Neighbourhood Planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and growth of the local area, such as by choosing where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built; have a say on what the buildings look like and what infrastructure should be provided. It was introduced by the Localism Act 2011 and Billinghay began the process in 2014 when it decided to take charge of its own future and develop a plan which met its own requirements and desires for the village. 

The Parish Council agreed to establish a separate project management arrangement to facilitate the delivery of the plan-making function through the Neighbourhood Plan working group. The purpose of the working group was to design and oversee the process that will result in the creation of a Plan with the following vision:

To enable sustainable growth and development, preserve and enhance the quality of life for the community, and safeguard and protect environmental quality, including special historical characteristics of the neighbourhood. 

Following a referendum, the Billinghay Neighbourhood Plan was approved and adopted by North Kesteven District Council in April 2020.