3 July 2023


Minutes of the Meeting of Billinghay Parish Council held at Billinghay Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street on Monday 3 July 2023 at 7.00pm.


Cllrs Liles (WL, Catlett (AC), Ball (LB), Miller (RM), & Cottrell (SC)

Acting Clerk: Andrew Everard (AE)

Deputy Clerk: Lou Hird (LH)

 Public Session

0 members of the public present.

Minutes of the Council Meeting

1. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received from Councillors Greetham, Dymoke and Cassidy. It was proposed by AC, seconded by LB, and agreed unanimously that these be accepted. Apologies had also been received from District Cllr Ogden and County Cllr Key.

2.  To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or other registerable interests in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Registerable Interests' declaration.

None declared.   

3. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.

Not in attendance

4. To accept the notes from the Meeting of 5 June 2023 as minutes and a true record.

It was proposed by LB, seconded by AC, and agreed unanimously that they be accepted.

To accept the notes from the Meeting of 26 June 2023 as minutes and a true record.

It was. proposed by RM, seconded by SC, and agreed unanimously that they be accepted.

To receive and adopt the draft minutes of the HR Committee Meeting of 8 June 2023.

It was. proposed by AC, seconded by SC, and agreed unanimously that they be accepted.

5. Matters arising and Clerk’s notes.

The documentation for these had been circulated for review prior to the meeting. LH also added that he had written to the County Councillor regarding the missing Village sign on Walcott Road and the possibility of one on Mill Lane/Causeway Road.

6. Correspondence

Items forwarded:  LALC Training, Planning, LALC & NALC Newsletters and Bulletins, Martin Moor Correspondence, Category A Scoping Document – Walcott Farm, Internal Audit Report, Policing Change info, LALC Summer Conference. LCC Litter picking kits. Grant Completion – Billinghay FC.

7. LCC Highways updates

a. Update on Park Lane – Cllr Dymoke was not present and so matter deferred until next meeting.

b. Further SID - AC investigating requirements before an order is placed.

8. Planning Applications to consider as Statutory consultee


23/0685/TPO          Blair House   Tree pruning - No comments already advised to NKDC.

9. Finance

a. To approve payments made during June 2023 (list circulated to Councillors) See Appendix A

It was proposed by AC, seconded by LB, and agreed unanimously to approve the payments.

b. To approve purchase of Remembrance Wreath £25.00

It was proposed by RM, seconded by SC, and agreed unanimously to approve.

10. No item 10 on the issued agenda.

11. Policy Review – to approve the amendments below (circulated by AC prior to the meeting)

PCD011 Health and Safety (attached). This review was due and got missed. Two minor changes in red. 

PCD013. Anti-fraud and corruption policy (attached). Review and approve as attached. First part rewritten more in line with LCC policy.

PCD015. Confidential reporting policy. Remove this policy as it duplicates the policy already in PCD014 Whistleblowing, which covers these issues. 

PCD025. Environment policy (attached). Rewritten to reflect LALC template and name change to 'Environment and Sustainability Policy'

PCD033. Planning and Environment committee. Remove as we no longer have a committee under this name. if committees were reformed then TORs would need reviewing / rewriting anyway.

PCD035. Community Engagement Committee. Remove as we no longer have a committee under this name. 

It was proposed by AC, seconded by LB, and agreed unanimously to approve.

12. Riparian Project – further action

Ideas were requested for ways to take the project further. As the main aim is to let everyone know their responsibilities on the subject, it was agreed that possible publicity about relevant facts would be useful. We have had one query which has been passed to the LCC Flood Risk team. It was agreed to await a response from this before deciding.

13. To note LALC AGM took place on 29th June, votes submitted, and the results

AE advised that the meeting was not quorate and so a further meeting is being arranged. The election of a Management Committee was completed.

14. Consider LCC offer of Town & Parish Council Litter Picking Kits

It was agreed to order 10 kits. LH to arrange.

15. Reports from Councillors and any agenda items for next meeting.

  • LH advised that several residents had requested a resume of Council Meetings to be included although full details are available on the Parish website.
  • A review of payment authorities was requested for the next meeting.
  • WL suggested we place our order for a Xmas Tree – LH to contact the supplier.
  • LB mentioned the possibility of a defibrillator at the Village Hall. It is still hoped to locate the new one at the Fire Station and we are awaiting details from LCC and Kier.
  • LB advised that he had been in touch with the applicants for the Bio Plant at Walcott Road. A meeting has been arranged for 4 of the project members to meet with the Council on Monday 17 July. As soon as a time for the meeting is known, Councillors will be advised, and a suitable venue identified.

16. To consider and resolve to exclude the press and public to discuss confidential matters relating to individuals in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

It was proposed by WL, seconded by AC, and agreed unanimously.

17. To receive update on long-term absence of employee and to approve arrangements being made by the HR Committee in accordance with the Standing Orders.

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED to delegate to the Acting Clerk to instruct the Council’s solicitor to conduct the following negotiation via ACAS

  • to mutually agree to terminate employment on 30th June 2023 with the Clerk
  • to settle any outstanding Employment Tribunal case and any other grievances for the ex-gratia tax-free sum of £10,000
  • to pay contractual payments for 214 hours of accrued leave and twelve weeks’ pay in lieu of notice subject to tax and NI.
  • to increase hourly pay by this year’s pay increase to £15.30 per hour effective from 1/4/2023 in full and final settlement.


Meeting Closed at 8.10pm


Appendix A











Paul Riddel

Skip Hire




Billinghay Methodist Chapel

Room Hire


LGA1972 S111


KS Accounting

Internal Audit


LGA1972 S111


SCIS 34209

Internet Provider


LGA1972 S111



Water Rates Cemetery




SCIS 7855

Internet Provider


LGA1972 S111





LGA1972 S111


M Hird

Printing Paper


LGA1972 S111


BT Mobile

Office Mobile


LGA1972 S111


Staff Costs

Salaries Pensions Tax & NI


LGA1972 S111


FCC Environment (Playpark)

Grant (2022to23)




M Rear June

Grass Cutting







M H Sivill - Mason






Interest (rec'd June)





News Ad




Bank Interest

