7 October 2019

Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 7 October 2019 at the Ringmoor House, Ringmoor Close, Billinghay.


Cllr. Locke (KL) in the Chair, Councillors Chatten (RC), Cassidy (TC) Clark (SC) Bell (AB) Frankie Harvey (FH) Jim Jackson (JJ) and Alice Walters (AW)

District Cllrs Ogden (GO) and Sanderson (AS)

Parish Clerk & RFO and Minutes Secretary Carol Willingham (CW)

Mrs C Markham from FH Manning attended to present report advising Cllrs about Investments available to Parish Councils

1 member of public attended

Public Session

Mrs Markham gave information about sources of low risk investment that would provide interest on funds invested for 1 year.

1. Acceptance of reasons for apologies for Absence

Apologies had been received from Cllr Miller (personal) and also from County Councillor Young. The Clerk advised that Cllr Kirk had resigned due to ill health. Cllrs expressed sadness at the news and wished to pass on thanks and appreciation for Cllr Kirk’s time serving the community as a valued member of the Parish Council. There are currently 2 vacancies

Pro RC sec TB unanimously agreed.

2. To receive declarations of Interest in Agenda Items

None declared.

3. Notes of 2 September 2019 to adopt by resolution as true record and minutes

It was proposed by TB, seconded by TC and carried unanimously that the notes for 2 September 2019 be accepted as minutes.

4. To request/receive updates on minutes of September 2019 meeting.

  • Poppy wreath ordered from RBL Billinghay branch
  • New Cllrs Declaration of Interest forms had been sent to NKDC

5. To agree meeting dates for PC and Committee meetings for 2020

Quiscom 20 Jan 2020

6. To complete Councillor Biography forms

Cllrs were given forms to complete and return to clerk.

7. To receive an update on planning matters: TB updated cllrs (who were not members of Planning Committee) on Planning Meeting held at 6.30pm.

8. To request an update on Highways and Police Matters

Cllr Young had advised that LCC intended to remove lamp posts along the A153 as you leave Billinghay, to save on the cost of maintenance. He also confirmed that lighting took a while to regulate with the clock change in late October. Low manhole cover and blocked drain on Walcott Road reported to LCC.

9. To receive an update from QUISCOM committee:

Meeting not held as not quorate.

a. Review and acceptance of the following Policies: Standing Orders; Financial Regs;Community Grant Fund and Grant application form.

b. To consider and approve the raising of Community Grant to £5000.00 total. Pro KL sec TC agreed unanimously.

10. To request receive from the Environment Committee (RC.RM.TC.AW.KL).

a. Environment Wardens Report (circulated prior to meeting) The cost of warden was queried, and it was explained that the warden was not an employee but contracted and therefore responsible for his business costs etc. It was agreed that the service was good value and shown to be effective.

b. To consider purchase of advisory warden signage – Cllr Locke

Pro TC sec SC resolved.

c. To receive an update on burial matters and the grey-water run- off risk assessment. Further information was required to allow cllrs to make a decision on this item.

d. To receive an update on allotment matters. Rent request letters, and notification of rent increases had been sent out to allotment holders.

e. To consider residents request for purchase of land owned by Parish Council.

Residents had asked, if they could purchase an area of land owned by Parish Council to extend a driveway. Cllrs agreed that they would consider the request but further research was needed. The clerk would establish the situation.

f. To receive a report on the playing field land at the former Lafford High School site. It had been confirmed that a temporary structure, such as a portakabin, pavilion or other removable structure could be placed on an area of land at Lafford site for community use. The costs of repair maintenance and future removal should the lease expire, would fall to the occupier.

Costs of drainage and installation of service media would need to be installed underground to serve the building.

11. To request/receive update on Community Speedwatch Scheme

Cllr Cassidy TC was meeting with Scheme representative to agree locations for The scheme to operate.

12. To request/receive and update from the Emergency Community Plan Committee.

The Committee had appointed SC as chair. Members were to attend the resilience conference on 21 Oct at Grantham. Next meeting of EPC would be held on 28 Oct at Ringmoor.

13. Finance

a) To agree financial activity since last meeting. Information had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was Pro SC and Sec TC unanimous that this was a true record of financial activity.

b) To agree purchase of an emergency box as part of the Emergency Plan

It was pro SC sec TC and resolved to spend no more than £300. The box would be kept at The Parish Office.

c) To consider and agree EA Groundwater Risk Assessment @£4900+vat Item not progressed as more information required.

d) To consider investing with Octopus It was pro KL and sec TC to invest funds with Octopus. The account was low risk.

14. Correspondence received

Circulated to cllrs

15. Clerk’s Report

  • External Audit had been completed and advertised.
  • The clerk had reminded The Ship that they had not invoiced PC for Buffet in May.
  • I play Update. The equipment had been checked and was found to be Working. As it is solar powered, there is more difficulty using it in winter months. The equipment is currently only available out of school hours which restricted its use. I play had offered training for any group and school.

16. Members’ Reports

Cllrs Ogden and Sanderson updated cllrs about matters at NKDC currently being dealt with such as budget calculations and paper recycling schemes running in some villages with purple bin collections.

There had been good reports about the grass cutting in the cemetery.

KL wondered if Twinning Group would like to plant bulbs along Ballon Walk

SC had raised concerns a number of times about the football shelter Playing Field as it was damaged.

Meeting Closed at 9pm