus limitations on suitable locations make this an expensive acquisition. The Road Safety Partnership thought the impact of the device would not make a big difference.

There are currently problems with the deterrents in place, namely:

  1. The existing battery powered SID needs two people to remove the device for re-location and for battery charging. The current shortage of Councillors means that volunteers are necessary to achieve this task and the Council are trying to solve the problem. If this SID was able to be used more the need for the solar powered version would not be necessary.
  2. The Speedwatch team needs more volunteers and with current support cannot operate as often as they would like. The Road Safety Partnership think that the Speedwatch is the most effective method of educating drivers.

It was agreed to ask for volunteers in the Newsletter and prepare leaflets for the current Speedwatch members to hand out when approached by residents who show an interest.

The Clerk agreed to request the statistics from the Speedwatch

c) To consider purchase of Dog bin/Litter Bin for Cornfield Way / Baker Street

It was agreed that the new housing developments within the village were having an impact on the requirements for Dog/Litter Bins. The expansion of the Cornfield Way and Baker Street site exemplified this situation. It was agreed that the Clerk should speak to the site developer about a possible location for a dual-purpose litter bin and with NKDC to agree collection and disposal of the contents.

It was proposed by AC, seconded by KL, and agreed unanimously that a bin be purchased if a suitable location could be found.

In addition, to make residents aware that some of the current bins could be used for dog fouling and ordinary litter, it was agreed to obtain stickers for the bins to make this clear. CW to arrange. The matter will also be highlighted in the Newsletter.

d) To consider renewing the website for the I Play Equipment

Currently the booking system and the website detailing the use of this equipment, is run by a resident. He had requested that the Council took over the administration.

It was proposed by KL, seconded by AD, and agreed unanimously that the renewal be paid. Also, the current use of the equipment is to be checked to ensure the viability in the future.

7. Highways Matters

Damage was reported to the Bridge on Mill Lane (Causeway) – CW to report to LCC.

Several letters/emails had been received from residents regarding speeding including one from the local MP. These had been responded to. There was a concern regarding extra traffic caused by the Walcott Road closures causing speeding problems on Fen Road. The Clerk was asked to obtain some of the new Speed Warning signs for display at suitable locations. Also, she was asked to obtain similar stickers for dustbins to remind drivers of limits.

8. Clerks Report

The Clerk had circulated most of the items to the Councillors prior to the meeting. She also reported that:

  • The Co-op had approached the Parish Council to ask if it wished to apply for the Community Champions initiative at the local store for the winter quarter. Due to deadlines the Clerk had applied for a special colour version of the Newsletter. Now awaiting the outcome.  
  • We are still awaiting the quotation for a new IT system and this had now been promised for Wednesday. Details would be circulated when this is to hand.
  • Mrs Reading who had been co-opted to the Council at the last meeting has decided not to become a Councillor.
  • Councillor Bell had resigned.
  • A letter had been received from Lincolnshire Football Association regarding possible funding to help promote football in the Community. It was agreed to arrange a meeting and also invite a representative of the local football team to attend.

9. Planning Matters.

a) Applications Received

Planning Application Reference: 21/1314/OUT

Proposal:  Outline application for the erection of two 1.5 storey dwellings (all matters reserved)

Location:   Land at Rear Of 58 Walcott Road Billinghay Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 4EN

Clerk asked to send comment regarding times of access and possible privacy problems.

Planning Application Reference: 21/1131/FUL

Proposal:  Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and erection of 2 storey dwelling with separate double garage

Location:   14 Walcott Road Billinghay Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 4EH

A demolition statement had not been included with the application, to detail the safe demolition of the existing nonstandard construction structure believed to contain asbestos. Several residents had expressed concerns and these should be sent to Planning directly or, if by the Clerk, it should be made clear that these were resident’s comments.

Planning Application Reference: 21/1141/FUL

Proposal:  Erection of a dwelling

Location:   Land at The Rear Of 78 High Street Billinghay Lincoln LN4 4AU

No comments

Planning Application Reference: 21/1237HOUS

Four Winds, Gravel Hills/Parsons Drove - Erection of single storey extension.              No comments

b) Applications Approved

21/0854/RESM Land Adjacent To Westholme 42 Fen Road Billinghay

Proposal: Reserved Matters application for erection of a dwelling with access, appearance, landscaping, layout & scale to be considered (following planning permission 18/1320/OUT - Outline application for erection of dwelling)

10. To receive Councillors reports - For information only. Any items for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Reports from County Councillor & District Councillors (if in attendance)

  • AC reported that the road closure equipment had been deposited in the cemetery store. Also, the store doors need some remedial work to open properly. CW to organize.
  • AC has spoken to the vicar regarding the Platinum Jubilee celebrations and the Remembrance Day Parade. The vicar agreed that the Remembrance Day event should follow the usual order.
  • AC reported that as part of the RBL Jubilee Celebrations it was proposed that the RBL plants a tree on the 1st of October (Lincolnshire Day). There is a suitable site on the Market Place. He also reported that the RBL would be willing to fund this if they received written permission and details of what they were allowed to do. Clerk will arrange for this. Certain suitable trees were suggested.
  • KL reported that our Foundation Award is up for review
  • KL stated that there was a need to recruit Councillors for the HR Committee
  • KL & AC had been on a LALC Appraisal Training Course and that a documented system needs implementing.
  • The Clerk mentioned that requests have been received for memorial trees to be planted in the Cemetery. It was considered that, if allowed, their location must not result in the loss of grave spaces. Use of the “Green” burial area was suggested.  The Clerk was asked to add an item to the next agenda to consider fully.
  • Complaints had been received regarding the state of the Shelter at the Sports Field.
  • In view of the amount of litter in and around the bus shelter in Walcott Road, it was felt that a litter bin should be provided. CW was asked to get quotes for a suitable receptacle.
  • The parking of what appeared to be an abandoned vehicle on the High Street was raised. CW was asked to report on Fix My Street (Abandoned Vehicles)

11. To resolve whether to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss staffing matters.

The items below were to be discussed in closed session. However, this was not possible as we are still awaiting detailed estimates for both items.

  1. To consider the quotation for Office Equipment/IT Provision and Support
  1. To consider quotation for tree works following inspection.

The meeting closed at 8.20pm.