1 July 2019

Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 1 July 2019 at the Ringmoor House, Ringmoor Close, Billinghay.


Present: Cllr. Locke (KL) in the Chair, Councillors Chatten (RC), Miller (RM), Kirk (CK), Cassidy (TC) & Bell (AB)

District Councillor Ogden (GO)

District Councillor Sanderson (AS)

Parish Clerk & RFO Carol Willingham (CW)

Minutes Secretary Lou Hird (LH)

2 Members of the Public

Public Session

A local resident attended the meeting as she was interested in becoming a Councillor. The Council had already agreed to using an Enforcement Officer. A potential person introduced himself and gave details of the services that he could offer. These included dealing with dog fouling, litter and behavioural issues. He works in conjunction with NKDC & Police. He would work to guidelines specified by the Council and produce a monthly report.

1 Acceptance of reasons for apologies for Absence

Apologies had been received from Councillor Clark and were accepted.

Apologies had also been received from County Councillor Young.

2 To receive declarations of Interest in Agenda Items

No declarations made

3 Notes of 3 June 2019 to adopt by resolution as true record and minutes

This item was deferred to allow the Clerk to include the full details.

4 Clerk’s Update

  • Two new bins had been ordered. One of these would replace the dog bin on Ballon Walk. The Dog Bin there will be moved to Sprite Lane. The Clerk will identify a suitable location and obtain any permissions necessary.
  • NKDC had been approached regarding the proliferation of illegal signage around the village. The Parish Council have no power to remove these and the Clerk was investigating how we could obtain this. LCC would need approaching to do this. GO advised of another contact at NKDC and the Clerk will contact them. The potential Enforcement Officer explained that he had powers to deal with such issues.

5 Planning Matters


19/0720/RENL Use of temporary building at Glasshouse site – Assisted Living Training Centre. Discussed fully and GO agreed to speak to the Planning Officer regarding issues raised. Council were concerned that the Building was not fit for purpose and may not meet present day standards regarding safety. Ramp access appeared to be on one side of the building only and it was thought that any fire exits also would need this facility. Clerk will pass on comments to Planning.

19/0882/FUL Tattershall Road Garage – details not yet received but comments required by 25 July. Clerk to circulate details when received and ask for an extension for comments.


19/0471/RESM 10 Houses on Walcott Road

Enforcement Officer

At this stage of the meeting, it was proposed by KL, seconded by RC and carried unanimously that the Council go into closed session to discuss the appointment of the Enforcement Officer. The members of the public left the meeting at this point. This was just to agree details as the appointment had been approved at the June meeting. The salient points made were:

  • Residents must be made aware of the appointment in advance and methods of publicity were agreed.
  • Hours were agreed and are to be reviewed in three weeks’ time. – proposed by RC seconded by RM and carried unanimously.
  • The appointment would commence on the 1st August to allow residents to be made aware.

It was agreed that the Clerk arrange a further meeting with the Enforcement Officer to agree a contract and terms.

The meeting was then re-opened and the members of the public re-admitted.

6. Billinghay Emergency Plan Review and Update

Work on this review needs to start immediately and a meeting is being arranged. Publicity is needed to co-opt non-councillors on to the project as their expertise in specific areas would be vital. The existing plan was the basis for the recommended template and so this should make the task simpler.

7. Highways and Police Matters

The police report had been circulated earlier.

Councillors queried when the work on Walcott Road was to be done and it was thought that preparation was already in hand.

The Clerk was asked to follow up the parking problem on Cornfield Way/Mill Lane.

8. Review Policies, Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

Various documents had been circulated prior to the meeting and Councillors were asked for their observations. The comments made were:

  • The GDPR policy needs to be shown on the website
  • The GDPR policy needs to be included in Standing Orders
  • Code of Conduct stipulates that Councillors should attend certain training within six months of election. Training is done by NKDC and LALC. Clerk will provide details.
  • Finance Regulations need a change of date in para 4.2
  • Grant wording needs to be changed to reflect that the maximum amount awarded will not exceed £3000 in total.

9. To consider Community Speed Watch Scheme and SID

TC had prepared a detailed costing for a setting up a Community Speed Watch Scheme. The main factors were:

  • There will need to be a pool of volunteers
  • For each session there needs to be a minimum of three people
  • The checks must be carried out in daylight hours
  • Details of the check will be analysed by the police and the following action taken if 30mph exceeded:
    • First occasion – letter sent from Police
    • Second occasion – a further letter issued
    • Third occasion – goes to court

TC agreed to circulate full details and mentioned that there will be training organised for volunteers.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by KL and carried unanimously that a pool of volunteers be established, training given, and the relevant equipment obtained expected to be around £500.

Volunteers to operate the scheme have already been requested on Facebook.

10. Correspondence

The correspondence had already been circulated

11. Local Plan Review

Details of the revised Local Plan (Central Lincolnshire) had been circulated and sites previously not included for development are now being reconsidered. In addition, the minimum requirement for the number of dwelling has been reduced from 25 to 10. Councillors were asked by the Chair to consider the new Plan and submit comments soon. Factors for review should include:

  • Do we need more housing?
  • Could the infrastructure cope?
  • Are transport facilities adequate?

12. Suggestions for Village Projects and Funding Options

The Community Garden Project at Ringmoor is progressing

Consideration will be given to turning the Closed Cemetery into a Peace Garden.

Councillors were asked to bring ideas for future Village projects to the next meeting.

13. Finance

(a) Payments & Receipts for information – a list of financial transactions for May/June was circulated prior to meeting (see Appendix A). It was proposed that these be accepted by KL, seconded by RM and carried unanimously.

(b) To agree expenditure arising from agenda Items

Agreed in the specific agenda items.

(c) To review and agree financial reserves and investments

The Clerk was asked to investigate the possibility of obtaining a better return on money held and ensuring that the amount of possible financial loss was below the current Maximum. It was suggested that a local Financial Advisor be consulted.

In addition, the Clerk will arrange for extra signatories on the Council Accounts as holidays sometimes stretched resources.

14. Burial Ground & Allotment Business

The Clerk reported that NKDC would not supply one large bin for the Cemetery but, currently, were not charging for the Brown Waste Bin.

15. Councillors Reports

  • District Councillors had little to report as currently training of new Councillors is a priority.
  • The faulty drain cover outside 64 High Street was again reported and the Clerk will send a reminder to Highways.
  • The footpath at the corner of Fen Road and Walcott Road had been damaged – needs reporting to Highways.

Meeting closed 8.57pm