14 September 2020

Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Virtual Meeting held on Monday 14 September 2020 by zoom.


Cllr. Locke in the Chair, Councillors Cassidy (TC) Walters (AW) Bell (AB) and Harvey (FH).

Parish Clerk & RFO Carol Willingham (CW)

District Councillor Gill Ogden (GO)

Minutes Secretary CW

0 Members of the Public

Public Session


1.       To receive and Accept apologies, where valid reasons for absence have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting. (LGA1972 Sch. 12, Para 40)

            No apologies. It was noted that Cllr Chatten had missed over 6 months of meetings which automatically disqualified him from serving as a Cllr.

2.         To receive Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011- being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written consider applications for dispensations in relation to DPI’s.


3.        Accept Notes of the Parish Council Meetings held 17 August 2020 and adopt by resolution as true record and minutes.

It was proposed by TB seconded by TC and carried unanimously that the notes be accepted as minutes.

 4.       Reports from County Councillor and District Councillors (if in attendance)

           GO told Parish Councillors that NKDC were still meeting virtually and officers and staff agile working.

 5.        Co-option of new Councillors to fill vacancies

           It was proposed by TB seconded by FH and resolved that Mr Terry Waters should be co-opted to join the Council. The Clerk would arrange for paperwork to be given to Mr Waters to complete.

 6.        Finances

           a. To approve payments (list circulated to Councillors prior to meeting)

           Proposed KL and Seconded TB resolved to accept as true record.   

           b. To agree purchase of Christmas Tree for Mkt Place approx. £75

           Proposed TB Seconded FH and resolved.

           c. To agree payment of £300 for website information transfer to Intellitech Services Ltd.

           It was Proposed KL and Seconded TC and resolved.

           d. To accept quotations for Mkt Place roundel and consider purchase.

           Quotations had been requested for a memorial, to be located at the Mkt Place to acknowledge and thank the NHS, keyworkers, and others for their efforts during the 2020 pandemic.

           One quotation had been submitted and Clerk was awaiting the receipt of a second quotation. It was expected that the cost would be significant and  ed that an article be included in the newsletter and residents consulted to establish if they supported the memorial, and if they wished to contribute financially.  

           (Clerks note) At this point in the meeting connection was lost for AW who left the meeting.

 7.      Community Speed Watch: Cllr Cassidy

          TC advised that the Speed watch team had been out daily over the last week.  It had not been possible to do a Saturday session as there was still a shortage of volunteers.

           It was acknowledged that a recent grant from Co-op had covered the purchase of most of the equipment needed to operate the project and had allowed the team to address an issue often raised as a concern among residents.     

 8.       Clerks’ Report

           ∙ Litter bins had been delivered: one to be placed on Mill Lane and a spare.

           ∙ 2 Old Parish Council laptops needed to be disposed of securely. The Clerk had been made aware that a company in Horncastle would do this for £48 and provide certificates to confirm that data was safely destroyed. As this was part of routine office admin and within the clerks delegated powers it was agreed that it did not need to be an agenda item.

           ∙ Cllr Jim Jackson had sent a letter of resignation, due to personal issues.

           The Clerk had thanked him for his time as a councillor on behalf of the other Cllrs, and also received training for monitoring water levels at Walcott Road Cemetery. The equipment for doing the readings had been returned to the office. It would need to be agreed who would carry out the testing in future.

           ∙ A request to place a memorial bench at Walcott Road Cemetery had been received. The family had received donations from family and friends to purchase the bench. It was agreed that this was in order so long as it was safely fixed.      

9.        Planning Matters            

           Planning Applications:

           20/0142/OUT 69 Walcott Road demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 new dormer bungalows.

           Approved Applications:            

            20/0877/HOUS  78 Skirth Road Billinghay

               Proposed dropped kerb and hardstanding at the front of property (Retrospective)           

         10.      Boundary Review:

Consultation was still running for residents to submit comments. It was expected that our ward would retain 2 District Councillors.

        11.      Cllrs Reports and items for next agenda.                                                            

           It was resolved to hold meetings by ‘Teams’ which would allow more functions and longer meetings.

Meeting closed at 7.30pm