3 April 2023

Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 3 April 2023 at 7pm.

Present: Cllrs Liles (WL) - Chair, Dymoke (AD), Cassidy (TC), Ball (LB), Miller (RM) & Cottrell (SC))

Locum Clerk Andrew Everard (AE)

County Councillor Andrew Key (AK)

Deputy Clerk: Lou Hird (LH)


Public Session

0 members of the public present.

Minutes of the Council Meeting


1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received from Cllr Catlett.

It was proposed by LB, seconded by SC, and unanimously agreed to accept.

Apologies had also been received from District Councillor Ogden.

2To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or other registerable interests in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Registerable Interests' declaration.


3. To receive reports from County and District Councillors.

District Councillor Ogden had advised that NKDC were fully occupied by the        forthcoming elections and there was nothing of import to report.

AK advised that the work that had been agreed after the Park Lane meeting had commenced. It had not yet been completed due to lack of materials. It will be completed as soon as possible. The provision of H bars is now under consideration by Highways and the outcome will be advised as soon as possible.

He also advised that there were numerous large schemes being planned for possible impact upon Billinghay. No application has yet been received but Council agreed to keep a close watch on developments and the completion of Scoping Reports.

4. To accept the notes from Meeting held on 6 March 2023 as Minutes and a true record.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by AD, and unanimously agreed that these be accepted as minutes.

5.  Matters arising and Clerk’s reports

LH confirmed all issues requiring action had been or were being progressed – see report issued prior to the meeting. It was agreed that the dead tree in the cemetery should be removed and agreed to pay up to £60 for the work to be done.

6. Correspondence/Communications  

Correspondence received had already been distributed and included:

  • NKDC Election Information
  • Martin Moor Development
  • Letter from Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Drainage Board increase
  • Methodist Church Grant Letter
  • NALC Newsletter & Bulletin
  • NKDC response re Parish Poll
  • Planning Applications

7. LCC Highways updates

a) SID update – AC had downloaded the statistics and issued a brief analysis of these. The details will be analysed further and published as appropriate.

b) Park Lane Review – Already covered in the County Councillor’s report.

8.  Planning Applications to consider as Statutory consultee


22/0221/FUL           First Hurn Drove – External alterations & landscaping.

23/0300/LBC           Baptist Chapel – demolition of lean-to building.

Council had no comments to make on these two applications.

Consultation  Martin Moor Project – already discussed in the County Councillor’s report.

It was also reported that consultants were seeking information relating to the Park Homes project on the old Lafford site.

9. Finance

a. To approve payments made during March 2023 (list circulated to Cllrs prior to meeting). See Appendix A

It was proposed by TC, seconded by LB, and unanimously agreed that the payments be approved.

b. To approve purchase of a replacement solar panel for the SID

It was proposed by TC, seconded by RM, and unanimously agreed to approve.

c. To consider a donation request from the Citizens Advice Bureau

The request was discussed, and it was proposed by WL, seconded by SC and agreed unanimously to give a donation of £100 to the Bureau.

d. To review and approve the revised Asset Register (circulated prior to the meeting).

The Register had been revised by LH and Cllr Catlett after reviewing the payments made for items purchased since 2012 and checking that everything was accounted for.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by SC, and unanimously agreed to approve the new register.

10. Policies

a) to ratify the recommendation from the Human Resources Committee to sign up to the Civility & Respect Pledge.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by SC, and unanimously agreed to approve.

b) to ratify the supporting amended Dignity at Work Policy.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by SC, and unanimously agreed to approve.

c) to ratify the newly introduced Councillor – Officer protocol

It was proposed by TC, seconded by SC, and unanimously agreed to approve.

d) to consider action needed on Policies requiring review at the Annual Meeting.

The policies had already been identified and Cllr Catlett was working on these. They will be circulated to Councillors prior to the Annual Meeting so that any problems can be sorted prior to the meeting.

11. To review and agree Office Opening Hours and publicise same.

It was proposed by TC, seconded by AD, and unanimously agreed to trial the undernoted Office Opening Hours for a period of six months.

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday from 9.15 to 12.30

12. Risk Assessment – report from Cllrs where applicable

Cllr Catlett had inspected the Grit Bin and the dog bins.

WL had inspected the railings on the Market Place.

13. Emergency Plan Update

WL advised that the process was ongoing and there will be some flyers on display at the Annual Parish Meeting.

14. Arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting (15 May 2023)

It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting will commence at 6.00pm and continue until 8.00pm and refreshments will be made available during this period. There will be a display and information available on the Riparian Project with representatives from LCC and he Environment Agency available for consultation.

The Annual General Council Meeting will commence at 8.00pm

15. Defibrillator at the Fire Station Update

Still awaiting confirmation from LCC that we can mount a defibrillator on the Fire Station.

16. Coronation Event

The Village Hall committee had considered the matter at their recent meeting and concluded that there were already numerous events organised within the village and surrounding areas. They were unable to raise sufficient volunteers to help organise as so many people were arranging their own celebrations. This would make it difficult to provide a suitable function that would be well supported and the decision was made not to proceed further.

17. Any Election Matters

Nothing needed to be discussed.

18. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for next meeting.

Councillors were reminded that the Annual Meeting would include numerous statutory items such as Election of Officers.


Meeting closed at 8.25pm

Billinghay Parish Office ∙Ringmoor Close ∙Ringmoor House ∙Billinghay ∙Lincs ∙LN4 4EY Email info@billinghay-pc.gov.uk Mobile 07483 346143 Mondays Tuesdays and Thursdays                    

Minutes Approved.

Date 15 May 2023


Signed   W Liles